Huang Tao and Wang Liang both had a very bad premonition.

Gao is always the supreme head of the military region, and he is the leader in personnel punishment.

In other words, he really has this authority to punish whomever he wants.

Is it because of Chen Jun that he wants to deal with it seriously?

They are all old fritters, and they are also very clear about Mr. Gao's temper, looking at his posture, they must not be able to dodge.

Sure enough, Mr. Gao looked at Huang Tao indifferently and said: "Huang Tao, this matter, although you are not involved, but you are the main leader, even if you are not involved, you have the responsibility of negligence, now let you think about it behind closed doors for three days, write 100,000 words, no, 200,000 words of thought report, 100,000 words of personal thought, and analyze the thoughts of your subordinates, it is also 100,000 words!" "

I'm going... Huang Tao is about to cry, it is outrageous enough to write a 100,000-word thought report by himself, who has ever heard of writing a 100,000-word thought report? It's not a novel!

The most terrifying thing is that I have to write a report of 100,000 thoughts of my subordinates, analyze other people's thoughts, I am an immortal, how do I know what others are thinking in their heads?

Lose your marbles!

Huang Tao felt like the world was about to collapse.

This matter has nothing to do with himself, Wang Liang's orders from his superiors, Wang Liang made his own decisions, and he didn't ask him for instructions.

But he had to take the blame, and Huang Tao felt that he was more wronged than Dou E.

He was about to speak, but he heard Mr. Gao speak again: "One demerit punishment, and another demotion for you, I don't think you are suitable to sit too high, do you agree?" "

Huang Tao is going to cry, you have announced it, can I disagree?

"Yes!" Huang Tao said.

He is very aware of Mr. Gao's temper, and if he refutes at this time, the consequences of the punishment will be even heavier.

Now, we can only wait for his anger to subside, and then we can see.

Why don't you just go out and come back like this, hey, is this called flying disaster?

It took me ten years to get to this position, but a low-level mistake by my subordinates was taken down... Who did Lao Tzu provoke?

Hey, this is something that can't be helped, he is the leader of this department, and if something goes wrong, he has to take responsibility.

It's all Wang Liang, who is causing trouble, who doesn't provoke, why do you want to provoke Chen Jun, a big thorn?

Huang Tao couldn't wait to kick Wang Liang a few times, why didn't he know he was so pitiful before?

Wang Liang was dumbfounded, Huang Tao didn't do anything, but he was punished and demoted, thought about it behind closed doors, and wrote a 200,000-word thought report, too harsh, right?

He was punished so heavily, wouldn't he be even heavier?

Wang Liang's body began to tremble slightly, feeling that he was a live fish on the chopping board, and he would be shot to death at any time.

But what can he say now?

Mr. Gao was furious, this was ignited by him, and now he can only blame himself for underestimating Chen Jun's status in the eyes of the chief.

Wang Liang could only pray in his heart, if he was given another chance, he would never touch Chen Jun, he would hide as far as he could!

Sure enough, after announcing the punishment of Huang Tao, Mr. Gao looked at Wang Liang.

"Wang Liang, as a supervisor and law enforcer, did not respect the facts, punished at will, insulted the hero, and had a bad impact in the military region and even the country, The consequences are very serious, he was given a three-level demotion punishment, he thought about it behind closed doors for 3 months, and wrote a million-word ideological report, do you have any opinions?"

it... After three months of a million-word novel, Wang Liang's body trembled.

It's not terrible to be demoted three levels in a row, and when he reaches his level, it won't take long for him to rise back again, but this million-word ideological report is life-threatening.

Huang Tao wrote a 200,000-word thought report, Wang Liang felt outrageous, and now let himself write millions, this is a perversion.

He said tremblingly: "Chief, I admit the other punishments, but who can write a million-word report, and I don't write novels, I can't write it, chief, can you have less?" "

Wang Liang is really going to collapse.

He used to write a report, and it was very good to write a 3,000-word report, not to mention that he basically wrote it by his subordinates and revised it himself, so he basically didn't have to do it himself.

Now write a million ....... Damn!

Huang Tao listened on the side, his face changed and changed, this punishment is really perverted, you can imagine how angry Mr. Gao is in his heart.

When Chen Jun heard this, he was also stunned for a moment, Mr. Gao's punishment... Ruthless enough!

The lieutenant in charge of taking the notes was dumbfounded.

The chief's punishment is really amazing.

Three months of millions of words, that is, 10,000 per day, or thought reports, even old birds who write novels, may not be able to do it.

Mr. Gao's punishment....... Whoever sees him in the future will be afraid.

As a result, Mr. Gao stared at Wang Liang solemnly, and said angrily: "Did you arrest people, through the brain?" You have a problem in your brain, a person with a problem, what is it to write a million words? Many authors have problems with their brains, when writing novels, they inject water everywhere, if you don't know how to write, go to Tomato to read novels to learn, there are any genres, and it's free, remember to reward the author, don't be so stingy, the god certification starts. Wang

Liang was completely stunned!

He gritted his teeth and shouted: "Report chief, I have no opinion, I will read novels and write a million-word report!" "

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