
When he said the word "soldier", Chen Jun obviously accentuated his tone.

As a soldier, he knows how to protect the people, but because he is a soldier, he knows how precious and difficult the peace he protects.

He will protect the country and the people at all times, but not the unreasonable and inhumane people.

It's like this female college student in front of me, blinded by interests!

Chen Jun's roar became louder and louder, "If you don't want to be a Yanguo person, change your nationality and go abroad, you are not welcome here, you need people with backbones here, and you don't need to lick the dog when you can't get up on your knees." After the

scolding, there was silence.

The female college student's face was extremely ugly and she lowered her head.

The soldier's words scared her, and from the other party's words, she smelled unprecedented fear.

This soldier looks so scary!

She felt that if she dared to say more, the other party would definitely do it!

The people around were also quiet, I didn't expect the soldiers to be so angry and scolded so harshly.

"Well played! Good scolding! Suddenly

, I don't know who roared, and the people around me began to applaud.

"She deserves to be beaten, blind, and her heart is blinded by lard, so she dares to say something like that, and she should be woken up."

"Arrest her and send her to prison, it's so inhumane that you dare to shield a criminal."

"What kind of thing is too boneless, if you are good, go abroad, don't be here, enjoy everything in the country, and help foreign criminals, such people should be sent to prison."

"Yanguo was originally invaded and rose, but now he is kneeling and licking foreigners, he is still a criminal, he has a beautiful face, but he is a blind man."

"If it's my daughter, I'll just kill her, whatever, eat inside and out."

"Grab her, don't bother with someone like that."

"Soldiers, police, arrest her, we will testify to you, it is so inhumane, she attacked the soldiers, and intentionally threatened the soldiers..."

Chen Jun's words completely ignited the powder keg in the hearts of the people present, and scolded the female college student so much that he didn't dare to say anything.

Even the two traffic policemen shook their heads and sighed, but they didn't scold, just persuaded her to leave quickly.

At the beginning, everyone was also worried about the negative impact that the soldier's beating would have on the soldier, but after hearing the soldier's words, they couldn't help it and stood up to speak for the soldier.

Seeing this scene, Chen Jun breathed a sigh of relief, and his anger disappeared a little, although there are licking dogs in China, most of them are distinguishing between right and wrong.

The rise of the country has not been for a long time, and some people have not raised their knees, so there will be some garbage people, but such garbage is not worthy of being Yanguo people.

Chen Jun was really chilled by the performance of the female college student, but he did not arrest the other party according to the people's words.

After all, the other party did not commit a crime, and that slap was enough to make her restrain herself.

After being slapped in the face, and then seeing the accusations of the people around her, and the people taking pictures, the media came, and the female students were so frightened that they couldn't raise their heads, their faces were so red that they immediately turned around and left.

"Ah, she's gone like that, it's too cheap for her."

"Yes, a person without a backbone, even a soldier dares to scold, he should be arrested together."

"We can't catch her without evidence, but we can take pictures of her ugly side and expose her ugly side to the Internet, and public opinion can crush her to death, and in this life, she will never want to stand up."

"Okay, make her public, hack her, it's too conscienceless..."

Seeing the female college student leaving, many people followed behind and took pictures of Titicaca, including some media.

At that moment, Chen Jun knew that that girl was afraid that she would have no future.

You will not live!

Chen Jun did not stop the people's approach, because he felt that it was not worth it, at least it would be able to wake up a person.

Of course, if such news is put on the Internet, it is also a warning for scum like college students.

Sometimes, the opposite of education is also a kind of education.

Chen Jun sighed, looked at the two traffic policemen and said, "Take him back and interrogate him well." "


Two enforcers came over and unceremoniously dragged the up.

At this time, an enforcer looked at the and asked solemnly, "You still have a companion, where is it?" "

There's a companion to you?

Hearing this, Chen Jun frowned slightly, originally, he thought it was over, and he was going to go back to see An Ran, after all, An Ran was still a pregnant woman, and he couldn't rest assured that he was taking care of the wounded.

At this point, he stopped and looked over.

Faced with the questioning of the law enforcers, the black man actually looked confused, pretended not to understand, and shouted in English, "I don't know what you say, I don't understand."

Hearing this, the two law enforcers did not understand English, their faces became a little ugly, and they discussed taking them back first and changing them for interrogation.

Don't understand Chinese?


Chen Jun snorted coldly, walked over and said to the law enforcer: "This guy can't hear Chinese anyway, it's better, pull it back to fight, and when the time comes, when you ask, you will say that you don't understand, thinking that he can scold people."

Hearing this, the eyes of the two law enforcers lit up directly.

An enforcer nodded again and again, "It makes sense, this guy is very hateful, go back and take good care of him, look at him, I am also soft-handed, I have done all the bad things, it's too annoying." "

Good fellow, I don't understand Chinese, okay, give him a meal."

Because of the injury of their comrades-in-arms, the two enforcers hated this black man even more.

They have been holding back the fire for a long time, and this is a good opportunity to vent their anger.

Hearing the words of the enforcer, the immediately panicked, if he was dragged to beat up, would he still have a way to live?

After coming to Yanguo for so long, he naturally heard about some methods in prisons, and historically, Yanguo's methods of extorting confessions were very terrifying.

In addition, there was no one around him, and he didn't know that he was killed.

In the next second, the black man's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly said: "I know Chinese, I can understand..."

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