
Chen Jun's words, the guard's expression immediately became serious, you must know that the key responsibility of the guard is to protect the safety of the people around him.

It's a bit of a dereliction of duty to let a thief sneak in from front of your eyes.

The guard's face was not very good-looking, "If I knew this, I would have caught him just now and let him in, it would be a bit of trouble." "

If it's really a thief, the guards also want to catch the other party, but now that the other party is protected after entering, it is not so easy to catch.

Hearing this, Chen Jun frowned slightly, "Can't we go in directly?"

The guard hesitated for a moment, his face was embarrassed, after all, this is not an ordinary place, especially those devils are specially protected, and ordinary people can't touch them.

Otherwise, he also wanted to go in and catch the thief, and the next second, he shook his head directly, "It shouldn't work, what is represented here is sovereignty, unless there is an order from above, you can't just go in." Hearing

this word, the faces of the two law enforcement traffic policemen around him were difficult to look at.

"If we can't get in, it's going to be hard to catch them. "

Yes, this is the embassy, we can't get in without the order from above, what should we do?"

At this time, Chen Jun's face became extremely serious, he knew that there were some deep things involved.

Maybe it's the privilege that the brainless female college student said.

When the gringos came to the Yan country, they did have some privileges to protect, but if these people enjoyed the special protection of the Yan country and deliberately did something that harmed the interests of the people of the Yan country, no one could tolerate it.

Chen Jun was the first to not be able to do such a thing, but in the end, he still nodded and did not break in directly, after all, in terms of force, the other party could not stop him, but he also knew that this guard was difficult to do.

The guard still has to work here, and he definitely doesn't have this power to stand guard, but the criminals are not tolerated, and the next second, Chen Jun spoke in a different way.

"In this way, I will take care of anything, you first remember that your identity is a soldier of the Yan Kingdom.

After speaking, Chen Jun directly took out his ID and handed it over, "This is my ID, if there is anything, write it on my head, you can register it first." "

The guards and law enforcement traffic police have no power and will think a lot, Chen Jun can understand it, but he has experienced the battlefield and does not want to let go of any enemy, even if it is just a thief.

The peace of the Yan country is for the people, not for raising one more thief.


Hearing Chen Jun's words, the guard's face was a little embarrassed, and he did hesitate just now.

To put it bluntly, there is no courage, but the thieves are still afraid in front of them, and they have no confidence.

Is this still called a soldier?

The guard took a deep breath, plucked up courage, and took Chen Jun's certificate.

I have to say that just when he knew that he was going to catch the thief, the guard was also angry in his heart, and he wanted to start arresting people immediately, but subconsciously thought of the problem of his own small power, so he didn't dare to go in and arrest people directly.

Now seeing that this young soldier actually stood up bravely, he had to feel ashamed.

The guard glanced at Chen Jun in admiration, then lowered his head and glanced at his documents, and in the next second, as if he had been stimulated by something, his eyes suddenly widened, and he immediately gasped.


, this young soldier is actually a colonel?


guard's face was full of horror, and when he looked up at Chen Jun, his eyes changed sharply, and in addition to admiration, he was also shocked.

He never dreamed that this young man would have such a terrifying identity, even if the colonel was a colonel, he was still the captain of a commando team.


willing to make a move, and that guy can't escape.

The guard saluted Chen Jun again, then returned the document to him, and finally said, "I asked our consul's section chief to come out, and you told him, is it okay?" Chen Jun

nodded, not too embarrassed by the guard, after all, he knew that a guard did not have much power, and the other party could agree to be very cooperative.

Not long after, a devil with a mustache walked out.

When the guard saw the section chief coming out, he immediately introduced Chen Jun: "Chief, this is our consular section chief, Mr. Muto.

After speaking, he looked at the section chief again and said, "Section chief, this is Colonel Chen."

Muto nodded slightly, looked at Chen Jun and asked directly, "You guys are here, what's the matter?" Chen Jun didn't

bird that lukewarm Muto, looked back at the law enforcement officer behind him and nodded, "Take out the video and show it to him."


One of the law enforcement officers took out the video recorder and played, introducing: "This person in the video is a thief, we need to catch it, steal things, and hurt people."

Muto watched all the videos quietly without speaking, and then said with a blank face: "I know about this, thank you, but he is our citizen, we will interrogate."

"I'll give you an explanation afterwards, if he really committed a crime, we will send him back to deal with it."

In the end, the guy smiled and was very polite, but that smile made Chen Jun think of a sentence.

"Knowing small courtesies but not big righteousness. "

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