Hearing this, Chen Jun's expression was a little sluggish, and he was a little surprised, he did not receive such news.

"Wolf Head, what kind of exercise are you talking about?" Hearing

Chen Jun's words, He Zhijun seemed to think of something, and his brows furrowed slightly, "It is the exercise between the Southeast Military Region and the Southwest Military Region, which is quite large, do you participate?"

Chen Jun was deeply surprised, after all, the hacker commando team was directly under the Southeast Military Region, and there was no reason for it to be ignored.

It is no exaggeration to say that the hacker commandos are more capable of maneuvering than any commando.

Chen Jun shook his head directly, "I didn't receive the notice of the exercise. "

It sees, he really hasn't been notified.

Hearing this, He Zhijun finally understood why Chen Jun asked that, it turned out that he really didn't know.

After thinking about it, He Zhijun looked at Chen Jun and nodded, "It seems that the chief has other arrangements for you."

After saying that, he immediately left with Lao Gao, leaving Chen Jun with a stunned face.


kind of arrangement will it be,

and what kind of arrangement will it be, which is more important than

the exercise? Chen Jun was also a little puzzled; Generally speaking, the hacker commandos would definitely participate in such a large-scale exercise, but he did not receive a notice.

This thing looks very weird, unless, according to what the old chief said, it is very likely that Mr. Gao has another arrangement for the hacker commando.

On the side, An Ran, who had been waiting to make tea for them on the spot, saw He Zhijun and the two leaving, she looked at Chen Jun and said, "Don't think about it, the hacker commando team will definitely not be shelved, it should be another arrangement."

Chen Jun nodded, "Sort of, it's okay, let's go, go and see you train female soldiers."

"Okay, let's go over together.

Chen Jun and An Ran had just gotten up and were about to go over, when they heard someone call him to listen to the phone.

"Team Chen, the headquarters has called, specifying that they are looking for you. Hearing

these three words, Chen Jun's spirit sank, and he immediately became serious, and then ran over to answer the phone.

"Hello, I'm Chen Jun. The

caller was Deputy Commander Wang, and on the phone, he said mysteriously: "Chen Jun, if you have something urgent, you can come over immediately."

"Okay. The

moment he hung up the phone, Chen Jun's expression became more serious.

An Ran, who came from behind, saw Chen Jun's expression, his face also changed serious, and asked directly: "How is it, there is a task?" Chen Jun

nodded, "I don't know the specifics, but I have a hunch that I shouldn't be able to run away, I'll go to the headquarters first and talk about it later." "

Okay, you go, I'm going to start taking female soldiers too."

Chen Jun nodded and drove straight to the headquarters.

Half an hour later, Chen Jun walked into the headquarters office, and the moment he walked in, he found that Wen Guoqiang from the Donghai Hall was also there.

As soon as he saw Chen Jun, Wen Guoqiang greeted him warmly, he looked at

Chen Jun and lowered his voice, and said, "Something happened?" Hearing this, Chen Jun frowned slightly, "What's the matter?" Chen Jun didn't

have a particularly good impression of this Wen situation, but he would also respect the other party, and when he heard this, he also became a little serious.

Wen Guoqiang said solemnly: "Something about Nuoka." A

flash of surprise flashed in Chen Jun's eyes, "Didn't Nuoka be killed?"


long before him, he did take the people of the Fire Phoenix, and the police uprooted the Nuoka Group.

Wen Guoqiang nodded, "Yes, the Nuoka Group has been cleared, but we interrogated some information, there are other bosses behind him, this is the culprit, and many tasks are released by him." Hearing

this, Chen Jun also became serious, he had the impression that there was indeed a boss behind Nuoka, but the original book did not mention it in the end, after all, it was violated, or because the other party's identity was too terrifying.

Now, this big boss actually jumped out of the activity because of the glutinous card being pulled, because his interests were involved.

In general, if there is no loss of interest, those guys will hide deeply.

Chen Jun's face was serious, "If this is the case, pay more attention to it, what is the specific situation now?"

Wen Ju nodded, "That's right, in the past, the actual controller of the Jin region was Kun Sha, and Nuoka was his subordinate, but Kun Sha was whitewashed, and he entered the official, became a general, and controlled Nuoka."

"That is to say, the real BOSS, he receives a huge remuneration every year through the glutinous card, and then distributes it to others in the government.

Hearing the back and forth relationship between these people, Chen Jun was even more surprised, but he didn't expect that these people would be so good at playing.

However, I am relieved when I think about it, after all, there is a big problem here, and it must be all kinds of inversions, otherwise, it is easy to have problems.

Chen Jun nodded, "I see, but this is very sensitive."

Wen Ju grinned, "That's it, but even if Nuoka is caught, the other party still hasn't stopped, after all, the clues have not been broken, and they continue to deliver poison in, their benefits are great, and no one wants to interrupt."

"Next, we're going to do a campaign called Thunder, and we want you to help. "

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