
Kun Sha's mood was on the verge of collapse, and he jumped up and yelled directly.

This idea was naturally not an arrangement given to him by Chen Jun, but because of fear, he wanted to surrender from the bottom of his heart.

The explosion just now really scared his guts, if he ran a step slower, his life would be over.

Before coming, he said that he would cooperate with them well, but as a result, the soldiers of Yanguo made a move, even disregarding his life.

This is running on the edge of death!

No matter how good Kunsha's mentality is, he has no stamina, and he suppresses his fear, like an ant in a hot pot, and jumps in a hurry.

And General Mbale and the others were already in a state of collapse in their hearts, and when they heard Kun Sha shouting like this, they were suddenly even more afraid.

In the next second, Mbale also shouted, "Lao Tzu has already said, don't mess with the people of Yanguo, cooperate with them to give up the Yanguo market, you have to quarrel, now let's fire them all, they want to kill us directly."

"Especially, if your life is gone, what's the point of making money, if you die, will the rest of the money and women be taken over by the newcomer?"

Seeing Mbale standing up and shouting, General Musk also shouted there, "Fool, you don't have to compete with the inhumane Yanguo people, you really have to die, only to know that you regret it, and it's too late."

"Now, my ugly words are ahead, if anyone dares to discooperate with the people of Yanguo and want to mess around, I won't give me any affection, if you want to die, just go, I will definitely not accompany you."

"I don't accompany either, those who know the times are Junjie, the soldiers of Yanguo are the last warning this time, next time, it may not just blow up and let us escape, I support cooperation with them."

"I also support cooperating with them..."The

other members of the team with Mbale stood up one after another, and at this time, the four generals who did not support Mbale in the first place could only nod silently when they saw that Kun Sha was all back.

There is no way, at this moment, their hearts also collapsed, and they are afraid of struggling to the death for three or five times!

Besides, such a secret place has been infiltrated, what other place is safe?

The point is, they don't know how the people of Yanguo came to the door, no matter where they are, they can sneak in anyway, and they have successfully avoided all surveillance.

In the face of such an enemy, there is no security at all, and it is terrible to think about.

Of course, none of these people knew that the one who could let Chen Jun in was Kunsha, who was the most arrogant.

Kunsha has always been stirred up by their team, muddy waters.

The more chaotic these people are, and then the more they want to rely on Chen Jun, and the more successful his plan becomes, just like now, every general has not dared to stand up and resist, which is already half the success.

Kun Sha continued to pretend, fooling those guys and following his rhythm, and at this moment, Chen Jun had already returned to the villa where Kun Sha was.

"Old Cannon, go get that bottle of wine from the cupboard."

Chen Jun had already changed out of the cleaner's clothes, looked at the old cannon and ordered.

"Come on."

With a smile on his face, the old cannon walked to the wine cabinet next to the restaurant and took out the bottle of wine from Kunsha's treasured wine.

Before he arrived, Hadron had already prepared wine glasses for everyone.


The old cannon opened the cap of the wine bottle with the wine opener, and a fragrant smell of wine suddenly rushed into his twitching nose.

"It's so fragrant, no wonder rich people love to treasure wine."

Lao Pao had an intoxicated look on his face, sniffed it, and then poured wine for everyone.

"Old cannon, don't move too much, spill it, it's a pity, this wine is expensive, not a drop can be wasted."

"Don't tell me, pour a drink, won't I? I'm not a waitress, but it's okay to pour wine. The

old cannon laughed as he poured his wine.

In the laughter, everyone drank and was in a happy mood.

Originally, the old cannon and the others thought that the boss would take them to do a big job, but as a result, the boss just explained a few times, made a game, and asked everyone to come back to rest and wait for good news.

All of a sudden, everyone is more relaxed.


Just as everyone was drinking happily, the door was suddenly slammed open, and a black figure floated in.

The person who came was Kun Sha, and as soon as he walked in, everyone looked at him, but at that moment, everyone frowned with a disgusted expression.

Kun Sha, who was covered in dung, didn't care so much, and rushed in directly and shouted, "It's too much, you almost buried me alive in the manure tank, why did you put a bomb there?" I didn't know beforehand.

Looking at Kun Sha, who was full of anger and resentment, the old cannon pinched his nose and said with disgust: "It stinks."

"Damn, are you going to poop?"

On the side, there are a few other hadrons, who are also full of disgust.

"It's so stinky, it's a pit, don't you go out to wash, what are you doing here? The wine is not fragrant with you. "

That's it, it's really disappointing, just after drinking the wine, it's all covered by this stench, hurry up."

"Let's go, go out and wash and come back to talk."

At this time, Chen Jun also looked back at Kun Sha, "Okay, don't talk nonsense, go wash and come in again, don't affect our mood, by the way, your treasured 82-year-old Lafite tastes good." "


Lao Tzu's Lafite!

Kun Sha stared at the red wine in the wine glass in front of him, and roared in his heart, his chest was bulging, and the blood vessels on the top of his head protruded.

"Why, Lao Tzu was born and died, and you are drinking here??"

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