I have to say that Wen Ju has been completely panicked, and if Mr. Tang knew that he had tried his best to stop Chen Jun's action, the problem would really be serious.

In Mr. Tang's words, according to the merits of others, he is called a national hero, how much achievement can be called a hero, if he stopped Chen Jun at that time, he would be a national sinner.

It is equivalent to being in the company of the enemy and the enemy of the country!

Fortunately, it didn't cause a catastrophe...

At that moment, Wen Ju was actually glad that he didn't find Chen Jun and didn't stop Chen Jun, after all, he also knew that Tang would always call Chen Jun a national hero, and the other party's achievements were really great.

If Chen Jun really makes great achievements for the country, he is also worthy of respect.

Wen Ju took a deep breath, looked at the top, and said seriously: "Mr. Tang, that's not what you mean, it's like this, I can't contact you..."

Tang Guoqiangfang's face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost, and he looked at Wen Ju with an extremely cold expression.


Just kidding, what a reasonable explanation a man called a sinkhole can give.

The point is, Chen Jun is a big hero, how can he be disturbed by the warm situation?

Although he didn't know the details inside, Tang Guoqiang could basically imagine how tough the situation was, and then put pressure on Chen Jun.

If Chen Jun said that it was true, the Wen situation was almost a big thing.

Thinking of this, Tang Guoqiang scolded again: "You actually dare to stop the actions of national heroes, do you know what you are doing?" "

Let me tell you, just Comrade Chen Jun's operation, we will not have drugs flowing into Yanguo for a long time, can you do this?"


Wen Ju wanted to cry, he really couldn't do this, but he also cooperated, he was worried every day, but the other party didn't cooperate.

Now Mr. Tang doesn't give an explanation, isn't this a trap for him?

"But... I really can't get in touch with them, I thought..."

Wen Ju couldn't help it, and began to explain with a red face, but before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted.

Tang Guoqiang roared angrily, "Shut up, I will report your problem to the Ministry of War, and, according to your ability, I don't think you should stay in the position of management."

"Otherwise, you will kill more comrades."


Wen Ju trembled, almost didn't catch his breath, and died directly on the spot.

This is deposed!

Because of this, the second half of his life ended early!

Wen Ju's face was as black as coal, and his internal pain was like a knife, this time it was miserable, it was really miserable...

What does it mean to come down from a management position, it is not appropriate to say that it sounds good, in essence, it is to step down, and once you come down, there is no chance to go up again.

I have worked hard for twenty or thirty years to reach this height, how can I just say that I will come down?

The corners of Wen Ju's mouth twitched, and he wanted to explain, but the determined look of a high president was not a joke.

Is this really going to let him go, just because of this?

Wen Ju was in a trance, as if he hadn't come out of the panic, and he never dreamed that it would end like this.

You must know that Chen Jun and they acted alone and made such a great contribution, he would definitely not have such an attitude, and he did not expect that Chen Jun would hold such a grudge and not give him face at all.

Before he came, he had already apologized, but Chen Jun still didn't appreciate it, and deliberately sued Mr. Tang.


But he needs this position to avenge his son, without this position, he will not be able to help his son avenge it for the rest of his life.

Thinking of his son's hatred, Wen Ju's eyes turned red all of a sudden, he looked at Tang Guoqiang with a slight tremble, and said, "Mr. Tang, I... I still want to avenge my son, can I get revenge and then come down.


Tang Guoqiang rejected the situation, and then continued to apologize to Chen Jun, "Comrade Chen Jun, I'm really sorry, I didn't expect such a thing to happen in the middle..."

Watching their figures walk away, the sadness in Wen Ju's heart gradually spread, but it almost occupied his whole mind, it's over, it's all over...

He never dreamed that he would pit people every day, his son would be killed by himself, and in the end, even he would be cheated by himself.

To be honest, he doesn't want to punish a veteran, but if the veteran's position is important and the lives of many people are concerned, this situation needs to be changed.

Wenju's position is too critical, his thoughts are quite important, and if he doesn't correct it in time, he may kill more people, so it's not worth protecting him.

Once he protects him, he is not responsible for the lives of others, especially his agents.

As for Wen Ju's son's revenge, naturally someone will avenge him...

In the conference room, there were already many law enforcers busy, and as soon as those people saw Chen Jun and them coming, they immediately stood up and saluted.

Facing everyone's blazing eyes, Chen Jun and others hurriedly saluted, and not long after, a figure appeared on a huge screen.

Tang Guoqiang looked at Chen Jun and introduced: "This is Minister Zhao Tian of our military department, and our law enforcers are under his management, and he wants to thank you personally." "


The bigwigs of the military department... Chen Jun was stunned, then stood up and saluted the screen.

"Nima, why is it getting bigger and bigger, you can't keep a low profile if you want to."

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