
you want to do it, are you sure you don't want to mention it?

After a while, more than 100 pairs of eyes on the scene focused on Qiang Xiaowei.

The eyes are extremely complicated, with envy and surprise, and even a little puzzlement, jealousy, and anger.

What's more, it took more than 100 people to get 10 promotion opportunities, but you were good, you were divided into promotion opportunities, and you actually said that it would be a waste of places.

Do you really want to refuse

? Or Versailles?

Everyone looked at Qiang Xiaowei with a blank face, and they couldn't figure out what the other party really meant for a while.

As an instructor, Chen Jun was also stunned by Qiang Xiaowei's answer, and asked in a low voice: "I'll ask you, do you want it?"

Hearing this, Qiangzi suddenly realized, his spirit perked up, and he immediately replied quickly, "Yes."

"Of course I want to do it. "


the scene immediately sighed.

"Why, I thought it was so noble that I didn't want to mention it. "

Versailles, this guy is definitely Versailles.

"Retiring as a policeman, how can it be better than Tigan, lieutenant, he won't give up, he's overjoyed."

"Also, if you have the opportunity to stay in the special forces, who wants to retire, this brother is overjoyed, and he almost lost the precious opportunity to be promoted..."

Then, Chen Jun began to announce the eighth, "Next, Shi Dafan."

Shi Dafan was stunned, immediately woke up, and then immediately saluted, his mouth opened slightly, and he wanted to say something, but before he could do it, he was driven out by Chen Jun, "Get out."

As soon as the words came to his mouth, he was told by the instructor to get out, and Shi Dafan had no choice but to hold back the ecstasy in his heart and run away.

"What's the matter, what are you doing so much, so many people are watching, I'm not afraid that others will be jealous..." Chen Jun looked at Shi Dafan's back, scolded in a low voice, and turned his head to look at everyone.

"Ninth, cold front. For

a moment, the expression on Leng Feng's face froze, a little confused, a little surprised.

After he came to hack, there were not many opportunities to carry out tasks

, and there were still promotions? Are you sure you are not mistaken?

Leng Feng is always full of confidence, never afraid of vanity, even if it is an opportunity to do it, he does not want to make mistakes, and directly asks: "Why do you still have me? I don't seem to have made much meritorious service."

Chen Jun frowned slightly, "Don't you want to?"

Leng Feng was shocked in his heart, and immediately saluted, "Definitely yes, I just can't figure it out, why is it my turn, in fact, I haven't performed a few missions, hehe."

Chen Jun: "I heard Chu Yunfei say, you are not only the role of a student, but also the role of an instructor, you have done a good job, you have personally taught sniper skills to others, and in this regard, you and He Chenguang are like twins, and your marksmanship is similar. "

Strength is the principle.

Leng Feng immediately gave a solemn salute, "Thank you, instructor."

Chen Jun stared at Leng Feng with a displeased expression, "Don't get out of here, Lao Tzu looks at you, it seems that he has been wronged."

Leng Feng smiled, "You must be wronged, you came to me earlier, I would have been an officer a long time ago." "

“...... It's shameless. Chen Jun shook his head, a little helpless.

His own group of subordinates were all ruffians, and when they became rich one day, they were immediately so happy that they lost their original form.

Anyway, some people have struggled all their lives, but they don't have to do it, they finally get mixed up and get promoted, and it's no wonder if they are unhappy.

Not to mention that Chen Jun was helpless, and the hacker team members who were watching the excitement were also a little speechless, and even a little red-eyed.

Although it is said that the people who are named are all powerful players, but doing this to watch others improve, and I have nothing, I am also anxious.

Especially seeing Hadron and Leng Feng still have a bit of Versailles, it makes people itch even more.

"Leng Feng is the ninth, and there is one place left in the end.

In the crowd, I don't know who shouted, and suddenly, the team members who have not yet been named are all tightened in their hearts.

"The last person, who hasn't been named again, is going to be missed.

"Who could it be? The tenth one is very nervous.

"Instructor, announce it soon, who is the last one?"

After a while, everyone's eyes returned to Chen Jun.


looked at the instructor with expectant eyes, as if the whole class was waiting for the teacher to announce the first place.

Expectation! Eagerness


Everyone wants their name to be pronounced.

In front of everyone's eyes, Chen Jun stood up directly, then turned his eyes to look at a veteran, and slowly spoke: "From Thunder and Lightning, old fox, this quota is for you." "

It's... In the crowd, the old fox and tiger stiffened, looked around.

"Is it my name?"

Harley nodded, "It's you, you've been raptured."

"Old fox, congratulations, you have been promoted one level.

"Lieutenant, I never dreamed of it.

Hearing the voices of his comrades-in-arms around him, the old fox still frowned, and then looked at Chen Jun and asked suspiciously: "No, I finally followed Lei Zhan to further my studies, and I didn't make meritorious contributions."

Chen Jun shook his head.

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