After Lao Wen finished speaking, he grabbed Lao Fan's hand tightly, his eyes were full of expectation, as if he was afraid of being rejected by Lao Fan.

At this moment, he was like a man who fell into the water, and finally grabbed a straw, and Lao Fan was this life-saving straw.

As everyone knows, he has now pressed all his hopes on the pig man of the hacker base, Fan Tianlei.

If you knew that what you were asking for was just a pig farmer, Wen Ju might faint on the spot.

"This..." Facing Wen Ju's eager gaze, Lao Fan's face was embarrassed, and he didn't take a breath.

In the past, he still had a certain amount of energy, but now, he is just a pig farmer.

If he had some ability, would he be sent by Chen Jun to raise

pigs? During this time, he walked around in the pigsty every day, and he smelled of pig feces all over his body, and he was disgusted by those young people.

If he had the chance, he would be the first to get out of the pigsty, and he would have no spare time to help Lao Wen.

Hearing Wen Ju's words, Lao Fan's first subconscious reaction was to refuse, but everyone had arranged a meal, and they hadn't eaten yet, and they couldn't break their identity as a pig.

Lao Fan immediately pretended to be embarrassed and stood up, "Lao Wen, this matter is difficult to do, but, as a cooperative partner, I can't just watch you be punished, right?"

Hearing this, Wen Ju's face was full of excitement, holding Lao Fan's hands, and kept shaking, "Yes, I'm really embarrassed, I'm looking for you this time, I must help my brother, you are in the special forces, you know Chen Jun better, see if there is any way to compromise."

Lao Fan pretended to be pensive, and after a few seconds, he nodded reluctantly, "Your difficulty, I know, you law enforcers, there must be no way, now you can only ask Chen Jun, the captain." "

Actually, to get Chen Jun alone, the problem is very simple, as long as he is willing to say a good word to you above, and is willing to continue to cooperate with you, with his current status, there must be no problem, isn't it?" Wen Ju nodded again and again, "Yes, yes, the analysis is correct, as long as Chen Jun is willing to nod, there will be no problem, how do you think you can make him nod?"

Fan Tianlei, who had a serious face and a seemingly wise expression, did not immediately answer Wen Ju, pondered for a

while, and said: " Well, the biggest problem is that you are too anxious and offend people. "

The bell must be tied to the bell, if someone communicates with Chen Jun in person, it may be better..."

Hearing Lao Fan's analysis, Lao Wen's eyes lit up, "Brother, you come to help me say a few kind words, you must help me, right?"

Lao Wen looked at Lao Fan, his eyes were full of sincerity, "My future and destiny are all on you, if this matter can be done, it will be easy to say any cooperation in the future, but if I come down, you will have joint exercises in the future, and people may not listen to you, especially your style of doing things..."

Lao Fan often does things not according to common sense, not everyone can tolerate his style of doing things, not to mention anyone, Chen Jun can't accept it the most.

Because of the style problem, he offended Chen Jun, and this is to remind Lao Fan that it will be easy to offend Chen Jun if he cooperates with Chen Jun in the future.

Another day, his fate may be Lao Fan's fate.

The meaning of Wen Ju is obvious, but he doesn't dare to say it explicitly, after all, he doesn't want to offend Lao Fan, he still has to rely on others to save his life.

Fan Tianlei didn't know the little Jiujiu in Wen Ju's heart, and he didn't break it directly, but just shook his head directly, "You are embarrassing me, I know Chen Jun, a real soldier, no one is useful."

"He must have felt that you interfered with his actions, so he said bad things about you in front of your leader, what is the use of me going to him, at most I will be scolded and rushed to raise pigs, maybe."

After speaking, Lao Fan stared at Lao Wen solemnly, looking embarrassed, meaning, I can go and say, but with this opening, I will offend Chen Jun.

Because of you, I became a sinner, and there was a price to pay.

There is also a price to be paid

for help! Lao Wen is a shrewd person, who can't hear what Lao Fan means, so he really believes it, and immediately nods vigorously, "You help me say a few words first, please, what help do you want in the future, in a word."

Lao Fan still looked embarrassed, "It's not that I don't want to help, but it doesn't help much, and besides, I may also be caught in it, it's hard to do, brother."

Seeing that Lao Fan still didn't let go, Wen Ju immediately became anxious, grabbed Lao Fan's hand, and shook it desperately, "I also know that you are difficult to do, but you don't try it, how do you know that it doesn't work, you also know that everything I do is for the revenge of my son, for the country, there is no private one, I haven't come down yet, and there is power, what do you want, I will definitely help."

Under Lao Wen's continuous pleading, Lao Fan finally nodded reluctantly, "Okay, I can help, but you have to follow my arrangement, pay when you should pay, don't be stingy, otherwise no one will be able to help you." "

Remember, this money is for yourself, not for me, understand?"

Wen Ju gritted his teeth and nodded, "Okay, I'll go out personally, as much as I want." "

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