All of a sudden, everyone turned their heads to look at the door, and someone came out of the door.

These people who came were very conspicuous, because they were not wearing military uniforms, and they looked like ordinary people, and they were of different ages, middle-aged, elderly, young, men and women.

The moment they saw these people, the soldiers in the hacker base were stunned, and the next moment, their eyes changed suddenly, and immediately someone's eyes were moist.


seeing the appearance of their relatives who had been missing them day and night, some young people immediately became agitated and shouted as soon as they opened their mouths.


"Mom, you've come to see your son." "

Grandma, I'm here.

"Daughter-in-law, are you okay?"

deep voices sounded in the cafeteria, some people shouted Mom, some called Dad, some shouted Grandpa, some shouted Grandma, every voice was very excited.

In the military camp far away, suddenly seeing the relatives who are missing, it is very moving, this situation, even hackers, these iron-blooded soldiers, can't help it.

The shouts also made the relatives standing at the door become excited, and there were immediately deep responses.

"Son, I've come to see you. "

Second baby, grandma misses you, so she came

, are you okay?" "Little rabbit, what are you crying about for the New Year, grandpa is coming to accompany you for the New Year, you should be happy, the man bleeds without tears, wipe away his tears."

"Brother Niu, my mother and I are very good, we miss you, so we came..."

are all ordinary conversations, but they make the atmosphere in the cafeteria heavy, everyone's hearts seem to have something more, the mood has become heavy, and many people have begun to cry.

It's just that this is the tears of joy of reunion after a long absence.

Chen Jun kept watching, and when he saw that everyone was so excited, he was also a little excited, and said directly: "Go, let's all go and meet their families, the soldiers of our hacker base must also have their own feelings, and they are not robots, happy new year." "

The soldiers in the hacker base should also have their own feelings, not machines, this is Chen Jun's true words.

Hackers can become predators, but they also have to have feelings to experience the warmth and coldness of the world and know how to revere life.

Chen Jun didn't want everyone to become cold-blooded warriors, so he agreed to Lao Fan's humanistic care plan in one bite.

His words were like a floodgate opening, and as soon as he finished speaking, soldiers ran out of their positions one after another, rushed to the door, and ran to their relatives.

The barracks are not lonely, there are instructors and comrades-in-arms to accompany them during training, and the dormitory is also a collective dormitory, but the only thing missing is the company of relatives, especially during the New Year's holidays, the soldiers miss their families very much.

In the morning, when the instructor announced the dinner party for the New Year, then for a moment, everyone's mind flashed the scene of their family's New Year, and they also thought that they could not go home for the New Year, and there were some small regrets in their hearts.

Unexpectedly, now, their dearest family members actually came to the door to celebrate the New Year with them.

On this big day of the Chinese New Year, who is not excited to suddenly see the arrival of his loved ones?

Li Erniu, who is in the middle of the position, is the most anxious, jumping while running, "Cuihua, Mom, why are you here?"

Saying that, Li Erniu was about to be the first to sprint over, but he ran too fast and didn't pay attention, and his feet directly hooked the table legs next to him, fortunately, on the side, Wang Yanbing was fast, and he directly supported him, so he didn't fall, and the table was also firmly supported.

Wang Yanbing was not in a hurry, and complained to Li Erniu, "What's the hurry, pay attention to safety, your family is still there."

Li Erniu looked excited, broke free of Wang Yanbing's hand, and ran out directly, "No, I haven't seen them for almost a year."

Before he finished speaking, the person had already run out, which made Wang Yanbing look speechless, "Second Brother Niu, as soon as I saw my daughter-in-law, I couldn't hold it."

After speaking, Wang Yanbing's expression suddenly dimmed, and he shook his head lightly and muttered, "Lao Tzu doesn't have a family, so I'm not in a hurry..."


pilot's mother looked at him tenderly and said with a smile: "When you call from your unit and ask me about my schedule, I asked for leave, I haven't seen you for a long time, and I just happened to celebrate the New Year together."

On the right side of the door, a grandfather with white hair took his grandson's hand, "Yes, you have grown up and become stronger, and the army also said that you have made meritorious service, good job." The

soldier who was praised by his grandfather nodded again and again, "Grandpa, you said that I am your pride, and I will become stronger."

On the left, Li Erniu, who had just run out, took Cuihua's hand and said distressedly: "I remember that it takes a day and a night to come to the army by car, how did you come here, so far, and besides, my mother's waist and legs are not good, and it is very difficult to take the car." "

Although Li Erniu is rough, he knows how to love his daughter-in-law and family.

Cuihua nodded and explained, "We didn't come by car, but the head of your unit sent someone to pick us up."

On the side, Erniu's mother cried and said: "Hello comrades in your army, seeing that your father's health is not good, he also gave 10,000 yuan, Erniu, you must listen to the words of the leader more and perform well in the army." "

The troops also sent money ... Li Erniu was stunned for a moment, his expression was a little dazed, but he still nodded directly, "Don't worry, I will definitely follow the instructor and do a good job to block bullets for them."

As soon as the words came out, the next moment, Li Erniu was covered by Cuihua, "Don't talk nonsense, don't say unlucky things for the New Year." "

Okay, I'm stupid..."

Not far away, Chen Jun looked at those people with a smile, and his heart couldn't be said to be comfortable.

Soldiers are also flesh and blood people, who doesn't want to be cared for?

Next to him, An Ran, who looked pleasant, also kept looking at everyone, and his eyes were a little excited.

Such a scene is not common, but it is very touching.

Everyone has a family, and soldiers should be very happy to see their relatives on this special day when they are far away from home for the sake of the country.

An Ran was really happy for everyone, after watching the meeting, she suddenly seemed to think of something, and suddenly looked up at Chen Jun beside her, "It's very well arranged, why don't you call our parents over?"

Now, An Ran has been pregnant for five months, and her belly can be seen, and seeing such a scene makes me feel even more emotional.

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