Seeing Lao Fan coming, Chen Jun directly faced him and gave him a thumbs up, "Lao Fan, you really did a good job this time, you broke the routine and made all the soldiers feel at home in the army."

"In the future, humanistic care will be handed over to you, and it must be done well." "

Good, good, thank you captain for the compliment.

In the face of Chen Jun's praise, Fan Tianlei felt flattered, and he stammered a little when he spoke, with an excited look and a hint of ecstasy.

What's more, it was the first time he was praised by Chen Jun, and he couldn't react for a while.

At the beginning, he begged Chen Jun to come here to raise pigs, who would have thought that he could be a pig raiser and be looked up to and praised by the captain of the hacker commando.

It's not easy for a pig farmer to turn over, it's too difficult for him

, but fortunately, the money is spent at the right time! Lao Fan has been waiting for the opportunity to perform here, so that he can make a comeback in the future, but unfortunately, there has been no suitable opportunity.

I never thought that it was just going to be the New Year, and Wen Ju begged to come to the door.

A good opportunity to fall from the sky!

In this way, Lao Fan took advantage of it to give everyone a humanistic care, which happened to win Chen Jun's praise.

This is his purpose, seeing that the goal is achieved, he can't help but congratulate again and again that he knows how to strategize and grasp the right time, and at this moment he was praised by Chen Jun, and he was so happy that he was about to cry.

At this time, there were also people next to him who kept giving Lao Fan a thumbs up.

"Well done, logistics captain, the humanistic care will depend on you in the future, and if there is anything you need help with in the future, just say.

"Logistics has everyone in our hearts, and everyone remembers logistics, we don't separate families. Seeing

that Lao Fan was constantly praised, He Chenguang, who was originally a red blood cell, had complicated thoughts, it turned out that Fan Tianlei was their leader, but now the other party was hacking pigs.

To tell the truth, after they were promoted, compared to Lao Fan, their status was still faintly above Lao Fan, and every time they saw the old leader busy in the logistics department, it was not a taste in their hearts.

Now, the old leader has also risen by relying on logistics, which is unexpected, but Lao Fan can come this far, and everyone is happy for him, but he is not embarrassed to praise the old leader like others.

Chen Jun looked at Lao Fan and said directly, "Do you have any requirements to mention, do you have anything to do?"

"This... Not. Lao Fan was startled, and didn't dare to shake out the words that had been in his heart for several days.

Those words, he prepared for the Wen Bureau, he had already thought about it, and he had to find a chance to tell Chen Jun, otherwise, he would be uncomfortable if he took the money from the Wen Bureau and didn't do anything.

However, when facing Chen Jun like this, he couldn't speak, after all, it sounded a bit utilitarian, not to mention, there were many people around him, and it was difficult to speak.

Chen Jun looked at Lao Fan and frowned slightly, "You follow me." After saying that, he stood up and walked to a corner, with his observation ability, where could he not see that Lao Fan was sneaky, there must be something to ask.

This one...... Lao Fan was a little confused, his heart jumped suddenly, was he recognized

? That kid's eyes were so poisonous, did he see through Lao Tzu at once? Lao Fan didn't

expect to be recognized by Chen Jun so quickly, hesitated, and finally walked over nervously.

Chen Jun looked at Lao Fan seriously, and slowly spoke, "I know that

you have sent a lot of money to every family, and this money has not been paid by hackers, is it sponsored by you personally?" "There are also people to be sent to receive them, and no one in the hacker base asks you to send them, how did you do it, today's expenses have not been reimbursed, they are all a lot of money, and they are all paid by yourself? Or are there other people sponsoring them, you should not have this ability personally."


this, Fan Tianlei's heart was suddenly shocked, and he inadvertently shivered, as if a child had done something wrong and was caught by his father at the scene, and his soul trembled with fright.

This guy actually guessed it all, awesome.

How did he know? I

didn't report it to him? Could it be that he secretly investigated?

It must be, a captain wants to investigate these things, it's very simple, I didn't expect it, this guy also knows how to guard against people.

"Fortunately, I didn't do anything out of the ordinary, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to find out, and it would have been dead.

"What a shrewd guy, no wonder he can complete so many tasks in such a short time, his strength is too strong!"

"Old Wen, old Wen, how did you think of fighting such a shrewd guy, you are not his opponent at all." "

I can't get over it.

Facing Chen Jun's firm gaze, Lao Fan was a little frightened, feeling that he was standing in front of the other party, as if he had been stripped naked, and there was no clothes left, and he couldn't help but complain about provoking Chen Jun's warmth.

Fortunately, he is doing good things now, if he does bad things, he will be seen through every minute, and he will not be able to eat and walk around.

Lao Fan exclaimed for his discipline, and then silently suppressed the fright with a strong heart, and smiled, "Team Chen, you can see it, and I won't hide it." "

Sure enough, there is a secret... Chen Jun looked at Lao Fan calmly, those words, and those other words were also suspicious, after all, he didn't investigate Lao Fan in detail, but just let people look at the general direction.

Anyway, Lao Fan didn't make a mistake, so he didn't know, but if Lao Fan wanted to achieve something through this opportunity, he wanted to interfere.

Lao Fan continued to explain: "Actually, this is Wen Changqing's favor. "

Wenju?" Chen Jun raised his eyebrows, looking at Lao Fan in surprise, he never thought that the two guys who were the most good at tricking people would walk together.

What good things can two pit goods do?

Chen Jun's face sank, and he said solemnly: "To be specific, what does this have to do with him?"

Seeing that Chen Jun became serious, Lao Fan was a little flustered, and nodded hurriedly: "Okay, I said, here's the thing, Wen Ju felt that he misunderstood you and owed you and the hacker team members in the last mission, and then he wanted to find a chance to compensate."

"So, deliberately during the New Year, to give everyone a little welfare, this time all the money is from him, and the people who receive it are also from him, and his request is actually very simple, that is..."

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