At this moment, Chen Jun is indeed very interested in Lao Fan, no, not interested in others, it should be interested in his proposal to buy a house.

The thinking of military personnel is that they do not take a stitch from the people, and no one will think of seeking benefits for themselves.

This Staff Officer Fan is so bold that he wants to buy a house for the soldiers and improve their lives, such an idea, he is the only one in the entire army who dares to think so.

Regardless of whether it's right or not, if you dare to think like this, you can be considered ahead of your thinking.

Chen Jun asked himself, a transcendent, that he didn't dare to have such a dangerous idea as Lao Fan.

This idea is really dangerous, and if it is not done well, it will be perceived as a soldier who seeks personal gain for personal gain in public service, and the crime can be great.

If it is exposed, it is corruption, and it will go to court-martial.

How dare Lao Fan think so... Chen Jun asked directly: "Can you really operate like this?"

Seeing the curious look slowly rising in Chen Jun's eyes, Fan Tianlei suddenly had confidence, as if he had regained the feeling of fooling others to succeed, his eyes flashed with the look of a wise man, and he immediately patted his chest and introduced it.

"Sure, don't you know, Lao Wen is a talent in this area, especially in terms of fighting for welfare, a good hand, otherwise, how can he develop so many

undercover agents for him to use?" Chen Jun frowned even more when he heard this, but he didn't think that Lao Wen was fooling undercover agents and relying on welfare, but if he thought about it, he could understand that if there was no benefit, who would want to stare at the head and rush to the front line?

After all, there are very few people who risk their lives for the country with their blood alone.

Lao Fan looked at Chen Jun and listened quietly, as if he was very interested, he became more and more confident, and continued: "Even if Lao Wen is retired, his connections are still there, and his status is still there, this convenience is unimaginable, as long as he uses it well, he will bring great convenience to hackers." "

Some people have to rely on this old boy to do it, right?"

"In short, Lao Wen is a good deck of cards, it depends on how you play, playing well is a good card, and playing a bad card is a bad card."

Hearing this, Chen Jun was still silent, but he was also weighing Lao Fan's words.

To be honest, he was really a little shaken, putting aside the task and just solving the house problem, this is a big deal.

The house is the basic guarantee of life, no matter how big or small it is, it can shelter from the wind and rain, and whoever wants to live needs a house.

Soldiers rarely think of buying a house, mainly because of the low income and the fact that there are collective dormitories, but if everyone had their own house for their family, how many times would the quality of life improve?

Recently, the economic situation at home and abroad is not very good, even if some people keep saying that housing prices will fall sharply, they have not seen much fall, and the house is still a piece of fat that is difficult for ordinary people to get.

Not to mention ordinary people, even for soldiers, it is difficult to buy a house in a big city, and it is impossible for the army to divide the house.

But it is indeed good to let the officers of the hacker base devote themselves to training, killing enemies, and it is a lifelong profession to solve their house problems.

The identity of the hacker team is different from that of ordinary soldiers, they have less time to go home, and if they can all buy houses for their families, they can do more or less for their families, so that they can also return to their homes when they are on vacation, and they will not be too far away.

To be honest, the military owes too much to his family, and a house is not enough to offset it.

If you can, try to get some for their families.

As a soldier, Chen Jun knows very well what the soldiers think in their hearts, especially when he has experienced the things of the squad leader, and he knows better what a house means to a soldier.

The squad leader had to retire early due to physical reasons, but after going back, he found that there was no house in his hometown, because he was almost injured.

Although it is said that soldiers should not have the idea of luxury, but the house is the basic thing of life, and it is also earned by their strength, so it should not be too much.

Chen Jun weighed it again and again, and after a while, his eyes focused on Lao Fan and asked tentatively, "Is this an economic crime?" "


Lao Fan was stunned, then laughed, and thought, although you kid is awesome and powerful, he still hasn't left society.

Sure enough, the ginger is still old and spicy.

No matter how strong this kid's military strength is, he still doesn't have enough time to mix with society.

It was not easy for Chen Jun to bow his head to himself, and the sense of superiority in Lao Fan's heart, as a person who had come over, immediately rose again, he looked at Chen Jun, and immediately explained with a smile, "The athletes who won the gold medal have all kinds of donations in the local area, and there are also houses.

"We just let Lao Wen contribute money and efforts, and some local departments to give more subsidies to soldiers, improve their living environment, and say hello to government enterprises, which is Lao Wen's means, and donating a house is nothing."

"Besides, the soldiers are so hard and tired, just the treatment is some, no one will say anything, and even some people applaud, who doesn't know that it is not easy for soldiers, if you don't do it, you won't be able to come back one day if you go on a mission."

"In fact, the army's life guarantee for the families of soldiers is still very compact, especially the families of martyrs, which is far from enough to ensure that they have no worries about their subsequent life.

"Sacrifice is too cruel for the families of soldiers, if life is still affected, the courage to live will be hit, which soldier who joins has children at home, and wants to study in the future or something, the house is the most basic guarantee, right?"

In reality, many well-off families can afford to buy a house for their children to go to a better public school, but many soldiers' families are still in rural areas, and they dare not take their families out because of the pressure of life.

The house will never go out of style, whether it is for the people or the soldiers, they are just needed, and we soldiers are not without paying to take it directly, as for how to get the house, it needs to go through a reasonable process, and it can even be linked to the task, according to the standard of meritorious service, of course, this is a later story, at present, we have to fight for this opportunity, right?"

In fact, Lao Fan has a point, soldiers also need to live, they also hope that their families can live by their side, and they also hope that their children can study in big cities.

If he can buy a house, it must be the best for the soldiers, but he really doesn't know much about these honey operations, so he knows that the soldiers are low-key, do not do business, and do not accept private donations.

"This... Isn't it a little too much?".

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