Fooling a group of pigs?

Although Lao Fan's words were dramatic, there was also a lot of resentment in his tone.

How to say that he, a chief of staff, was actually sent to raise pigs and do logistics support in the hacker base, which is a bit embarrassing to look at horizontally and vertically.

But the time is not right, the time for Lao Fan to be the chief of staff has become a thing of the past, and now, he can only be left in the hacker base to raise pigs.

Fortunately, the hacker base is not an ordinary unit, but the only unit in the entire military region that can carry out the lifelong system.

Lao Fan, who has a unique vision, seeing such a new system, is like seeing the dawn of rebirth, and immediately burns his brain and begins to look for opportunities for transformation.

Finally, Lao Wen had difficulties in asking for help, so he immediately flexibly combined the needs of the fighters in the hacker base and put forward the idea of buying a house and giving benefits to the soldiers.

As a result, it was hard for Chen Jun to accept it, and he was immediately warned by him not to make small moves.

The baby's heart is bitter.

Lao Fan cried and explained: "Captain, I really just want to help my comrades-in-arms improve their quality of life, I am a logistics pig farmer, how dare I have any ideas?" Looking at Lao Fan's

bitter melon face, Chen Jun didn't want to pay attention to it, and said seriously: "In a word, work hard anyway, whoever comes here must be down-to-earth and do practical things.

"Otherwise, you can go back to the wolffang, and I won't stop you." Fan

Tianlei was startled, it was impossible to go back to the wolf's teeth, the wolf's teeth had been reorganized, there was no place for him, besides, after several things, He Zhijun wanted to kill him, and it was impossible to reuse him.

When he goes back, Wolf Tooth is estimated to be a swineherd, or waiting to retire, and there is really no future, but in hacking, at least he is still the captain of the transportation brigade, and he can also experience a lifelong career.

No matter how bad it is, it won't be retired early, no, you can't get back to the wolf's teeth if you are killed!

You have to hug Chen Jun's thigh.

The shrewd old fan immediately expressed his loyalty: "Captain, I am absolutely loyal to the hacker, if I have two hearts, five thunders will hit the top, I will not die well, from now on, I will live as a hacker, and die as a hacker's ghost."

"So, you can always trust me, right?"

Chen Jun was speechless, and when he saw Lao Fan swearing there, he shook his head.

"Get out, this is the New Year, don't say anything dead or ghostly.

"Yes, yes, I'll go and prepare for the purchase of a house for the fighters right away. Lao Fan immediately turned around and left, but after taking two steps, he stopped and said, "Captain, you must believe me, I will do what I say."

Chen Jun shook his head and turned around to leave, but saw his wife An Ran smiling at him.

Seeing An Ran's tender pink face, Chen Jun instantly regained a smile on his face, and strode over directly.

"What are you laughing at?" Chen Jun walked up to An Ran and asked softly.

An Ran looked at Chen Jun gently and quipped: "You haven't been a father yet, you already have the feeling of being a father, and you have begun to think about the family of your employees."

"A person who knows how to improve the quality of life for his subordinates is a good captain." "

You Predator, you didn't have this idea in the past, it's changed a lot.

Chen Jun was a little embarrassed by An Ran's words, "Is there one?"

An Ran, who loves to laugh, laughed again, but he needs to hold his stomach with his hand, because now he can't bend over, he can't laugh too hard, it will affect the child in his belly.

"There must be, now you love to smile more than before, this is good, don't always keep a straight face, cold and cold, and it's not good for your body. Having

said that, An Ran was even more relieved to see Chen Jun have changed so much, after all, she had experienced Chen Jun's extreme times.

At that time, Chen Jun punished the villager who deliberately framed the squad leader because of the fact that the squad leader had no house, and his thinking was very extreme at that time, but maybe it was like this, so he wanted to fight for the benefits of buying a house for the soldiers.

The careful An Ran understands Chen Jun better, so seeing him have such a change is more comfortable, and he smiles without pressure, but her smile makes Chen Jun feel a little uncomfortable.

However, Chen Jun also felt very warm, because he knew that An Ran's smile was happy and had no other meaning.

"It seems that I was really cold-blooded before, I only knew how to carry a gun to fight, and I would not be aware of the people's feelings, and in the future, I will have to be more careful, especially for you.

Looking at his steel straight husband, who was embarrassed to laugh by himself, An Ran didn't laugh so exaggeratedly, laughed into a smile, and said, "You're funny." When

Chen Jun, the straight man of steel, heard this word, his face froze, and he looked at An Ran in a daze.

"Usually, am I too serious?" An

Ran shook his head and smiled, "Teasing you, hehe, who is not serious when this captain."

After speaking, she suddenly changed the topic, "By the way, do you miss your parents

?" "Parents?"

Is this topic changing a little fast?

Chen Jun was stunned for a moment, and then nodded, he really hadn't gone back to visit his parents for a long time.

Every festive season, this is a good word, especially in this big New Year, seeing the soldiers can reunite with their families, the feelings of longing in my heart will be even stronger.

However, seeing that my parents are not in a hurry, I will find time to go back later.

Chen Jun nodded, "I'll arrange a time to go back to see them, and after the dinner, I'll give them a call and pay New Year's respects."

"No need to call.

An Ran smiled mysteriously, suddenly turned his face seriously, and shouted loudly: "Chen Jun, stand upright, turn back."

Chen Jun looked at his wife with a flat face, his face was clouded, but he still did so, and when he turned around, the whole person was immediately struck by lightning, and his eyes were straight.

Who did he see?

I saw that my father and mother, who I missed in my heart, were actually standing at the door, and the old couple were looking at him with affection.

"Dad, Mom, why are you here?"

Chen Jun called out to his parents stiffly, his voice was full of shock, but there was also a hint of joy.

He really thought that he had seen it wrong, so he said that he missed his parents, and he wanted to go back and call again to say hello, but who would have thought that as soon as he turned around, he saw that his parents had come to him.

It all happened so fast.

Chen Jun looked at An Ran in surprise, "You arranged it?"

An Ran nodded, and his crisp voice sounded, "Yes, I also arranged for someone to notify my parents to come over." "

Go, go get them.

"Since it's the New Year, the family has to be neat and tidy. The

old couple at the door didn't wait for Chen Jun to pass, and walked in directly.

"Son, we all miss you, so we came here.

As soon as the old couple finished speaking, the next moment, many soldiers in the room immediately stood up and applauded Chen Jun's parents.

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