Let You Build A Marine Fortress, What The Hell Is Marineford

Chapter 84 Fortress Desperate! Gu Chen Arrived! Mera-Mera Fruit Show Off!

command room.

Bai Si's expression immediately changed after listening to his subordinate's report!

King monster?

A king-level monster~beast actually appeared?!

You know, their fortress is still facing the attack of three general-level monsters, and there are more than 100,000 low-level monster-beasts!

Among them, there are even more mid-level monsters - I don't know how many there are!

In this way, it was very difficult to resist.

He is even thinking about whether to use L-2, super electromagnetic fusion cannon!

As for the L-1 "future" hypernuclear bomb,

This thing's radiation is too lethal. It belongs to the kind that kills one thousand enemies and damages itself nine hundred and ninety-nine. It cannot be used until the critical time.

"Dong Gu, what's the current situation on the front line?"

Bai Si said in a low tone.

In front of him, an adjutant solemnly said:

"Commander, our first and second lines of defense have been broken, and we are pulling to the third line of defense to stop the monsters, and our weapons are also seriously consumed."

"The main reason is that the three general-level monsters are difficult to handle."

"One of them has a mental deterrence fluctuation, which caused heavy losses to our soldiers, and the other one can disrupt our missile system!"

"But the hardest one to deal with is the one left!"

"It can produce a kind of black mud. Our attack can only be dissolved, so it has not been able to solve the three of them!"

Hearing this, Bai Si frowned.

It's really troublesome to cooperate these three super monsters.

Unless they can be solved together with L-2,

If he waited for the king-level monster to come, and added the existing ones, then his No. 50 Fortress would probably be in danger.

Even that toad, he doesn't care!

The big deal is to use L-1 "future" at that time!

Thinking of this, Bai Si asked:

"What race is the vital sign of that king-level monster? Has it been detected? How long until it arrives?"

The adjutant shook his head.

"No, it can only be detected that its strength is at the king level, and the monitoring station predicts that it will arrive at the fortress in twenty minutes."

"I heard that a king-level toad monster appeared in the Far East War Zone and swallowed an L-2. Could it be..."

Bai Si hesitated for a moment, but finally decided to launch!

Time is running out!

Part of it must be resolved before the king-level monster comes!

Regardless of whether the king-level toad is a toad or not, he has to fire the L-2, super electromagnetic fusion cannon!

Otherwise, the fortress is in danger!

"Dong Gu, order, activate L-2!"

"Await my order anytime!"


Dong Gu was taken aback, then immediately went down to make arrangements.

After he left, Bai Si took a deep breath and whispered to himself:

"Three generals, Japanese kings"

"What are these monsters trying to do? Instead of going to the headquarters fortresses in the extreme north and east, they ran to my small fortress.

"Made, it's not for..."

Speaking of this, he looked at the direction of the No. 49 branch fortress behind him.

Yesterday Kyoto sent an order,

Said that there is a problem with Fort 49, let him wait for it, if there is something wrong, use 1 to cover it directly!

On the other side, on the frontline battlefield.



Bang! Boom!

Numerous gunfire and shells bombarded everywhere.

The red light of the laser, the blue light of the laser cannon, and the roar of various missiles are endless!

Inside the fort,

The corpses of monsters and soldiers can be seen everywhere.

The blood has infected the earth, and the whole area is blood red!

"It's not good, the northwest line of defense has been broken!"

"What? Increase your troops over there! Order the turret to concentrate bombardment!"

"There are a few high-level monsters coming in!"

"Where's the mech troops? What do they eat? And the war machines, send them over!"

"Not good! That general monster is attacking again! Plug your ears!"

In front of military defense towers everywhere,

A soldier covered in blood, with limbs and arms, was struggling to hold a weapon and shoot at the monsters that kept coming.

The battle is dire!

at this time,

A huge and strange roar came!

A huge mental shock erupts!

Some soldiers who couldn't dodge in time, or were close, bled directly from their seven orifices and fell to the ground.

Seen on the distant sea,

A monster beast with a height of 100 meters and a strange appearance has a huge mouth like a big bell, and it roars!

Mental blast!



Dozens of missiles are coming straight!

Followed by energy weapons such as lasers and electromagnetic guns!

But before hitting the monster, these attacks were covered by a ball of black mud, making a "squeaky" sound, and disappeared after being dissolved!


Another monster with a body like an octopus appeared with black mud all over its body!

A general-level monster with a special ability has mutated!

seeing this scene,

All the soldiers cursed in their hearts!

How can you fight like this?

Suddenly, a palpitating energy fluctuation appeared!

Everyone subconsciously looked towards the highest point of the fortress, all of them looked overjoyed!

I saw in that place,

On a huge fortress, a transparent gun barrel tens of meters long is slowly lifted up, and endless azure blue energy is gathering inside!

Their dragon kingdom's trump card!

L-2, super electromagnetic fusion cannon!

It can instantly destroy the existence of general-level monsters!

even said,

Even some weak king-level monsters can be killed!

more importantly,

L-2, super electromagnetic nuclear fusion cannon, can choose to launch continuously, more than once!

But the premise is to set the number of times and complete the energy charging of the corresponding number of times, so that it can be launched continuously.

But one thing,

The marshals will only specify the number of times according to the needs of the battlefield, generally 1 to 2 times will not be too many.

avoid wasting.

After all, this requires huge resources.

Like Ren Xu in the Far East War Zone, he judged that only one shot is enough to kill absolutely part of the monsters.

That's why the toad succeeded.

If he fires two cannonballs, the toad may not be able to swallow it.

Today is the decisive battle time!

On the surface of the sea, the pupils of the three general level monsters were blood red, as if they sensed the danger, they roared even more frantically!

Countless low-level monsters are even more vicious!

for a while,

The whole fortress is in a hurry!

In the command room, Bai Si looked solemnly at the battlefield ahead, and said in a low tone:

"Aim for those three."


military order,

The electromagnetic gun barrel on the high platform began to move, and the huge muzzle was aimed at the front, suddenly flashing blue electric light!


With a bang!

A blue-black beam of light tens of meters thick, accompanied by terrifying power, blasted straight at the three general-level monsters!

feeling the threat of death,

The blood red in the pupils of the three super monsters faded a little, revealing horrified eyes!

The body of the black mud monster shook wildly,

The next moment, the black mud all over the sky formed a thick wall, blocking the front!

But, no use!

I saw the super electromagnetic nuclear fusion cannon fired, piercing through the black mud wall in an instant, and piercing through the body of the black mud monster, continuing to blast like a broken bamboo!

The two general monsters behind were terrified.

But before they could escape, a terrifying monster with a huge body, a kilometer wide, and hundreds of meters high appeared from under the sea!

King-level monster, Sky Swallowing Clam!


In the command room, Bai Si's pupils shrank!

How can it be so fast?!

Isn't it a twenty minute prediction?

Although there will be deviations, it may be earlier, but it is only five minutes now!


A trace of cold sweat broke out on Bai Si's forehead.


"Activate L1 'future' immediately! Ready to launch!"

his first reaction,

It is to use the future to directly nuke the opponent!

Even if his fortress will be affected, it doesn't matter!

Better than annihilation!

On the sea in the distance.


Tun Tianha's big mouth opened, and he swallowed L-2 straight away, and a blue light cluster could be seen in his stomach!

But if you look carefully, you can find that

On Tun Tianha's body, there are huge cut marks one after another, the biggest one is on the head, from the left eye to the right chin.

It was almost cut in half!

seeing this scene,

All the soldiers in the fortress were stunned!


A king-level monster appeared and swallowed L-2?!

King level monster!

There are also two general-level monsters!

At this moment, the eyes of all the soldiers were somewhat gloomy, and despair lingered in their hearts.

Fort No. 50, is this going to perish?


After swallowing L-2 completely, Tun Tianha stared at the fort headquarters with a pair of blood-red Amber pupils.

behind it,

The two general-level monsters also took a step forward, divided into two directions, and began to approach the No. 50 fortress!



Bai Si was shocked, his complexion changed drastically!

It is him, and all the other generals are the same!

I saw behind Tuntianha,

Pieces of dense monsters emerged out of thin air!

There are more than 200,000 of them!

This is exactly the group that escaped with Tun Tianha before!

A bloody, evil, and bloodthirsty atmosphere rushed towards us all over the sky!

Everyone in the fortress was shocked!


There are king-level monsters in front, general-level monsters on both sides, and nearly 400,000 low-level monsters besieged!

The fortress is in danger!


"Immediately fire the L-1 at the king-level monster, Future!"

Bai Si gritted his teeth and growled!

The success or failure of life and death is at this moment!

Unexpectedly, the adjutant came running profusely in sweat, panicking:


"When the general-level monster used energy waves to interfere with the missile system, the L-1 launch pad was also affected, and it is now being repaired!"


Bai Si was shocked!

This means that before the launch pad is repaired, they have to block the violent invasion of these monsters!

looking motionless,

Tun Tian Ha, who seemed to be brewing, and seemed to be digesting something, Bai Si squeezed out a few words from his teeth.

"Send the third fleet to contain the general monster on the left, and send Zhao Shihan's seventh fleet to contain the one on the right!"

"Also, activate E3!"

The adjutant didn't have time to salute, so he immediately ran to inform.

Time is running out, every minute and every second is fighting!

On the 2nd and 8th ports of the fortress, the two fleets left quickly and began to fight at sea!

Zhao Shihan stood in the command room of the warship,

Looking at the 100-meter-tall general in front of him

The monster, with a firm face, said in a low voice resolutely:

"Start with you!"

voice just fell,

He went into the armory.

When he came out again, he was already wearing a pitch-black mecha!

All over the mecha, red columns of energy liquid flowed, converging from the weapon slots of the various parties.

The whole shape is extremely Haki!

Xingtian No. 1 Armor!


Injector activated!

Zhao Shihan instantly soared into the sky and flew towards the king-level monster!

Meanwhile, the other side.

Twenty-three warships sailed not far from the west side of Fort No. 50.

"It didn't have time, it has already been launched."

Zhang Hao's face was heavy, and he said slowly.

"It seems that we can only fight hard."

Gu Chen also frowned, and when he was about to say something, suddenly a red light flashed in his eyes, and he looked forward to the right.

I saw there,

Zhao Shihan was slapped on the warship by the claws of a general-level monster. Sparks shot out from his armor, and his helmet was smashed to pieces, revealing a bloody face.

Then it soared into the sky and continued to fight.

"Zhao Shihan?"

Gu Chen was a little puzzled,

Why is the other party here?

But he didn't have time to think so much, if he didn't go to the rescue, he would probably be beaten to death.

"Flying squirrel, Jonathan, follow Marshal Zhang, and lead 22 warships to support the fort first!"

"Momousagi, you are so responsible that you use a toad!"

"Smoker, you come with me!"

After ordering,

Gu Chen took Smoker and used Moonwalk to rush to the rightmost warship, and quickly rushed towards Zhao Shihan.

Zhang Hao took a deep look at him.

Then he looked at the strong men under Gu Chen.

An unprecedented sense of self-confidence and security appeared in his heart.

The corner of Zhang Hao's eyes twitched, and he quickly suppressed his distracting thoughts.

At the beginning, he talked about some tactical plans to a few people, and while talking, Jonathan added a few things in the middle, which made Zhang Hao look differently.

This man has the talent of a general!

But for general-level monsters and shock wave beasts,

Zhao Shihan flew into the air, just dodged a claw, and when he was about to strike back with a laser cannon, his brain suddenly shook!

The scene in front of me immediately became chaotic!

"This kind of attack again!"

Zhao Shihan's body froze, and his consciousness began to go numb.

Seeing that huge sharp claw slapped towards him, there was nothing he could do!

If he gets hit again, he will be seriously injured if he doesn't die!

at this time,

A familiar and cold voice came!

"One sword style, the annihilation of fire!"


The blazing red flames that filled the sky emerged!

A tall and straight figure appeared in front of his eyes...

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