Chapter 13 Lin Nan’s psychological profile drawing is really scary!

At ten o’clock in the evening, the criminal investigation team was brightly lit.

Most of the criminal investigation police are working overtime.

The criminal investigation captain Zhang Haizheng was racking his brains to write the conclusion of the case. Some interpols were sorting out other related disappearance cases, and some interpols were communicating with all parties to prepare for Zhao Laifu’s handover.

And female criminal police Li Yanran sighed a little when she saw a document.

The content on the data is very simple, it is about the cause of this huge serial killing case.

The main content is because Zhao Laifu’s granddaughter Zhao Ying’er was subjected to school violence at school, and because the matter was not a big deal, it was finally settled.

And the parents of the children who were the perpetrators used gossip to cause violence on fishing boats.

In the end, the little girl was not mentally able to bear it enough, so she fell from a height in her absence, and Xiang Xiaoyu died.

Because of this, after Zhao Laifu lost his only relative, he had mental problems, which became more and more serious, and finally went to extremes.

It turns out.

After being ruthless, honest people are much more terrifying than those who like to brag.

The typical person doesn’t talk much.

Three years, three families, twelve lives.

Tongtong has become the companion collection of an honest man’s granddaughter.

at the same time.

Interrogation Room No. 1.

Liu Ming, the little yellow-haired bear who was forgotten by everyone, has gone mad.

“Someone! Anyone? Send me some water or something! Ahhhhh!!!”

It’s a pity that the criminal policemen of the criminal investigation team were busy at this time, and no one paid any attention to him.

An hour later, eleven o’clock at night.

The many criminal policemen of the criminal investigation team have finally completed the finishing work.

Captain Zhang Hai of the criminal investigation team walked into the door of the director’s office with the completed information to report on the relevant work.

While waiting for news, the detectives chatted about today’s case.

: “It’s really terrifying for this honest person to go crazy.”

: “Yeah! Yeah! And there’s not too many ways to take him. For those who are desperate, you can’t take him at all.”

: “I don’t know if this is his natural thinking or because of mental illness.”

: “When I mentioned this issue, I suddenly remembered something.”

: “What a coincidence, me too!”

: “Is it a thing?”

: “Should be a thing.”

: “You two guys, what kind of riddles are you playing? Riddlers are rough!”

: “Okay! Let’s take turns! Let’s see if it’s one thing, I’ll start. First sentence, male!”

: “Sure enough, I thought of it together. The next sentence is that the height is about 1.67-1.73 meters.”

: “The body is thin and thin.”

: “It may not look so vicious on the outside.”

: “There is a life intersection with the victim’s family of three, and the life intersection is likely to be on the high school student victim.”

: “May have a history of mental illness or a tragic experience.

: “Hey, hey, what are you two guys playing? These descriptions sound familiar!”

: “Have you forgotten? This is the psychological profile picture of the murderer given by Xiao Lin at the crime scene. Everyone also made fun of Xiao Lin’s psychological profile picture! Only one male fits.”

: “Hehe~ Looking at it now, this is not allowed! It’s just like Zhao Laifu’s precise heart profile, and it’s not bad.”

: “Hisss… Really! Officer Xiaolin is really scary!”

: “Amazing! It’s awesome!”

: “My mother! This is a side painting of my heart! This is simply a prophet!”

A group of criminal policemen scrambled to suck in the air-conditioning, lamenting that the back waves of the Yangtze River pushed the front waves, and the police officer Xiaolin was so terrifying.

In the director’s office, Captain Zhang Hai of the Criminal Investigation Team reported all the ins and outs of the whole case, and emphasized Lin Nan’s role in it, and strongly requested that he be transferred to the Criminal Investigation Team.

In this regard, the director is very excited. Such talents in criminal investigation are indeed overkill in regulating civil disputes.

Although Lin Nan is also a good player in mediating aunt’s civil disputes, he did not play a bigger role in being transferred to the criminal investigation team.

Because the bureau lacks talents in criminal investigation, especially talents like Lin Nan who are proficient in trace inspection, on-site investigation, psychological profile painting, and forensic medicine.

Therefore, after a little tangle, the director tilted towards the criminal investigation team in his heart.

And Zhang Hai, the captain of the criminal investigation team who was guaranteed, walked back to the office of the criminal investigation team happily like a child in his 40s.

After announcing the conclusion of the case, Captain Zhang Hai proposed loudly to go to a food stall for a late night snack together.

This proposal was passed unanimously, and the criminal policemen of the criminal investigation team were all tense all day. Now that the case is over, of course they want to relax and have a meal and chat.

The group changed into casual clothes and set off in a mighty manner, heading towards the food stalls near the branch.

BBQ, beer, crayfish.

Toasting and drinking non-stop, laughter and laughter continued.

At this moment, they are no longer case-solving experts wearing criminal police uniforms, running around the scene of life and death, serving the country and the people.

It is the food stall guests who wear everyday casual clothes, sing and laugh, chatting and drinking.

In uniform, they are the guardians of the people.

Take off their uniforms, they are ordinary people. *

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