Chapter 17 Mr. Lin tells a story, the unsolved case 33 years ago!

A small garden downstairs in Tianfu Community.

“Master Lin, go, it’s your turn!” Xiong Zhuangshi urged with a smug look on his face. “You’re lost! This is the trick I’ve been racking my brains for recently.”

at the same time.

On the opposite side of the chessboard, sat an old man dressed in white gym clothes, with strong muscles and white hair.

And this old man is Lin Nan’s grandfather, retired old criminal policeman Lin Zhongguo.

In the face of Xiong Zhuangshi’s urging, Lin Zhongguo was like an old child, blowing his beard and staring:

“What’s the hurry? What’s the hurry? Chess is the quintessence of the country. You have to play it slowly to appreciate the subtleties of it. You can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry.”

“I’ve figured out how to crack your trick, look at me flying elephant, I’ll guard you, what do you do with this one?”

“Hahaha… Mr. Lin, you’ve been tricked!” Xiong Zhuangshi said triumphantly, “That trooper is just a cover up, the real trick is actually here! Look at my general!”

Mr. Lin: “???”

After thinking hard for a long time, I don’t know how to crack it.

“Wow! You little bear cub, you really don’t talk about martial arts, and you even attacked my seventy-year-old old man.”

Seeing that the overall situation was settled, Xiong Zhuangshi stood up arrogantly and laughed.

“Wow hahaha! Father, this is called a conspiracy!”

“Now we’re 100-99, or I’m slightly better, I’m a game ahead of you.”

Mr. Lin was so angry that his hair was growing.

“Wow, ah, ah, ah! I’m really pissed off, little bear cub, come on, let me see if your skills have improved?”

Saying that, Mr. Lin made a starting action of military combat.

Xiong Zhuangshi was also not to be outdone, and used grappling fighting techniques to confront each other.

In less than a moment.

The two began to meet and discuss on a daily basis once again.

at the same time.

Lin Nan, who has been sitting by the side, is holding a thermos cup and drinking wolfberry health tea with a calm expression.

Looking at two people, one old and one young.


Brother Xiong and the old man really hit it off!

More like a grandson than my real grandson.

Two stinky chess baskets, the same type of species whose muscles have grown into their brains, what is there to play?

Every time you play chess, no matter who wins, you always have to learn from each other.

Why not just open it up?

That’s even easier.


The old man and Xiong Zhuangshi were on a par with each other.

But the level is not low.

The fight has always been limited to a circle to the left of the chess.

That scene, like two action stars in a movie.

However, even so, it did not cause much disturbance here.

Most of the family members of the police in this community are also old neighbors. It is no surprise that this scene of frequent discussions has long been seen.

That is to say, this time is a bit early. If it is placed after 7 o’clock, it may also cause some applause from old veteran policemen.

ten minutes later.

“Mr. Lin, it’s still better for you to be strong. I’ll take it, take it, stop fighting, stop fighting.” Xiong Zhuang slapped the ground in a naive voice.

“Hahaha… Take it! Little Bear, you still need to work hard!” Mr. Lin released his hand triumphantly. “In a moment, the man will teach you a few tricks. These are the tricks that I have learned from my career as a criminal police officer for more than 40 years.”

“Guarantee that you will be invincible when you encounter criminals in the future.”

“That is, our grandfather and I have a good relationship, otherwise I won’t teach it.”

However, when he said this, Mr. Lin was out of breath.

It is also understandable that time is the biggest killer.

After all, Mr. Lin is getting old, and even if he stretches out his hand, he can’t keep up with his physical strength.

But looking at Mr. Lin’s appearance, although he was a little tired, he was very happy.

“Thank you, Mr. Lin, let’s sit down and rest first.” Xiong Zhuangshi got up and supported Mr. Lin.

Lin Nan silently picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea for the old man.

“Yeah! Xiao Nan did a good job this time. It didn’t waste your years of hard work, and now he finally got his wish and entered the criminal investigation department.” Mr. Lin stroked his beard and said cheerfully.

“Although, Xiao Nan, you have solved an extra-large case this time and made a great contribution.”

“But this kind of case is not so easy to encounter now.”

“It’s just a coincidence!”

“I usually do things and learn more from my colleagues, and get more precipitation.”

“Don’t think it’s a big deal to solve a case like this.”

“That is, the social environment is much better now.”

“Decades ago, such cases abounded. Compared with this appalling and bizarre case, it would be truly horrifying.”

“At that time, you didn’t count as much credit at all.”

When Xiong Zhuangshi heard an old story, it was still a story related to the criminal police case, and his eyes the size of two copper bells earned a huge amount of money.

His face was full of interest, curiosity, and want to know.

Without waiting for Lin Nan to speak, he hurriedly praised Mr. Lin.

“Really? Mr. Lin, are there more bizarre cases than this? Have those cases been solved?”

Old Man Lin waved his hand and sighed, “Broken? What to do?”

“At that time, it wasn’t long before the society settled down, people’s wisdom just opened up, and feudal superstitions were rampant, not to mention, a lot of bad things!”

“Moreover, there are not so many professional means, and there is not so much relevant knowledge and conditions. It is all supported by experience. In some cases, it is really impossible to even touch the tail.”

“There’s no way to start.”

Xiong Zhuangshi continued to hold and chew and said:

“You are experienced and knowledgeable, tell me about it, let me see and see.”

“Okay! It’s just that I’m idle today, so let’s talk about it!” Mr. Lin raised his eyebrows and took a sip of tea.

Take out a smoking bag.


Green smoke curls!

Mr. Lin seems to have also started to fall into memory.

A long-standing bizarre and thrilling case was slowly told by him.

“I still remember that it was a summer 33 years ago. I was about 38 years old and I was still working in the Criminal Investigation Division of the General Bureau of Public Security in Longming City.”

“That day, our criminal investigation team took over a case.”*

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