Chapter 19 Lin Nan’s self-defense, Xiong Zhuangshi is more like a real grandson!

When Xiong Zhuangshi heard this, he suddenly shivered.

“Eh, mother! This…this…this is also a bit too scary.”

“Good guy! It’s more terrifying than that tongue cutting.”

“Is it too sensational to steal someone’s identity and life?”

“Master Lin, is what you said true or false?”

“This is even more mysterious than what is written in the novels I read!”

Mr. Lin took a deep breath and said:

“Sometimes, reality is the most absurd, more bizarre than fiction.”

“Where are you from here!”

“There is still a long way to go!”

“One day, you will understand how nonsense reality is.”

Xiong Zhuang smacked his lips, as if he was reminiscing about that story.

“Master Lin, will she appear one day, commit another crime, and steal other people’s lives?”

Hearing this, Mr. Lin said with a sneer.



“Does she dare?”

“It’s not thirty years ago.”

“Ubiquitous cameras, face recognition, fingerprint detection, DNA verification, bone comparison…”

“There are so many criminal investigation methods now!”

“As long as she dares to appear, there will be nowhere to hide.”

“And the fingerprint that has been recorded and kept in the criminal investigation department’s historical records.”

“That’s the sword of Damocles on her head.”

“Dare to show up?”

“The only thing that awaits her is the judgment of the law!”

“Whether she’s drawing skins or a hermit crab.”

“Always a invisible parasite.”

“Once she appears in the sun, all that awaits her will be ashes.”

Xiong Zhuangshi widened his mouth and looked at Mr. Lin in surprise.

“My God! Mr. Lin, you are really fashionable!”

“Having retired for so many years, I still know so much about these cutting-edge criminal investigation methods.”

“It really is to live to old age and learn to grow old.”

Mr. Lin laughed heartily at the flattery, got up and patted Xiong Zhuangzhuang on the shoulder.

“Hahahaha… It’s the little bear who knows me best! Come on, now, I’ll teach you the tricks I just said.”

“From now on, you will be the successor of these few tricks of mine, remember to pass them on.”

Xiong Zhuangshi patted his chest and said, “No problem, Mr. Lin, I promise to pass it on.”

Mr. Lin laughed even more happily, teaching and talking.

“It’s still Xiao Xiong, you know the best. Unlike Xiao Nan, you teach him hands-on, but you don’t want to learn, so you can do some weird tricks.”

Xiong Zhuangshi said in surprise: “Xiao Lin still knows martial arts? Why have I never seen him use it?”

“Xiao Lin, let’s practice together when you have time?”

Lin Nan glanced silently and said casually:

“Forget it! I don’t know how to fight, I only have a few self-defense moves, and those few self-defense moves are harmless. They are generally only used for self-defense, so I don’t want to learn from each other.”

Bear Zhuangzhuang scratched his head.

Self defense?

Is there any harm?

I understand these things separately, but together, I always feel that something is wrong.

The old man Lin, who knew the basics, twitched his old face when he remembered the tricks of his grandson Lin Nan.

Self defense?

I bah~

None of the tricks are serious tricks.

Plug your eyes! Kick the crotch! Step on your toes!

blah blah blah blah blah

Lin Nan didn’t know that his own grandfather was spurning him in his heart.

At this moment.

He didn’t think about anything, he just wanted to drink tea, maintain his health, finish his meal early, and go to the square dance on time.

If grandpa is interested, take him to the square dance by the way to see if he wants to find a step-wife.

After all, I still have a lot of aunt resources in my hands, and there are many candidates suitable for grandpa.

The high-quality resource of old criminal police retired veteran cadres should be very popular among the single aunts group!

Mr. Lin, who is seriously instructing the so-called ultimate trick, also doesn’t know.

His precious grandson, Lin Nan, is thinking about finding an opportunity to take him to a square dance.

Let him radiate the second spring again when the dusk falls!

If Mr. Lin knew about it, he would immediately slap the head of this precious grandson, and turn his head to accept Xiong Zhuangzhuang as his grandson.

Time passed little by little.

In a blink of an eye, it was time for dinner.

It was in the house of Mr. Lin.

Lin Nan and Xiong Zhuangshi started off, and Mr. Lin himself was the chef.

In no time, a sumptuous dinner was brought to the table.

while eating.

Xiong Zhuangshi’s words of praise are endless, and the series of flattery, one after another.

The smile on Mr. Lin’s face never stopped.

Lin Nan: “…”

The laughter and laughter belonged to the two of them, and the only thing left for Lin Nan was the rice.

There is always a feeling of being out of place.

As if he was here as a guest, Xiong Zhuangshi is the real grandson.

Lin Nan watched Xiong Zhuang’s performance.

The sigh in my heart never stopped.

Brother Xiong is really more like a grandson than my real grandson.

However, that may also be why they have only been together for a year.

He can be very close to Xiong Zhuangshi, just like a brother.

After all, who can refuse a person who treats your grandfather like his own grandfather?

Moreover, with Lin Nan’s vision and ability, he can see clearly whether Xiong Zhuangzhen treats the old man with sincerity or hypocrisy.

Xiong Zhuang treated Mr. Lin as if he really treated him as his own grandfather.

Sometimes, Lin Nan couldn’t help but wonder if the old man had made any mistakes when he was young?

So much so that the real grandson Xiong Zhuangshi, who was left behind, came to do his filial piety. *

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