Chapter 204 Spread the rumors to the police? Take it back and handle it strictly according to the law!

Inside the Criminal Investigation Team Office of the Bac Ninh Branch.

As soon as Lin Nan and Li Yanran entered the door, they heard Song Ruyan greet him and say, “Has that Ai Shishi already been released?”

Lin Nan: “Yeah! What’s wrong? Just let go.

Song Ruyan: “Then it should be right. I just saw his social account and posted a lot of rumors that I don’t know.”

Among them “the content involves our branch, you, and other colleagues.”

“It looks like it wasn’t hacking, but he sent it himself.”

Saying that, Song Ruyan handed over the phone.

Lin Nan took it and looked at the content with one eye and ten lines. Li Ma Ran was also curious and leaned over her little head.

After a moment.

“What? He really didn’t know how to repent, and he actually published such exaggerated content. Moreover, he also fabricated a lot of lies, so he shouldn’t have been let go so early.” Li Yanran waved her small fist and said angrily: “Then Three days of education did not make him feel any regret at all.

And Song Ruyan also frowned and asked, “How should this kind of thing be handled now?”

As Lin Nan returned the phone, he said in a low voice:

“The Internet is not a place outside the law. These contents are enough to constitute the circumstances of spreading rumors and causing trouble. According to the regulations on public security management and punishment, it is enough to deal with them according to law.”

Although “087, normally speaking, these matters should be handled by colleagues in the civil department.

“But who made me love my job!”

“Today, this matter will not be burdened by my colleagues in the civil department. Let Ma Ran and I deal with it!”

“I will say hello to the civil department in advance about these matters, there should be no problem.

“Ruyan, you stay in the office and feel free to contact me if anything happens.”

“Mom and I will go and come back.

After saying that, Lin Nan was about to turn around and leave, and Li Yanran followed closely behind.

After the two left the precinct, Li Yanran drove while Lin Nan continued to sit in the co-pilot and glanced at the information just received.

Wait for the car to catch fire.

Li Yanran asked, “Xiao Linzi, where are we going to find someone?”

Lin Nan replied confidently: “301, Unit 1, Building 4, Taihe Homeland, this is his address, just go there.”

Li Yanran said excitedly: “Okay! Let’s go.

After she finished speaking, she put her upper body on in the female driver mode and went straight to the destination at a high speed.

Lin Nan, with a dark face, grabbed the handle in the upper right corner, and said in his heart, (bcai) I will hurry up and get my driver’s license.

More than half an hour.

The police car was parked on the 1st floor of Unit 4, Building 4, Taihe Jiayuan Community.

The two got off the car, sorted out the instruments, walked into the corridor, and went straight to Room 301 on the 3rd floor.

bang bang bang~

No one responded.

Li Yanran said with flickering eyes: “Did he deliberately dare not respond inside? Otherwise, you…  

Although the words were not very clear, the meaning of the other party was obvious.

That is to let Lin Nan use the small ability of wire unlocking again to open the door.

to this.

Lin Nan categorically refused: “No! It’s not an emergency now.”

“Wait a while, let’s wait here for a while.”

Li Yanran sighed, turned into a frosted eggplant, and replied weakly, “Listen! Okay!”

“I don’t know how long I have to wait, really, it’s not too early to go home.

at the same time.

Outside a blocked door near Building 4 of Taihe Homeland Community.

The acne-prone young man was struggling to climb, and while he was climbing, he cursed and muttered to himself:

“This damn property, who usually doesn’t do shit, does these immoral things.

“This small door is closed every day, so why did you build it in the first place? Play?

“This bunch of dogs.

“If you return to the community, you must go through the gate to register.”


“Laozi needs to say hello to you dogs when he goes back to his house?

“Like those cops, take a feather as an arrow.


“It takes hundreds of meters to walk through the gate, so Laozi is not stupid!”

“If you have time, Laozi will get some tools and pick the lock of this small door. In the future, you will lock it once, and I will do it once. Let’s see what you do.”

After a moment.

The acne-prone young man landed safely, patted the dust on his body, and walked home cursingly.

Then, just got downstairs.

He was stunned.


There is an unmanned police car, just parked next to his unit.

At this moment.

In the dark, as if feeling a kind of ominous looming over the head.

The acne-prone young man frowned and spit out with a sullen face. As he walked into the corridor to the third floor, he muttered to himself in a soothing way:

“It’s really unlucky to see a police car again.”

“I don’t know who called the police, it’s just sick.”

at the same time.

Lin Nan on the third floor of the corridor.

Hearing the faint voice, a smile appeared on his face.

He quietly signaled Li Yanran not to speak, and waited for the other party to come to the door.

Twenty seconds later.

A dramatic scene emerges.

The acne-prone young man stood halfway up the second floor, staring at Lin Nan and Li Yanran in front of his house with a dull expression on his face.

Pointing at the two of them.

Tremblingly, he asked, “You, you, why are you here?”

Lin Nan smiled like a tiger on the face, and said with a smile: “Why, should you know it yourself?”

“Mr. Ai Shishi, you posted false remarks on social platforms, fabricated facts, spread rumors, slandered state law enforcement agencies, and were suspected of disturbing public order.”

We “are here to arrest you in accordance with the law, and will punish you accordingly in accordance with public security management regulations.

“Please come with us!

As soon as these words came out, the face of the acne-prone young man became extremely pale and bloodless.

But he couldn’t help but retort: ​​”I, the information I send on my social platform is also under your control?”

“Are you taking it too far?”

The smile on Lin Nan’s face gradually disappeared, and he said coldly: “The Internet is not a place outside the law, it is not that we want to control you, it is you who violated the law yourself.”

“Stop talking, come with us!”

The voice just fell.

Li Yanran couldn’t wait to jump down.

In an instant.

The grappling hand cast out, subdued the opponent in three seconds, and handcuffed him. .

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