Chapter 221 Upgrade! Intermediate Justice Star Gift Pack! The villa case is settled!

Listening to the two of them chatting about family life, the scrutiny in Lin Nan’s eyes became heavier and heavier.


Did the two of them know each other?

Can be strong this morning uncharacteristically early to get up..

The two are of a similar age and have known each other before.

Look at the shy posture of being able to be strong.

Is this the story of a licking bear?

Although Lin Nan was very curious, he only guessed in his heart, and did not directly mention or ask.

After all, Lin Nan has always felt that he has a high emotional intelligence.

If you ask this question, there may not be a real answer.

They will get along for a long time.

As long as the recent careful observation, there is always speculation can come up with the real answer.

After a moment.

Lin Nan and Neng Zhuangshi brought Leng Mei to meet with their colleagues, “May 43″ and told them that Comrade Leng Mei would temporarily assist in the work of the third group.

Of course, the specific reason is not so clear, after all, there are many people.

Therefore, the fact that Leng Mei came from Guoan is limited to Lin Nan, an old acquaintance, Neng Zhuangshi, and a few limited people such as Captain Zhang Hai and Director Zheng Aiguo.

The colleagues of the criminal investigation team also understand the principle of confidentiality. Although they vaguely guess that they have special tasks, they also understand what to ask and what not to ask.

As for Li Yanran, she never thought about these things.

And Song Ruyan also vaguely guessed something.

But she was also very sensible and didn’t ask any questions, just silently doing her own work, coding like crazy.

Recently, Song Ruyan was too busy to die.

Although, she only joined for more than half a month, but following Lin Nan, she really saw a lot of cases.

On average, one small case per day and one large case in three days.

From such appalling cases as skin ghosts, to hypnotized stabbing with a knife, heart cutting, corpse burning, child disappearance, wife framing and murder, etc., it can really be said to have opened her eyes.

When exploring the social phenomenon behind each case.

There is warmth, sadness, anger…  

all of these.

It also made her very emotional and inspired.

Once, she was always a little confused, confused about what she should do, what she could do, and which role she should play.

Now, Song Ruyan already has her own goals in her heart, and she understands what she should do.

She is a writer.

A writer speaks with a pen.

It is her role to create stories one after another, arouse people’s reflection, and guide people’s thoughts.

In recent days, Song Ruyan has published several articles about solving cases and detectives, each of which contains deep meaning, and uses the text to express her thoughts, causing a small-scale sensation in the industry.

There are also many seniors of the Writers Association, who repeatedly boasted in the group chat that the depth of thought contained in her recent articles was much higher than before, which made her a little flattered.

It also made her firmer in her next creative route and direction.

Inside the Criminal Investigation Team Office of the Bac Ninh Branch.


Calm and peaceful.

Lin Nan is sitting on his desk, holding a thermos cup, drinking tea comfortably, and chatting with another person using a chat tool.

[Lawyer Zhen, this is what happened in general, I’ll leave it to you next. 】

[Officer Lin, I already understand the general situation, don’t worry, I have everything up to you. As for the compensation lawsuit against Sun Yuan, I will find another lawyer to take charge of the lawsuit. She is proficient in sign language and can communicate with Sun Yuan and his wife. ”

[Lawyer Zhen, thank you so much. ”

[Officer Lin, don’t thank me, if there are any other cases like this, please hand them over to me, I am a partner of justice, and I will definitely let them be tried by the law. ”


Taking a look at the last reply, Lin Nan looked even more happy.

In the afternoon, he had already contacted lawyer Zhen, not only because the lawyer’s reverse operation ability was full, but also because he wanted Sun Yuan and his wife to obtain compensation.

after all.

Sun Yuan was framed by a star for no reason. Even though the deaf-mute couple was accustomed to not caring about this kind of thing, Lin Nan felt bad.

At least let Zheng Xiuxian spit out part of the compensation for Sun Yuan’s mental damage before he goes to prison, and let Wenle Camp, who did it himself, spit out part of the compensation for intentional injury.

Anyway, these two are not good birds.

Wen Le Yingkou confessed that he avoided the important and ignored it, saying that Tao Huanzhu was stabbed to death by Zheng Xiuxian.

But in fact, from the truth restored in monitoring.

Tao Huanzhu was restricted by Zheng Xiuxian and could not resist.

Then, Wen Lexuan, dressed in a maintenance suit, killed herself by stabbing it twice with a fruit knife.

Such a precise technique is only possible for her, a medical graduate.

Lin Nan glanced at the scene in the office.

Comrade Lengmei, a newcomer from Guoan, was warmly invited by Xiong Zhuangshi to his desk because he had no desk for the time being.

The two share the same desk for the time being.


Xiong Zhuangshi was shyly whispering to him, not knowing what he was talking about, and he looked a little shy on his face.


What the hell!

Is this the old can bloom? Or the forest can come?

I always feel like I’m going to be stuffed with dog food in the future.

Just when Lin Nan was emptying his mind, he didn’t know what to think.

Suddenly, a system prompt came to my mind.


Assist [solve the villa murder case, contribute 70% and gain 7 points of justice.

[The justice value has reached 2000 points, and I have been promoted to the intermediate justice star. Do you want to receive the intermediate justice star spree?)

Lin Nan felt spirited instantly -3.8 vibration.

Intermediate Justice Star?

And a great gift package?

This is great!

Think what comes.

Unexpectedly, the justice value 2000 will be promoted.

Originally, according to the original calculation, I thought it would take 5,000 justice points!

There was a hint of joy on Lin Nan’s face, and he silently opened the big gift bag in his heart.


[Intermediate Justice Star Gift Pack has been opened]

Obtain [three master-level ability upgrade cards]

Master-level [ability upgrade card: Unlimited upgrade of professional-level abilities to master-level abilities. ”

[PS: Three master-level ability upgrade cards can be combined into one hall-level ability upgrade card. )

[Palace-level ability upgrade card: Unlimited upgrade of master-level ability to palace-level ability. .

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