Chapter 223 Get off the horse, in-depth cooperation, confused plum blossom Q!

Monday, October 18, early morning.

Two or three days passed in the blink of an eye.

The past two days have been calm, and there have been no fatalities, and there is no expected murder.

The club queen sent by the poker organization did not use any movement or trace, and did not know where it went.

This can’t help but make Lin Nan sigh that the other party’s efficiency is too low.

Sunday off yesterday.

Lin Nan didn’t visit his old man, but made a phone call, explained the matter, and stayed in the dormitory of the branch for a day.

Of course, I am very happy to be strong these days. I am very diligent, and I don’t need Lin Nan’s wake-up service in the morning.

I get up earlier than anyone else, and I disappear from time to time in the morning, and I don’t know what this bear is doing.

Lin Nan didn’t care about this.

After all, someone who can be strong is in his thirties.

This older single can, and it’s time to think about his life-long events.

Lin Nan put up the towel, looked into the mirror, and sorted out his police uniform, neatly and neatly, picked up his favorite thermos cup, and walked out of the dormitory door.

On the road from the branch dormitory to the Bac Ninh branch just a few hundred meters away.

Lin Nan couldn’t help twitching the corners of his mouth when he felt a few more and more obvious gazes on his body.

Are these colleagues at Guoan becoming more and more relaxed?

Since Leng Mei came to explain the situation, when Lin Nan left the precinct that day, he noticed a vague sense of staring, which kept hovering over him.

At that time, after on-site investigation, he found that these gazes came from three directions, and after a simple test, combined with Leng Mei’s demeanor at that time.

Lin Nan judged that these should be the colleagues of the national security team who were responsible for monitoring his movements and supporting him at any time.

Therefore, they ignored these monitoring eyes.

But Lin Nan found that these colleagues in the national security team were monitoring more and more casually these days, as if he was afraid that he would not notice.

Several times, the obvious sense of stare made Lin Nan want to expose them on the spot several times, but he endured them all.

However, looking at the other party’s state of neglect.

Lin Nan thinks it’s better to give them a little reminder.

After the appearance of Plum Blossom Q, they not only failed to help, but also caused problems.

Thinking of this, Lin Nan held the thermos cup expressionlessly and walked to a black car on the side of the road.

And at the same time.

In the driver’s seat in the car.

The two sturdy men in civilian clothes had some affection. They looked at Lin Nan’s figure getting closer and began to communicate quickly.

: “What’s the situation? Why did he walk straight towards our car for a long time?”

: “It’s not that they found us!”

: “Impossible, it’s been two days, and he didn’t even notice it.”

: “What’s next? Who will deal with him?”

: “We are secretly responsible, it’s best not to let him find out, it will save him unnecessary thoughts and let Plum Blossom Q see something wrong with him. White Wolf, you are in the driving seat, you will deal with it.

: “Okay! Look at me!”

dong dong dong~

The window was tapped lightly.


Window rolls down.

What caught Lin Nan’s eyes was the face of an ordinary uncle.

At this time, the uncle said with a smile on his face: “It’s a police comrade!

“What’s the matter with you?”

“Is it a drunk driving check?”

Lin Nan waved his hand and said in a low voice, “Okay!

“Stop pretending!”

“You already exposed.

“I’ve been with you for three days and don’t know how to change cars!”

Plum Blossom “Q likes to use probability to create coincidences to kill.”

“Then, he will definitely observe me. You don’t change cars or people to follow me for three days in a row, all fools know there is a problem.

“Let’s go back and forth with the other two groups of people to follow and change shifts!

“At least it’s less likely to be detected.

“And tell the stalking colleague in the breakfast shop that his eyes are too much.”

“The colleague in the square obviously has a problem. After all, he is not an acquaintance, and the old man told me that day.

As for “the one who danced in the square at night, let him sit aside! The dance is a bit stiff.

After saying that, Lin Nan left Shi Shiran.

The two stunned men were left alone and continued to be in a daze in the car.

After a long time, the two talents woke up like a dream and started a new round of conversation.

: “We were debunked?”

: “Isn’t it obvious? Not only the two of us, but the other three were also seen through by him. Good boy, as expected of the person Zheng Ke likes, he really has a hand.”

: “Okay! Isn’t that shameful enough? I feel like reporting to Team Leader Leng and asking her what to do next?”

: “Okay! Got it! Get in touch now.

After a moment.

Leng Mei received their report through secret channels and learned about what had just happened.

“, “Okay! I know the situation! The next thing is left to me to solve.


Criminal Investigation Office.

Lin Nan continued to go about her usual daily work.

When Leng Mei and Neng Zhuangshi appeared, they didn’t say anything separately, they just looked at him, turned their heads sideways, and nodded again.

The meaning of this, wise people naturally understand.

It is clear.

Leng Mei meant that she wanted to talk to him alone.


Lin Nan also understood and went out alone.

20 minutes later, the two reappeared in the office.

As for the content of the conversation between them.

But it was Lin Nan who got more clues and information about Plum Q.

And Lengmei invited Lin Nan to join the plan of hunting plum Q.

After all, Lin Nan already knew the existence of the members of the Guoan Squad, and it was easy to expose it.

And seeing this scene, Neng Zhuang (Li Ma Hao) always felt as if he had been removed.

However, he had no other ideas, nor was he suspicious.

Anyway, these two people are the existence of his deep knowledge.

One is the little brother who was entrusted to look after him.

The other one has grown up together since childhood, and is not a sister but is better than a sister.

And at the same time.

an unfamiliar city.

There was a young foreign man in an ordinary white suit with slightly sickly pale skin.

He was staring at the construction site of the road in front of him in confusion.

Take out your phone and check the sign in front of you

There is a row of large characters on the sign.

[Beijing Street, Longming City, is under construction, please detour. ”

He looked at the square words on the sign, and then looked at the square words on the phone.

[Beining Street, Longming City]


Always feel like something is wrong?

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