Chapter 225 Accidental or homicide? Zhang Hai, who was slapped in the face again!

For a time, even Captain Zhang Hai felt a little numb.

He originally thought that this group of renters, even the kind that rented beds, would have a dozen or so people.

Unexpectedly, more than 30 people were actually stuffed.

The space of 118 square meters is occupied by more than 30 people, and the average space for each person is about 3 square meters.

Even if it’s not bed after bed, people are crowded with people, it’s almost the same.

After thinking about it for a while, Captain Zhang Hai turned his head to the forensic doctors Tan Xiaotong and Tan Xiaoxiao and said, “The two of you first determine whether the deceased died accidentally or was murdered.”

Hearing the words, the two sisters nodded, set off immediately, and went upstairs to the scene of the crime to do a preliminary autopsy on the deceased.


Captain Zhang Hai frowned and said: Song Mingming, “Let’s go to inquire about the situation first, mainly to ask the second landlord about the deceased.”

“Everyone else register first – information.

We “go up and take a look first, and keep in touch at any time.”

After that, he took Lin Nan and the other four upstairs.

After a moment.

The group walked towards the crime scene.

Lin Nan walked in the last position.

Along the way, Lin Nan began to carefully observe the situation in the corridor of this building, and recorded all the information and clues in his mind.

When he arrived at the crime scene room on the 6th floor, even Lin Nan was shocked when he saw it.

Through the wide open door of Room 602.

What caught my eye was the seven or eight messy beds in the living room.

at the same time.

There is a refreshing smell to the nostrils.

Body odor, sweat odor, foot odor…  

All kinds of disgusting smells mixed together to form a strong indescribable odor, which was somewhat irresistible.

Just a moment.

Lin Nan’s face darkened.

The smell of this smell is too powerful.

Especially for people with sensitive five senses like Lin Nan, the lethality has increased several times.

a time.

Lin Nan had the idea of ​​turning his head and leaving.

But this idea was just a flash in the pan, and it was forgotten.

I can’t help it, I can’t bear it.

Who made him a cop!

After putting on disposable shoe covers and disposable gloves.

Lin Nan walked into the crime scene with frowning.

Just came in.

There was a small door on the right, which Lin Nan gently pushed open.

This is the toilet and bathroom, only a few square meters in size.

There is a toilet on the left and a shower head above the right.

The bathroom door was more than half open, and it was blocked.

Lin Nan walked in and took a look.

There is a washing machine by the door.

That’s all there is in this little room.

In the small bathroom, it looks more narrow and compact.

The yellow stains on the ground are traces of the unknown liquid that dried after being swayed out.

The air smelled of excrement.

ten seconds later.

Lin Nan exited the bathroom with a dark face, marked the place with no clue in his mind, and decided not to go in again.

Outside the bathroom, followed by a sink, filled with all kinds of cheap toiletries, very messy.

There were also two or three smelly socks that were discarded by someone who didn’t know who they were. They were abandoned by the sink, exuding an indescribable smell.

There were vomit residues in the pool and an inexplicable smell.

At this moment.

Lin Nan feels that this group of renters is hell for those who are obsessed with cleanliness, and it is the most tragic and cruel hell.

Although, he is not that kind of heavy cleanliness, but Lin Nan usually likes clean people very much.

See everything inside this group of rentals.


It really made him uncomfortable.

Ten seconds later.

Lin Nan leaves this sink.

Begin to check other places in turn with a dark face.

In the living room, there are 8 bunk beds, messy quilts and pillows, half eaten snacks and garbage, black and yellow towels…

Garbage all over the place. . . .

The remaining three small rooms, two of which are large rooms, are stuffed with four bunks.

The smallest room was left, with 3 bunk beds and no table or stool in it.

Lin Nan thought for a moment.

In total, there are 38 beds.

This second landlord really used the space to the extreme and tried to stuff people inside as much as possible.


Lin Nan continued to observe.

to be honest.

The ability of on-site investigation has been upgraded to the master level later.

It is true that it is a little perverted, and it is simply insightful.

If possible, Lin Nan would rather not notice that much.

after all.

These black marks on the wall, others may need to study it carefully and spend a lot of time identifying them before they can get the results.

But Lin Nan can easily identify the result.

Among those traces, there are traces left by crawling cockroaches, and traces from burning cigarettes. …

At night, a swarm of cockroaches scurries around the wall, crawling back and forth…  

Thinking of this scene, the corners of Lin Nan’s mouth couldn’t help but twitch.

At this time.

Forensic doctor Tan Xiaotong walked to the living room, took off his mask, and reported as usual: “The preliminary autopsy has been done.

“The deceased, male, around 45 years old, died roughly between 1am and 4am.”

“The cause of death was cerebral hypoxic shock due to loss of spontaneous breathing, followed by ventricle death.

“No obvious signs of resistance.”

“The deceased had an odor of alcohol, and he should have been in a state of intoxication before he died.

Hearing this, Captain Zhang Hai frowned and said, “Suffocation?”

“Suddenly suffocated to death in the early morning?”

“Go back and do a detailed autopsy, check carefully, and find out whether it is due to internal factors or external factors that caused the apnea.”

Forensic doctor Tan Xiaotong nodded.

Captain Zhang Hai turned his head and asked:

“Did you find any other clues during the on-site investigation?”

Lin Nan and others shook their heads in turn, indicating that they did not find it.

Captain Zhang Hai touched his chin and said confidently: “It seems that the chance of the deceased dying accidentally due to illness is higher.”

“I’ll just say it!”

“There aren’t that many homicides at all.”

“Our public security environment in Beining District is quite good.”

Hearing Lao Zhang’s deja vu declaration, Lin Nan had a bad premonition.

as predicted.

Less than five minutes.

Tan Xiaotong hurriedly appeared again.

She raised the colorless and transparent evidence bag in her hand and said, “Team Zhang, there is a new discovery.”

Inside the deceased’s nose, textile fibers and unidentified cotton remnants were found.

“On examination of throat sputum, cotton remnants were also found.”

“That’s probably why he suffocated.”

“It is possible that the deceased was not an accidental death, but a homicide.”

Captain Zhang Hai touched his face, inexplicably felt a little pain in his face, as if he had been slapped out of thin air. small,

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