Chapter 24 Interrogation of Liu Ming, serial burglary case, closed!

“Xiao Linzi, Xiao Linzi, the next room, the next room, the next room is the autopsy room. I’ll take you in to have a good experience. This is the base camp of the two sisters Xiaotong and Xiaoxiao.” Li Yanran ran to the one in front of her. The room shouted cheerfully.

Lin Nan: “???”

Why were you still full of energy a second ago?

A second later, it’s the same as a husky who is having fun?

Is it!

Is this the variability of women?

It was horrible.

Lin Nan felt that the originally planned life of a criminal police officer would cause many unexpected situations due to the sudden addition of a variable like Li Yanran.

If it weren’t for Lin Nan’s Buddhist thinking, someone with a firmer mind would definitely put the original plan back on track.

Unfortunately, Lin Nan is not that kind of person.

So he chose to go with the flow.

in the next two hours.

Under the leadership of Li Yanran, Lin Nan has seen countless human organ specimens in the autopsy room, and various types of murder weapons in the physical evidence room. More than a dozen large and small have everything in different functional departments.

And the last stop of their two morning trip was the No. 1 interrogation room that Lin Nan had seen last time.

As for why this is the last stop?

That’s because Lin Nan still needs to meet an old acquaintance.

Recording a statement for this old acquaintance was also Lin Nan’s first job after joining the Criminal Investigation Team.


The door to the interrogation room opened with a sound.

A certain hapless Huangmao who was handcuffed to the table, immediately shouted excitedly:

“Comrade police officer! I didn’t kill! I was wronged! I really didn’t kill!!!”

Lin Nan turned his head to look at Li Yanran behind him, and slowly typed a question mark with his expression.

The meaning is obvious.

Why does the memory of this pot-bearer still stay in the past?

Wasn’t the case solved the day before yesterday?

Li Yanran scratched her head and said, “Uh~ I’m so busy, I forgot about him.”

Lin Nan: “emmmm…Okay! It’s okay to talk to him now.”

at the same time.

Xiao Huangmao Liu Ming also recognized Lin Nan’s appearance, and said excitedly: “Officer, police officer, you said that you believed that I didn’t kill anyone, and you also said that there was a chance of survival. How is the investigation now?”

“Have you found the real murderer?”

Lin Nan did not tell Liu Ming the truth immediately, but slowly put the thermos cup on the interrogation table, and sat on the chair calmly and said:

“One by one, let’s explain all your previous theft crimes clearly!”


After two days of long waiting, Xiao Huangmao, who was psychologically tortured, did not follow Lin Nan’s intention to talk about the theft first.

Instead, he shouted hysterically: “I need to know first if my murder charge has been cleared. I didn’t kill people.”

“Otherwise, I won’t say anything.”

Lin Nan watched with a calm expression, his right index finger tapped the interrogation table rhythmically, without saying a word.

The interrogation room fell silent.

Only the sound of “da da da” index finger tapping.

This is Lin Nan’s usual interrogation method.

Silent environment, index finger tapping, exerting invisible psychological pressure.

Before Xiao Huangmao Liu Ming’s psychology was about to collapse.

Lin Nan finally spoke.

I saw that his face was calm, and he said without a smile:

“Are you negotiating terms with me?”

“It’s not me who should be worried, it’s you!”

“Be honest, cooperate with all our work, the opportunity is there, whether you can seize it is up to you.”

Xiao Huang Mao Liu Ming said in a hoarse voice:

“Officer, I will cooperate with you. Can you find the real murderer?”

Lin Nan said calmly:

“As a police officer, it is our belief to neither wrong a good person nor spare a bad person.”

Xiao Huangmao Liu Ming took a deep breath and said to himself: “Okay! I will trust you again, I believe you will find the real murderer and return me to my innocence.”

Having said that, Xiao Huangmao Liu Ming explained all the facts of the burglary crime, and explained everything in detail.

When, where, how much money was stolen, it was all clear.

And Lin Nan, who achieved the goal, gave Li Yanran a look.

Li Yanran understood what he meant in seconds, picked up the notebook on the table, and began to record it in detail.

After half an hour.

Liu Ming’s name has been signed on the record, which is enough to become the evidence of the stereotype.

All dust settled.

Lin Nan then said quietly: “Very good! For the sake of your honesty and cooperation.”

“I have good news for you.”

“The real murderer who framed you in the murder case has been arrested.”

“The murder suspicion on you has been cleared.”

As soon as the words fell, the little yellow-haired Liu Ming’s eyes opened like copper bells, the whole person was instantly overwhelmed by ecstasy, and the excited voice couldn’t stop coming out.

“Is this true? I have been cleared of murder!”

“That’s great! That’s great!”

“Officer, you said it earlier! Why didn’t you say it earlier?”

“What you told me earlier, I have already explained it clearly.”

“Comparing this crime of burglary with the crime of murder and extermination, it’s quite a fart!”

The little yellow-haired Liu Ming, who felt that he had escaped from death, was incoherent with excitement and laughed wildly.

“Hahahaha… It’s really a path beyond heaven!”

“My Liu Ming really deserves to die.”

“However, I still want to thank you, officer, for helping me clear the charge of murder.”

Lin Nan replied indifferently: “The legal network is extensive and omissions are not missed. This is our duty as a police officer.”

“No thanks, it should be done.”

Speaking of which.

Lin Nan paused for a while, and he flipped the transcript that could be used as sentencing evidence, and continued:

“As for why I didn’t tell you in advance?”

“If you had said it in advance, you probably wouldn’t have explained it so clearly.”

Having said that, Xiao Huangmao Liu Ming fully understood what Lin Nan meant.

He was just thrown by the little young policeman in front of him.


Although he was put together, but the joy of successfully clearing the murder charge and not being sentenced to death still made him choose not to care about these trivial matters.

Just a burglary!

It’s drizzling!

You can’t get the death penalty for stealing something anyway.

Seeing the little yellow-haired Liu Ming on the opposite side, he was smiling, dancing and singing and dancing.

“Liu Ming!” Lin Nan raised his eyebrows and said, “Are you too happy now?”

“The burglary will also be sentenced!”

“Cut! It’s alright!” Xiao Huangmao Liu Ming said indifferently: “It’s just a crime of burglary on the left and right.”

“Anyway, if I didn’t kill anyone, and I didn’t rob a house, I just stole something. How many years can I be sentenced?”

“It’s a big deal, I’ll go to prison for a period of study.”

“I heard that everyone in the prison is talented, and they speak nicely. Going to prison is like home.”

“I just happened to get to know each other this time.”

at this time.

“Yeah!” Lin Nan said black-bellied: “You’re right, you can really take charge of the prison!”

“In my judgment, you can be prepared to live in prison for more than ten years.”

The voice just fell.

The smile on Xiao Huang Mao Liu Ming’s face gradually disappeared.

Everyone is stupid! *

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