Chapter 3 Open the door and discover the massacre!

“Hello, is this a property?” A woman in her forties with glasses and a slightly serious expression knocked on the door and asked.

She was a little surprised when she saw Lin Nan and Xiong Zhuangshi, two police officers in police uniforms.

But without the slightest sense of tension, he walked in as usual, and said to the property staff sitting by the desk:

“Hello, I’m Liu Chunmei, the head teacher of the owner’s child in Unit 601, Unit 2, Building 4, in your community. This is my teacher’s certificate.”

“Today, their children didn’t come to school, no one answered the phone calls to their parents, and no one responded to the home visit just now. Do you have any other contact information for them?”

The property staff looked at the two policemen in confusion.

It’s 601, Unit 2, Building 4 again?

When Lin Nan heard these words, they looked at each other.

Both of them felt that something was amiss.

The kid didn’t go to school!

Parents’ phone goes unanswered!

There were more figures haunting their house in the middle of the night last night.

Is the case further escalating?

A burglary turns into a burglary?

What will happen to the family of three?

Something is wrong!

Xiong Zhuangshi hurriedly stepped forward and asked:

“Did you see Li Yougui, the owner of 601, and his family of three returning to the community yesterday?”

At this time, another property staff member replied:

“Li Yougui? Oh! That’s it! When I was on duty yesterday, I saw that they seemed to be back at night.”

Xiong Zhuangshi said with a serious expression:

“Well, there may be some emergencies now. I hope your property can cooperate with us. Do you have a spare key for their house here?”

The property staff replied helplessly: “No, in principle, the property cannot keep the owner’s key, unless the owner takes the initiative to sign an escrow agreement with the property and keep the key here.”

“But Li Yougui’s family doesn’t even have to look for them. People like them don’t worry about leaving the keys in the property.”

Lin Nan said he was speechless. He didn’t expect that the 601 owner’s family would be so disgusting that even the property staff did not have a good impression of them.

Normally, in such an old community, there are still quite a lot of connections between neighbors, and they are generally very human.

Xiong Zhuangshi pulled Lin Nan aside and muttered:

“Xiao Lin, it’s not easy to handle this situation now! If the previous information is true, it is very likely that a burglary has really happened, and it may have turned into a robbery. It is uncertain whether the life of Li Yougui’s family is in danger.”

“But it’s all based on speculation, what do you think?”

Lin Nan’s eyebrows were slightly lowered, he unscrewed the thermos cup, drank a sip of wolfberry health tea, and the old god said:

“Why don’t you open the door first to check the situation? After all, life is at the greatest risk, so take precautions before it happens!”

“I suggest opening the door first, find out the situation, and then plan the next step.”

“After the big deal, make up a relevant report!”

“Okay! I’ll contact the lockpicker now.” Xiong Zhuangshi nodded with a gloomy expression. “Open the door first, find out the situation, and report the situation to the top.”

Lin Nan said calmly, “Brother Xiong, you should report it! You don’t need to look for a lock picker, the situation is urgent, I’ll open the door first!”

Xiong Zhuangshi said with a bewildered expression: “Ha? You open the door? How do you open it?”

“How to open it? Just use this. The security doors of the 601 residents are old styles from a few years ago.” Lin Nan took out an iron wire from the property. “As long as you don’t care about the movement, it’s not difficult to drive.”

Xiong Zhuangshi: “…You…have this skill?”

Lin Nan: “Don’t overwhelm you with a lot of skills! Let’s go! We also need a property staff member as a third-party witness.”

Xiong Zhuangshi: “Speak up…”

And the head teacher in the property office also learned something from the property, and he had to check with the past when he said anything.

Before the situation was determined, Lin Nan and Xiong Zhuangshi were not easy to stop, so they simply became a few more third-party witnesses.

After a moment.

Holding the wire, Lin Nan squatted in front of the security door in Room 601, observing the keyhole.

The keyhole is a little old, and there are some shiny iron filings in it, but the structure of the lock is not very complicated.

Fold the wire once to fine-tune the angle.

Reached in and slammed it a few times.

With several consecutive crisp sounds of “crunch ~ click”.

The door lock was opened.

at the same time.

Standing behind Lin Nan, Xiong Zhuangshi, class teacher Liu Chunmei, beautiful writer Song Ruyan, and the property staff member Xiao Li who were witnesses all looked sluggish.

How could a police officer actually use a wire to pry open a security door?

So skilled!

This is a bit outrageous!

This scene.

Even Xiong Zhuangshi, who was told in advance, was just as stunned. He really didn’t know that Lin Nan had this skill.

He thought he was joking!

All locksmiths have been contacted.

Lin Nan happily opened the door, and a strange smell lingered out.

in an instant.

The expressions of Lin Nan and Xiong Zhuangshi changed drastically.

This… the smell of blood! ! !

Xiong Zhuangshi turned his head with a serious face and said:

“Three, you don’t have the power to enforce the law, don’t enter other people’s houses, please wait in place.”

Saying that, he gave Lin Nan a wink.

Lin Nan also behaved very tacitly. He quietly blocked the door and said with a smile:

“The situation is like this. The three of you, please wait here for a while and let Officer Xiong go first to find out the situation.”

And this strange smell was also smelled by the three of them. Combining the performances of Lin Nan and the two, an ominous feeling instantly hit everyone’s heart.

However, they didn’t show it either, they just frowned and nodded, cooperating with the action.

Among them, the beauty writer Song Ruyan fell into deep thought, as if thinking of something.

During this period.

Xiong Zhuang had already put on special dust-free shoe covers and dust-free gloves, and walked into the room cautiously.

In the living room that came into view, the drawers were turned over in a mess, which seemed to be the scene of theft.

As Xiong Zhuangshi went deeper and deeper, the strong smell of blood became stronger and stronger, and the shadow also shrouded Xiong Zhuangshi’s heart.

When he gently pushed open the master bedroom door, everything in the bedroom made his pupils shrink.

Scarlet blood was all over the mattress, and the two ferocious corpses of a man and a woman were dead, and the scene was horrific.


The murder of two lives!

This was the first thought that appeared in Xiong Zhuangshi’s mind.

It’s too late to read more and think more about it.

Xiong Zhuangshi hurriedly walked to other rooms and continued to check the situation.

When gently pushing open the side bedroom door.

His pupils narrowed again.


Another life!

The kid who didn’t go to school was also killed.

The whole family of three was killed!

This time it happened!

This is!

Massacre! ! ! *

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