Chapter 38 Squatting, assigning work, watching behind the scenes!

Lin Nan and the other three went to the last selected target again.

The operation went well this time.

Identify themselves.

verbal temptation.

Take out the photo to observe the aunt’s expression.

In the end, there are still no clues.

And this aunt is much more enthusiastic than the first aunt, and doesn’t look like a loner.

The aunt also said that she usually does not go out and has few contacts because she has just moved here and is not familiar with the aunts in the community.

In this regard, Lin Nan enthusiastically gave a wave of help.

He recommended a few aunts in the community on WeChat, and told them what time and where to dance the square dance.

In an instant, Lin Nan won the favor of the aunt, and the police officers Xiaolin shouted affectionately, and insisted to introduce Lin Nan’s niece who was going to college as a partner.


Number of aunt friends Lin Nan has: +1.

Number of backup blind date objects: +1.

When he left the third aunt’s house, Lin Nan always felt that Xiong Zhuangshi looked at him strangely for some reason.

admiration? Breathtaking? Surprised? envy?

Anyway, he didn’t understand what was in Xiong Zhuangshi’s eyes.


Things went back to that awkward point.

Lin Nan and others focused on the monitoring target and put it back on the aunt who didn’t open the door again.

Although, the suspicion on her is relatively large!

But Lin Nan and the others are police officers. When police investigate cases, they pay attention to principles and need to act in accordance with rules and regulations.

They can’t break in or break into someone’s house without a reason.

Can only quietly wait for the other party to reveal flaws.

The three discussed it.

Xiong Zhuangshi once again proposed to squat, and Li Yanran agreed.

And Lin Nan thought about it carefully, although Aunt Liu can help to watch, but there may still be omissions.

after all.

It is impossible for Aunt Liu to look here all the time, she also has her own things to do.

It’s not her style to trouble her for a long time because of her work.


Lin Nan also agreed to squat.


In the division of labor, the three have a little disagreement.

Squatting and guarding criminal suspects is very tedious and exhausting.

Especially in 24-hour squatting, the mental strength needs to be highly concentrated all the time, which consumes a lot of energy.

Xiong Zhuangshi and Li Yanran thought that it was enough for the two of them to change shifts.

And Lin Nan was a little embarrassed.

He proposed to participate in the squatting together, three people taking turns, each for 8 hours.

Lin Nan walked out of the gate of the community.

However, when he passed the gate, he faintly felt that someone was watching him.

Lin Nan turned around calmly and glanced around.

Take a panoramic view of all the surrounding situations and keep them in mind.

But nothing unusual was done.

Just at this moment, a taxi came from a distance.

Lin Nan stretched out his hand to say hello.

The taxi stopped immediately in front of him.

I haven’t waited for Lin Nan to get on the bus.


The taxi driver rolled down the window.

He stuck his head out, stretched out his hand, and handed out a small notebook.

“Comrade police, this is my driver’s license! I didn’t drink alcohol! I don’t believe you!”

Lin Nan’s eyes twitched, and he said a little embarrassedly, “Don’t smell it!”

“That, master driver, you misunderstood, I’m not a traffic policeman, I’m a criminal policeman!”

When the taxi driver heard this, he said in shock:

“Interpol? Why are you looking for me? Comrade police, I have never killed anyone before!”

Lin Nan was covered in black lines, opened the car door, and got in the car and sat in the co-pilot.

“I’ll take a taxi!”

“Hey~ take a taxi!” The taxi driver relaxed. “Say sooner.”

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier, you scared me a lot, I thought I had something wrong!”

“Where are you going?”

“Which car are you trying to track?”

“Like a speed chase, tracking the murderer?”

Lin Nan: “Beining Branch!”

Taxi driver: “My God! Go to the Bac Ninh branch! Comrade police, are you going to work? Or are you going on business?”

“Under normal circumstances, shouldn’t we go in a police car?”

“What’s wrong? Is this a broken police car?”


Along the way, the taxi driver’s mouth was like a machine gun.

“Sudden chug chug~”

It didn’t stop at all.

At this moment.

Lin Nan has only two thoughts.

I’m going to get my driver’s license in a few days.

I’ll never drive in a police uniform again. *

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