Chapter 43 The dog jumps over the wall, the fire is raging, the time of crisis!

The two groups of people quickly knocked on the door to check, and the news communicated with each other.

Unfortunately, it’s mostly bad news.

Liu Feng and Zheng Hu: “No building 8!”

Xiong Zhuangshi and others: “No two buildings!”

Liu Feng and Zheng Hu: “No. 9 buildings!”

Xiong Zhuangshi and others: “There are no three buildings!”

Liu Feng and Zheng Hu: “No. 11!”

Xiong Zhuangshi frowned and said into the earphone: “Building 5 is not yet!”

“Consolidate first and re-study the next move.”

Lin Nan also frowned.

This criminal suspect was so cunning that he didn’t take the opportunity to hide in an acquaintance’s house.

Could she have a safer place than an acquaintance’s house?

Wait until the meeting point.

Lin Nan was surprised to find that there were two more people.

The two of them were the team leader Li Ming and the second team member Han Sen who had just applied for special equipment from the logistics department and had just driven here to go to Li Chunhua’s home for on-site investigation work.

After understanding each other’s situation.

“That’s it!” Li Ming suggested: “I just applied for an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft when I came.”

“It can be used to quickly monitor the situation in the entire Hua’an community.”

“That’s great. There are no monitoring facilities in the community. When we go to house to house for a while, the suspects take the opportunity to run around.” Xiong Zhuangshi said with a smile.

“Unmanned reconnaissance aircraft!” Lin Nan murmured.

When he mentioned this unmanned reconnaissance plane, he suddenly remembered the original use when he said he applied for the unmanned reconnaissance plane.


A series of clues were connected in his mind.

A surprising guess was made.

The suspect disappeared.

Locked in Hua’an Community, unable to escape in a short time.

There is no safer place than an acquaintance in the house of an acquaintance.

There is only one trace of life in Li Chunhua’s family.

All this points to a possibility.

She has a second identity and a second home in this community.

Just like the three caves of the cunning rabbit.

She has at least two identities, and once one is exposed, she turns to hide under the other.

And based on the original clues, which person in the community is the most suitable for the identity conditions she has used?

This naturally goes without saying.

However, these are just speculations by Lin Nan, and further evidence is needed.

“Brother Xiong, can we use the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft to see the situation of the family first?” Lin Nan thought for a while, then turned his head and said.

Xiong Zhuangshi still has confidence in Lin Nan. He has lived with Lin Nan day and night for a year, and he knows that Lin Nan will not aim at nothing for no reason.

He asked bluntly:

“Which one? Report the address, and I’ll do it directly!”

“Just the second house we went to today, the house that no one responded to!” Lin Nan also replied immediately.

Xiong Zhuangshi picked up the handle of the drone and operated frantically, while watching the real-time image returned by the drone and said:

“Oh! That’s it! I know the address! 402, Unit 1, Building 4! Look at me! Five minutes, it’s done right away!”

A group leader, Li Ming, twitched the corner of his mouth and said cautiously: “I said old bear! Be steady, don’t break it!”

“This is a new product that I applied to the logistics department for face brushing. If it is damaged, I will lose my face in the logistics department.”

Xiong Zhuangshi said without looking back:

“My sister-in-law is the director of the logistics department. What are you afraid of? If it breaks, you can’t beat it and go home and kneel on the durian!”

“Besides, I do things, don’t worry, my old bear is a professional old driver!”

“That’s it, I can show you a wave of manipulations with my eyes closed. No, I’ll give you a try now?”

“Stop, stop! I believe it! I believe it! I believe it!” Li Ming said quickly: “Concentrate, concentrate.”

“Don’t worry, don’t worry!” Xiong Zhuangshi said: “Okay, here we are!”

Lin Nan and others all gathered nearby and watched the real-time video sent back by the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft.

“Brother Xiong, there is a situation inside, there seems to be a fire, come closer.”

I saw that in the real-time video, a woman in her fifties was burning something with a brazier.

However, as the unmanned reconnaissance drone drew closer, the woman in the live video seemed to notice.

She raised her head, her eyes narrowed, she suddenly picked up the brazier and sprinkled it into the living room, turned and disappeared from the sight of the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft.

And in live video.

The fire in the room was getting stronger and stronger, and it was burning brightly.

“That woman may be Li Chunhua.” Lin Nan said urgently and loudly: “She is using fire to destroy the evidence. The fire is too strong, it may cause a natural gas explosion, put out the fire first!”

The voice just fell.

Liu Feng and Zheng Hu rushed towards Building 4 like cheetahs.

Xiong Zhuangshi threw the handle away and rushed out like a violent giant bear.

But the three of them are not the fastest, the fastest is Li Yanran.

Although her reaction was a little slower, her speed came later, like an extremely fast arrow.

“Whoosh~”, he passed Xiong Zhuangzhuang, surpassed Liu Feng and Zheng Hu at the forefront, and rushed to the 4th building with the leading speed.

Looking at the unreachable figures of the four, Lin Nan stood there dumbfounded.

“…Fuck…Fuck, what kind of immortal speed is this? Arrest action? It’s not my turn to play at all!”

And Lin Nan’s side.

A team leader, Li Ming, rescued the handle of the unmanned reconnaissance drone thrown by Xiong Zhuangshi at the critical moment.

While frantically operating the drone to stay away from high-rise buildings, he said cursingly, “This bastard, the old bear, can’t trust him anymore!”

“Almost knelt down on durian.”

Lin Nan: “…Brother Li, did you expose something?”*

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