Chapter 53 Hot discussion on the Internet, the first hot search, the east wind is coming!

The incident in Hua’an Community last night was bombarded by online news overnight.

Finally, in the early morning of the second day, it became the top hot search in the search ranking.


The incident in Hua’an Community, Beining District, Longming City, has become the focus of the entire network, and has been a topic of frantic discussion among netizens.

after all.

When the suspect was arrested, it was crazy that the suspect set fire to his home.

This makes many people feel that some people are in danger, for fear that there are such crazy criminal suspects in the community where they live.

The issues discussed on the entire network are varied.

All kinds of gangsters, keyboard warriors, and melon eaters have all pointed out the country on the Internet, scolded Fang Qiu, and made a lot of noise.

For a time, this matter became known to everyone. If you didn’t understand this matter, you would be ridiculed out.

And at the same time.

This crazy criminal suspect has also become the focus of media attention and discussion on the Internet.

who is she?

What crime was committed?

Why did you choose to set fire to escape?

And Lin Nan, Xiong Zhuangshi, Li Yanran and other criminal policemen who appeared at the first time were naturally found by the supernatural netizens and media.

Various titles such as the most beautiful police officer, the most beautiful male police officer, and the most bear-like police officer were placed on them.

All kinds of photos and news that are difficult to distinguish between true and false are also circulating on the Internet.

Countless netizens flooded the Bac Ninh branch’s Weibo to leave messages.

Beining Branch.

Lin Nan entered the office of the Criminal Investigation Team on the front foot, but was called away by Captain Zhang Hai of the Criminal Investigation Team on the back foot.

Xiong Zhuangshi and Li Yanran were also called away with him.

The three of them were taken all the way into the director’s office.

After opening the door and entering.

“You’re here!” Director Zheng Aiguo said with a smile, “Have you seen today’s news?”

“Yesterday’s action in Hua’an Community has now become a hot topic.”

“Leader!” Captain Zhang Hai of the criminal investigation team pretended to say: “This is all my mistake. It was my mistake in judgment that allowed the criminal suspect to take advantage of it and almost caused a big mess. I am willing to accept the punishment.”

“Okay! They are all thousand-year-old foxes, so what are you playing with me?” Director Zheng glanced at him and said casually, “I asked you to come here, not to criticize you.”

“Yesterday’s arrest operation, although it was a little noisy.”

“But in reality, you are worthy of your police duties.”

“Li Yanran and Xiong Zhuangshi risked their lives and rushed into the fire scene, fighting the fire heroically and protecting the lives of residents in times of crisis.”

“Lin Nan was calm in the face of danger, thoughtful and careful, and successfully captured the criminal suspect who was hiding beside the residents and wanted to escape.”

“These are acts of honor and things to brag about.”

“Of course, this also requires the tacit cooperation of all the other criminal police officers of the criminal investigation team, as well as the full support of the police colleagues in other departments.”

“However, I called you here today because on the Internet, this matter is really a big deal!”

“To avoid unnecessary suspicion and misunderstanding.”

“According to the requirements of the organization, we need to disclose some information about the suspects.”

“And the process involved in responding to last night’s arrest.”

“Therefore, our Bac Ninh branch will hold a press conference at around 1 pm today, and reporters from various TV stations will conduct interviews.”

“And the three of you are the grassroots criminal police representatives I chose for the arrest operation. After a while, you will get dressed and follow me and Captain Zhang Hai to the press conference in the afternoon.”

“Ah, this… press conference!” Xiong Zhuangshi said, scratching his head, “Can you not attend?”

“There were so many colleagues who participated in the entire operation at that time, and the grassroots representatives chose three of us, which is not good!”

“What’s more, the three of us are still in a group, which is a bit detrimental to the unity among colleagues!”

“Stop talking nonsense!” Director Zheng Aiguo said angrily: “If you want to go, then go, do you think you are the protagonist?”

“You are chosen because you have the strongest physique and can fully demonstrate the mighty image of our police.”

“As for the reason for choosing Xiao Lin and Xiao Yanran!”

“Of course it’s because the two of them have a good image.”

“By the way, prepare well, don’t drop the chain on the spot.”

“This press conference is for the news media of various TV stations across the country, and it is live broadcast. Once the chain is lost, it will be shameful and thrown all over the country.”

“Okay! Go back and get ready!”

Captain Zhang Hai of the criminal investigation team led the three of them out of the director’s office with a smile.

along the way.

Lin Nan’s face was calm, as if he had expected it, and he was not panic at all.

On the other hand, Li Yanran was a little excited and moved her short legs full of energy.

The backhand is that Xiong Zhuangshi is a little absent-minded.

At this time, he kept thinking about what the director just said.

Press conference?

Facing the national audience, it is still the organization requesting to actively disclose the inside story of the case. Isn’t this what Kobayashi said about Dongfeng!

I just finished talking yesterday, everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.

Today, the east wind is here.

Wouldn’t it be that Kobayashi planned it ahead of time?

If you think about it, it’s really possible.




Fortunately, Kobayashi and I formed a combination of two swords.

became the closest friend. *

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