Chapter 59 The reporter makes things difficult, the east wind has come, will Lan Xiner be far behind?

“Officer Lin Nan, it took more than 30 years to successfully solve this skin painting case. Does that prove that there are still many unsolved cases? Does it prove that there are many criminal suspects hidden in people’s daily lives?”

An entertainment reporter looked excited and couldn’t wait to set up language traps and ask tricky questions. “Please elaborate on this issue.”

Lin Nan frowned, which reporter is this?

The words are so sharp, and some have bad intentions!

Bureau Zheng and Team Zhang who retreated to the side frowned deeply.

This question is not so easy to answer.

Once the answer is inappropriate, it will cause heated discussions and easily lose the trust foundation of the police group among the general public.

Which reporter is this, I feel that this butt is a little crooked!

Not to mention what other people think.

Faced with this tricky question, Lin Nan considered his language a little, his expression was solemn and solemn, and he said in a dignified tone:

“As we all know, a few decades ago, because the means and methods of criminal investigation were not as diverse as they are now.”

“Therefore, there will be a lot of unsolved cases that cannot be solved and there are insufficient clues.”

“This is the limit of the times and technology!”

“These unsolved cases are the sad memories of the family members, and the scars in the hearts of all the senior criminal investigators of the older generation,”

“But these unsolved cases won’t be unsolved forever.”

“The truth will come out one day.”

“In recent years, countless new generation of criminal investigators, with lofty ideals and beliefs, crossed the boundaries of time, and solved one unsolved case after another. This unsolved case is just a small piece of it.”

“And this case has attracted the attention of the general public, but it has only caused heated discussions because of the crazy behavior of the suspect when he fled.”

“More unsolved cases have already been solved when you are not familiar with them.”

“When these criminal suspects who have committed unsolved cases have their hands stained with the blood of innocent people and break the law.”

“They are destined to become rats crossing the street, everyone shouts and beats, and they become parasites in the shadows, and they will never see the light again in their lifetime.”

Although Lin Nan did not answer this question in a very positive way, he expressed the implied meaning from the side, which successfully resolved the difficulties caused by this unscrupulous reporter and maintained the foundation of trust of the police group in the eyes of the people.

Moreover, Lin Nan’s remarks won applause from all the TV reporters present.

Many fellow reporters looked at the entertainment reporter who asked the question and cast their eyes like a fool.

And the entertainment reporter also turned pale.

He suddenly realized that this was not an entertainment gossip interview, and the other party was not an entertainment star.

This question is a bit out of line.

It’s all to blame for this police officer Lin Nan. He is so handsome and handsome that he accidentally thought he was interviewing a certain male star.

Otherwise, this error would not occur.

The next reporter learned the lesson of his predecessor, considered his language, and asked solemnly:

“Officer Lin Nan, how did you solve this unsolved case that has lasted for more than 30 years?”

Lin Nan narrowed his eyes and thought to himself, the east wind is here!

“Oh! About this! It’s just that this unsolved case of painted ghosts 33 years ago is related to a disappearance of a high school student 3 years ago. When I was investigating the disappearance case, I solved the unsolved case 33 years ago. of.”

With these remarks, the reporters asked questions with bright eyes, like mice smelling lamp oil.

: “Officer Lin Nan, can you elaborate on the disappearance case three years ago?”

: “Officer Lin Nan, how far have you solved the disappearance of a high school student three years ago? Has the suspect been identified? Can it be solved in the short term?”

: “Officer Lin Nan…”

: “……”

A lot of questions have been asked by reporters in one word by you and one by me.

Not even the rule of one person, one question!

“Everyone, please be quiet.” Lin Nan raised his hands, made a quiet movement, and said in a relaxed tone: “The specific circumstances of the case, due to the principle of confidentiality and the fear of being alerted by the criminal suspect, are not convenient to disclose now. .”

“But we found some clues about the suspect in the case of disappearance three years ago in the home of Lan, a suspect in the Painted Ghosts case 33 years ago.”

“The overall case progress is about to make a new breakthrough.”

“I believe that the day when the truth is revealed will not be too far away!”

“Here, I’ll borrow the famous words of the older generation of criminal investigators.”

“When we were caught by our criminal investigators.”

“We are the sword of Damocles on their heads.”

“These people will forever be invisible parasites.”

“Once they appear under the sun, the only thing that awaits them is the sanction of the law.”

At this time, Director Zheng of the Beining Branch stepped onto the podium, took the microphone and said:

“The general situation is like this. As for the others, because of the principle, we can’t explain it in detail for the time being.”


Lin Nan returned to the back with satisfaction and continued to be the background board.

Purpose achieved!

Dongfeng has already borrowed it.

Will Lan Xiner be far away? *

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