Chapter 7 Doubt, motive for murder, Lin Nan’s first interrogation!

Lin Nan firmly believes that any unreasonable doubts may hide the truth.

There is a conflict between the motive for the murder and the means of committing the crime.

There must be something hidden in it.

Maybe, I can find other clues from this little yellow-haired Liu Ming who has been shouting wronged all the time.

“Team Zhang, can I enter the interrogation room to chat with this criminal suspect, Liu Ming?” Lin Nan asked slowly.

“This… do you want to chat with him?” Captain Zhang Hai of the criminal investigation team glanced suspiciously. “Do you want to increase your interrogation experience?”

“It just happened that the transcript was not made, so you can try it.”

“However, according to the regulations, when interrogating criminal suspects, it is not a violation if a group of two is required. You can’t go in alone.”

The voice just fell.

Xiong Zhuangshi, who had been chatting with his old colleagues, raised his hand and said loudly:

“I, I, I, let me come, I haven’t interrogated the suspect for a long time.”

“Look at me making a sample for Xiao Lin.”

“Okay, then Xiaoxiong, you and Xiaolin are in a group and go to interrogate the criminal suspect Liu Ming!” Captain Zhang Hai of the criminal investigation team nodded with a smile.

“Exactly, I also want to see if you have lost your old business after two years of civil dispute settlement.”

Xiong Zhuangshi shook his head, and confidently put his chest on the guarantee, and said:

“Okay! Just take a look! Let you see the results of my two years of experience.”

“Xiao Lin, let’s go for a while, and watch your brother Xiong’s wonderful performance.”

Lin Nan glanced wordlessly.


wonderful perfomance?

I’m afraid you will die on the spot in front of your old colleagues.

The two opened the door of the office and walked to the interrogation room next door.


Lin Nan just opened the door.

I saw the female detective in the interrogation room standing outside the door.

“Hey, Xiao Linzi? Why did you come to the police team’s territory?”

Lin Nan rolled his eyes and countered:

“Li Yanran, you dead girl, I found the crime scene, don’t you know?”

The female detective Li Yanran snorted coldly with an unhappy expression on her face.

“Xiao Linzi, your temper is rising! You haven’t been beaten enough, have you!”

“It just so happens that my heart is still on fire! Do you want to find a place to practice?”

“Cut! Good men don’t fight with women.” Lin Nan smeared oil on the soles of his feet and slipped away. “Violent woman, it’s hard for you to marry in this life.”

After putting this sentence down.

Lin Nan opened the door and entered the interrogation room, leaving the violent female detective Li Yanran jumping on the spot.

And Xiong Zhuangshi, who didn’t know why, looked at Li Yanran on the left and the door that had just closed in the interrogation room on the right.

good guy~

This guy is so handsome that he can do whatever he wants!

Within a year, he became a friend of middle-aged and elderly women in Bac Ninh.

Countless aunts introduced objects.

Meet beautiful women everywhere.

There was Song Ruyan, a gentle and elegant beauty writer.

Later, there is Li Yanran, the golden flower of the criminal police team, who is like a happy enemy.

How envious and jealous!

This guy, Xiaolin, is too harmful to single dogs.

If Xiong Zhuangshen said these words in his heart, Lin Nan knew it.

He promised to reply, “Bah~ you like it, this flat-screen violent girl will send it to you”.

This female detective Li Yanran grew up with Lin Nan.

It can’t be said that they are childhood sweethearts, they can only be said to be born with each other.

The two of them are from a family of police officers. Their parents, grandparents, are all police colleagues. They live nearby, and the two of them have played together since childhood.

Of course, 90 percent of the time is pinching each other.

From kindergarten to elementary school, junior high school, high school, all the way to Public Security University, no matter what it is, there is always a competition.

One has a simple mind and developed limbs; one has a developed mind and simple limbs.

Li Yanran often ridicules Lin Nan for his incoordination, while Lin Nan is always vicious and Li Yanran has no brains.

all in all.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is life and death.

If it wasn’t for Lin Nan who didn’t join the Interpol team for an intern because of his physique, I’m afraid the two of them would still compete in the Interpol team.


It’s not too late for now.

Because of today’s performance, Captain Zhang Hai of the Criminal Police Force has already thrown an olive branch to Lin Nan.

The battle between the two of them, although suspended for a year.

But I believe it will start again soon.


Interrogation room.

Lin Nan sat at the interrogation table and unscrewed the old cadre’s thermos cup.

While drinking wolfberry health tea, wait for the bear to be strong.

According to the provisions of.

When starting the interrogation of suspects in the interrogation room, two police officers must be present at the same time.

Now there is only Lin Nan in the interrogation room. If there is an interrogation, it would be against the rules.

In the work within the system, there are some rigid rules that must be strictly followed, otherwise, it will sometimes be troublesome.

Lin Nan, a Buddhist person, is of course afraid of trouble.

at the same time.

The little yellow-haired Liu Ming, who was handcuffed opposite Lin Nan, was even more confused.

what’s the situation?

I just shouted for a long time, but no policeman appeared, and now my voice is a little hoarse.

As a result, a young male policeman suddenly walked in.

The most outrageous thing is that after this young male policeman walked in.

He didn’t say a word, just like a retired old man, sitting there, holding a thermos cup and drinking wolfberry tea, he didn’t care at all.

What the hell does this police officer who came to interrogate mean?

Liu Ming’s eyes were full of confusion, and the whole person was a little confused.

He is also a frequent visitor to Bac Ninh.

But this way.

I have never seen it before!

at this time.

The door to the interrogation room opened again.

Xiong Zhuangshi’s huge figure like a big bear appeared.


The door was slammed shut.

Xiong Zhuangzhuang sat on the other chair aggressively.


The transcript fell on the interrogation table.


The scene that happened after that made Xiong Zhuangshi’s next actions come to an abrupt end.

“Liu Ming, I believe that you didn’t kill anyone!”

Lin Nan put the thermos cup on the seat, leaned forward slightly, and spoke clearly.

Little yellow hair Liu Ming: “!!!”

Xiong Zhuangshi: “??”

The criminal investigation crowd on the other side of the one-way mirror: “???”*

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