Chapter 71 Learning from each other, doubting life, salted fish who lost their dreams!

“Brother Xiong, come on!” Li Yanran picked up the glove and put it on her hand, and said as she took it: “It was agreed before, let’s learn from each other now!”

“No! What’s going on?” Neng Zhuangshi was confused, and said somewhat confused: “Why does it feel like Xiao Yanran has changed as soon as she enters the martial arts hall?

“Brother Xiong, you’re welcome!” Li Wu was not idle either, smiling and handing a pair of boxing gloves to Xiong Zhuangshi. “When you get here, you should go home!”

Let’s learn boxing with “Xiao Yanran and get used to it!”

“This. The least damage!”

Saying that, he took out the protective gear that he didn’t know where he was hiding before, and tied it neatly to Nengzhuang’s body.

“This… Ah Wu, what do you mean by bringing me this armor?” Xiong Zhuangshi said angrily while holding on to the gloves, “I don’t think Xiao Yanran is wearing this!”

“Safety first, safety first!” “Nine Nine Three” Li Wu said with a smile: “With this, you can learn more for a while. ”

“You mean I can’t beat Xiao Yanran?” Xiong Zhuangshi finally understood, and said suspiciously, “No, look at my size, did you make a mistake?”

“Although Xiao Yanran is a little stronger, it’s impossible to cross so many orders of magnitude!!

“Brother Xiong, stop talking!” Li Wu sighed and said, “In a while, you will understand my painstaking efforts.”

at the same time.

Li Yanran was ready to continue and turned into the boxing ring.

And Nengzhuang was also pushed by Li Wu into the stage.

At the same time, many coaches and students also gathered around the boxing ring, looking like they were watching a good show.

There were many people, still looking excited, cheering on Xiong Zhuangzhuang.

Lin Nan also stood on the edge of the ring and entered the theater mode.

“Xiao Linzi, your team leader really lives up to his name, this body is really strong, I hope he can last a little longer.” Li Wu hooked Lin Nan’s neck with his hands again.

“I also hope he can come often. He should be a competent sandbag.”

“I find it difficult!” Lin Nan drank tea calmly and said indifferently: “In terms of your old sister’s appearance, it is too confusing.”

“Even if she knew in advance that she was strong, as long as she didn’t experience it personally, she would unconsciously feel contempt.

“I see Brother Xiong, you will suffer a big loss at the first time.”

When the two were talking, there was no idle time in the ring.

When Nengzhuang first came to power, he also said that he would let Xiao Yanran go.

But he never expected it.

After being punched by Xiao Yanran.

He began to doubt life!

This strength is really incredible.

Who has ever seen a cute girl with a weight of 100 pounds and a weak appearance, who can knock a strong man nearly twice his weight from the middle of the boxing ring to the edge of the boxing ring with one punch?

Before, I had never seen a strong man.

But he saw it today, and the strong man in the story is still him.

When Xiong Zhuangzhuang was sent flying by that punch.

That moment.

He went through his entire life as if watching flowers on a horse.

In an instant.

He finally understood the meaning of Lin Nan’s eyes.


It was a fool!

Still a crazy idiot.

this moment.

He also understood Ah Wu’s good intentions.


Although I can be strong, I have already figured out the truth.

But he wasn’t about to admit defeat.

With so many people around the boxing ring cheering him on, how could he easily admit defeat, he doesn’t want face!

Bear Zhuangshi took a deep breath.

Bravely A went up.

After a second.

Can sturdy hang on the edge of the boxing ring.


Be strong and don’t admit defeat!

He made an A again.

After a second.

The previous scene is repeated again.

“Have I experienced this scene three times?” Xiong Zhuangshi hung on the edge of the ring, twitched the corners of his mouth, and muttered to himself, “Why do I feel like I’ve been hit with the infinite moon again?”

In the boxing ring.

Brother Xiong, your physique is really strong. Li Yanran stretched and said energetically: “Next, I’m going to get real!”

“I will use all the power to treat you as a real family member and give you the greatest respect!

Can be strong: “???

Who taught you this?

Aren’t you afraid to kill me?

“Wait! Stop, stop, Xiao Yanran, let’s change the way of learning!” Xiong Zhuangshi raised his glove and said loudly, “I haven’t practiced boxing, so I can’t show my strength with my glove.”

“Okay!” Li Yanran’s eyes lit up and she said loudly, “Brother, I also feel that wearing gloves is a hindrance.

Xiong Zhuangshi felt a chill in his heart, and the urge to take back what he just said arose in his mind.

Below the boxing ring.

“Brother Xiong, you are so brave! As expected of the eldest brother I just met… Li Wu said with admiration: “I hope Xiao Yanran will act lightly. ”

“I’ve been a waste of eldest brother recently, and now there is only brother Xiong in stock.”

“There’s only one left? Lin Nan asked excellently: “I remember there were several brothers Liu, Zhao, Sun, etc. before!”

“E! No matter how much, I can’t help Xiao Yanran’s consumption!” Li Wu sighed hesitantly: “Recently, there is a shortage of stocks, and Xiao Yanran has started to focus on the coach!”

“In the past few days, two coaches are already ready to run.”

“Anyway, you achieved your original goal!” Lin Nan spread his hands indifferently.

As for “Your martial arts coach resigns, then recruit a new coach!”

“Anyway, the salary you give is so high, you will always find a more resistant coach.”

Just after Lin Nan and Li Wu chatted for a while.

Nengzhuang in the ring has been beaten to the point of doubting his life again.

He was beaten all the way, and the attack was like a violent storm.

Facing Li Yanran, he couldn’t even fight back.

Compared with Li Yanran’s dexterous figure like a butterfly wearing flowers, Nengzhuang is like a clumsy and ridiculous big bear.

Can’t even touch it.

Just halfway through the attacking action, the pre-judgment of convenience was avoided.

The defensive action was just half done, and the beating to the convenience had already been completed.


Totally lost!

Not only the strength, but also the speed was ruthlessly crushed!

At this moment.

0.7 can be strong like a salted fish who has lost his dream, lying on the ring motionless, motionless.

In contrast, Li Yanran stretched her body, walked off the ring, and went to drink water next to her.

The ten minutes of high-intensity movements just now also consumed a lot of water and made her sweat.

Although it is only a warm-up exercise, it is still necessary to replenish water in time.

Lin Nan and Li Wu worked together to pull Neng Zhuang up and put them aside to rest. The three of them talked and laughed.

However, Lin Nan and Li Wu are responsible for talking and laughing, while Xiong Zhuangshi is responsible for autism.

on the other side.

When Li Yanran was drinking water to replenish her hydration, Leng Chulu walked over and said with a smile:

“Little sister, little sister, your fighting moves just now are so handsome! Can you teach me?”

when speaking.

Leng Chulu’s eyes showed incomparable longing and longing.

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