Chapter 76 Song Ruyan’s apology, the heavy significance of criminal investigation and solving the case.

“Knock~” Zhang Hai, the captain of the criminal investigation team, said with a candid smile: “Tan has just talked a little bit, but some things in the office are a little old! It’s time to replace them with new ones!”

“I know Zhang Team, you are a master who doesn’t see rabbits but not hawks.” Song Mingming replied with a smile: “I give you a thumbs up.”

Not to mention the situation on the criminal investigation team’s side.

After Lin Nan and the other three set off, they immediately divided into three groups and started their own tasks.

And the final result was very smooth.

At about three o’clock in the afternoon, the three of them completed their respective preparations.

Can Sturdy successfully collect the hair of Leng Chulu’s parents.

Li Yanran also completed it perfectly, and made an appointment with Leng Chulu to go to the art exhibition on Wednesday.

The other party did not have the slightest suspicion, on the contrary, in order to increase the distance, they cooperated very well.

And Lin Nan also became “Nine Nine Three” and got the pupil iris record of Leng Chulu

All is ready except for the opportunity!

The net of heaven and earth has been successfully subordinated by the three of Lin Nan, and they are waiting for the action tomorrow.

Around 4pm.

The three of Lin Nan returned to the criminal investigation team, sat together in the conference room, and conducted further discussions and discussions on the plan.

After constant minor revisions, a strict and efficient arrest plan was finally finalized.

bang bang bang~

Lao Xiong “, Xiao Lin, Xiao Yanran, Zhang team asked everyone to go to the office together, I heard that there is something to announce!”

“My God, is Zhang annoyed!” Xiong Zhuangshi scratched his head and said impatiently: “Why are there so many things today?”

“There’s something else, there’s something else, you won’t want to put someone in again!”

“Every day, if you don’t do your forehand, there will be a lot of shit.

“What? Do you have a problem with me?” Captain Zhang Hai of the criminal investigation team came in with a dark face and said, “If you are asked to come, you will come, you are the only one talking nonsense!”

Embarrassing now!

He was caught talking badly behind his back.

Rather, he was speaking ill of his superiors.

“Knock~” Xiong Zhuangzhen said with a haha: “No opinion, no opinion, just whining!”

“My favorite is that Team Zhang gave us a meeting!

“Okay!” Captain Zhang Hai of the Criminal Investigation Team pouted and said, “Come out quickly! Announce early and finish early!

The three of Lin Nan walked out of the conference room and entered the office.

at this time.

In the office, the other two groups of criminal investigation policemen were also waiting.

This scene is very similar to the scene in the morning, and the three of them can’t help but feel a sense of deja vu.

“This scene is exactly the same as in the morning.” Xiong Zhuangshi scratched his head and said, “It won’t really be a fortress again!”

“Okay! Old bear, say a few words less!” Song Mingming coughed lightly and said, “This time it should be a little different.

tata tao~

A familiar footstep.

Captain Zhang Hai pushed in the door, followed by beautiful writer Song Ruyan.

Seeing this scene, everyone is still a little puzzled, and they don’t know what the hell is going on.

I saw that the beautiful writer Song Ruyan’s face was a little pale, she took a step forward with a look of shame, bowed, and apologized ashamedly:

“I’m so sorry, I apologize for my actions and words this morning.”

“Today, I checked a day’s worth of criminal case materials in the file room.”

“I have understood the meaning of a criminal case. It is much heavier than I thought. I shouldn’t say such frivolous words.”

Really “I’m sorry!”

The criminal detectives of the criminal investigation team looked at each other in dismay, and were a little surprised by Song Ruyan’s apology.

a time.

The atmosphere in the office is a little quiet!

clap clap~

Lin Nan broke the calm first and clapped his hands expressionlessly.

And others also realized something.

They also applauded.

This time, the applause seems to be more sincere than in the morning.

At the same time, Song Ruyan’s behavior has also won the favor of many criminal police.

after all.

Knowing mistakes can be corrected, and good is great.

Song Ruyan is a well-known and best-selling novelist and beauty writer.

But in the end.

Just a little girl in her twenties.

Some small mistakes and attitude problems can be forgiven as long as they are corrected!

not to mention.

Who are these people in the criminal investigation team?

Criminal investigation police!

Which one is not a battle-hardened, sharp-eyed.

Whether Song Ruyan was genuinely apologetic and guilty or false, they could tell in minutes.

Although, at this moment, they still have certain doubts about whether Song Ruyan can be qualified for the work of the external personnel of the criminal investigation team.

But for Song Ruyan’s current attitude towards criminal investigation cases, it still feels okay.

At this time.

“Cough cough! Ruyan has deeply understood the previous problem. I hope everyone will stop worrying about what happened in the morning!” Captain Zhang Hai of the Criminal Investigation Team stood up with a smile and said, “Okay!”

“Ruyan, come back to the team now!”

“It happens to be familiar with the people from the third group of criminal investigation.”

“Old state, I’ll leave it to you later, don’t bully a little girl!”

“Captain Zhang, what you said, I’m not that kind of person!” Nengzhuang said dissatisfiedly: “Old Xiong, I am a person, that is obvious to everyone.

“A proper confidant brother.

“Okay! Let’s go to the conference room together!” Lin Nan said with a frown.

After a moment.

Criminal investigation team meeting room.

No one spoke, there was silence.

Song Ruyan sat on a chair, her expression a little nervous and apologetic.

Several times I wanted to open my mouth to speak, but I didn’t know how to speak.

“Ms. Song Ruyan, you should already fully understand the meaning of criminal investigation and solving a case by now!” Lin Nan said slowly to Song Ruyan, “Let me explain in advance that the third group will have an action tomorrow, but I can’t take you, and I can’t tell you. !”

“As for the reason, or that reason, we can’t fully trust you right now!”

Song Ruyan took a deep breath, clarified her thoughts, and said solemnly: “Then how can I gain your trust 0.7!”

“It’s very simple, you first do a DNA test to prove that you are a fake Song Ruyan.” Lin Nan tapped his index finger on the table and said, “In this way, we can trust you!

“Why? Who else can I be if I’m not Song Ruyan?” Song Ruyan felt inexplicable. “Why do you need me to prove that I am myself to gain your trust?

“The time of your visit is too coincidental!” Lin Nan said calmly: “It just so happens that the case we are investigating now is also related to it.”

“I never let go of any doubt that could be doubted.

“Even if what you said just now reduces the probability of success for you, as long as you can’t prove it completely, you will never be able to gain our trust.”

“A word, do or not?”

Song Ruyan’s eyes were firm, and she gritted her teeth and said, “Do it!”

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