Chapter 93 Mengmeng goes home, the wandering soul rests in peace! (End of painting skin)

In the afternoon, news came on the Internet that the lawyer with rich experience did not disappoint Lin Nan.

Lan Xiner and Lan Die were both sentenced to death and suspended for half a year.

Zhao Youfu was also sentenced to death with a two-year reprieve.

Xiao Huangmao Liu Ming was sentenced to 10 years and three months in prison.


Amid the cheers of onlookers, the whole event came to an end.

And that night.

A moment no one knows.

On a pedestrian street near a school.

Between the two stores, there is a tent that is out of tune with its surroundings.

Beside the dilapidated tent.

Sitting in a squat is a figure who is a little crazy, his clothes are stained with dirt, and his hair is disheveled.

Obviously, this is a scavenger with some mental problems.

The scavenger’s eyes were dull, and he murmured nervously:

“Mengmeng, Mengmeng, my Mengmeng, why haven’t you gone home yet?”

“Meng Meng, Meng Meng.”

At this time, with a burst of heavy footsteps.

Several figures in police uniforms appeared in front of the scavengers.

The leader is Zhang Hai, the captain of the criminal investigation team, and behind him are several criminal policemen of the criminal investigation team.

A voice full of heavy guilt sounded.

“Hello, Ms. Song Kexin, we are the people’s police, and we have brought back your daughter, Sun Mengmeng.

This sentence is like a flash of lightning, and it is like a sound of heaven.

“Mengmeng? Mengmeng?” The scavenger suddenly raised his head, stood up, and rushed over. “Where is my Mengmeng? You are police comrades, you found my Mengmeng?”

Captain Zhang Hai of the criminal investigation team pursed his lips and said guiltily: “I’m sorry, Ms. Song Kexin, we came too late. The ashes of your daughter Sun Mengmeng are here.”

The scavenger Song Kexin shook her hands, took the small wooden box containing her daughter’s ashes, and caressed her daughter Shang Sun Mengmeng’s urn with her fingers. murmured:

“Mengmeng is my Mengmeng. My Mengmeng has come home. My Mengmeng has come home, and my mother will take you home. We will never be separated, not separated]

Song Kexin, who had been very weak because of being full and hungry, fainted while crying and fell to the ground under the great joy and sorrow.

And at the moment of fainting, Song Kexin subconsciously hugged her daughter’s urn tightly, as if it was heavier than her life.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Hai of the Criminal Investigation Team shouted: “Hurry up, hurry up and call the medical staff next to you.

Several detectives immediately heard the sound.

After a moment.

The doctors and medical staff who had been waiting in the distance hurried along with the detectives.

After a simple check.

“Song Kexin’s constitution has been weak for a long time due to improper diet. In addition, she suddenly experienced great joy and sorrow, so she fainted.” The doctor said: “Just take her back to the hospital for a period of recuperation.

Several medical personnel immediately put Song Kexin on a stretcher and carried it away, quickly carried it to the ambulance in the distance, and drove to the hospital.

Captain Zhang Hai of the criminal investigation team sighed deeply and said: “Alas! Take another one away, prepare, and we will go to the next one immediately.

On the streets of Pedestrian Street.

Lin Nan, dressed in casual clothes, holding a thermos cup, leaned beside the car and looked at the ambulance that was leaving in a hurry.

And Xiong Zhuangshi was dressed in civilian clothes, called Zongyan, stood beside him and said, “Why don’t you go take a look? Didn’t you say it’s not enough time last time?”

“It’s about time now!”

“Why not give her an ending in person?”

This “results are too cruel, and I don’t like tragedies!” Lin Nan replied blankly: “So, it’s enough for me to come and take a look.”

“It’s a pity!” Xiong Zhuangshi shook his head and sighed: “As a criminal investigation, what you see most is tragedy!

“You have to learn to get used to it.

“What will happen to Song Kexin?” Lin Nan asked. “What are you going to do with it?”

“Send it for treatment and let her cultivate for a while.” Neng Zhuangshi said: “After all, her body is not very good anymore.”

“Cultivation! Yes! She should take good care of herself.” Lin Nan sighed with emotion: “The wandering soul of this pedestrian street has waited for three years, and finally got her result, and it is time to rest in peace. already.”

Let’s go. “Brother Xiong, go back to the precinct!”

“Why are you so active today?” Neng Zhuang shook his head and said, “Is it stimulated?

“Yeah! I may have figured out something!” Lin Nan smiled and said, “I am ready to be a star of justice! To be a star with the light of justice in the dark.”

“Huh? Become a star of justice as a criminal investigator?” Xiong Zhuangshi sneered and opened the car door. “We are often regarded as disaster stars.

“After all, when I work, I either bring bad news to the victim’s family, or find the suspect and arrest him.”

“Isn’t this considered a disaster?

, “What the heart desires is the act of justice.” Lin Nan raised his eyebrows and replied, “Get results for the living, and rest for the dead.”

“Prove innocents and bring criminals to trial.”

“Isn’t this what the Star of Justice is?

Makes sense “! Makes sense!” Xiong Zhuangshi laughed and said, “Would you mind forming a righteous twin with me?”

“Justice Twins?” Lin Nan also said with a smile, “Aren’t we always?”

On the road of justice, there will always be companions.

After more than 40 minutes.

Lin Nan and Xiong Zhuangshi returned to the criminal investigation team.

Just came in.

He saw that Song Ruyan was sitting in front of the computer and was busy, and he didn’t even notice the two of them when they came back.

“Hey! Ruyan, what are you doing?” Lin Nan said strangely: “By the way, where did Ma Ran go? Why didn’t you see her?”

Song Ruyan raised her head, rolled her eyes and said:

“Xiao Yanran? She should take the training seven in Director Zheng’s office!”

“She did a bit too much this time, and although (of Zhao) had little impact, the scolding must be accepted.

“Otherwise, God knows if there will be a more serious disaster next time.

“As for what I’m doing? You might as well ask the Bears next to you about this question.”

“Not bad! She really should be scolded more!” Lin Nan casts doubtful eyes on Xiong Zhuangshi. “Brother Bear, can you explain?”

“Ah hahaha, Xiong Zhuangshi scratched his head in embarrassment and said, “This is not. This is not.. Ruyan is a famous beauty writer!”

“So, I thought that she was good at writing after all, so I gave her all the closing reports related to Lan Xiner’s case to write.”

“As expected of you!” Lin Nan twitched the corners of his mouth and opened his mouth to complain, “Sure enough, we make the best use of the goods, and the people make the best of their talents!”

“But writing a novel and writing a closing report are two different things!”

“Also, there are 42 closing reports related to Lan Xiner’s case. Are you planning to exhaust her to death?”

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