Chapter 96 Footprint clues, preliminary autopsy, cruel death.

At this time, Han Sen, who was searching for clues on the other side, suddenly made a new discovery.

“Xiao Lin, come here quickly, there is a footprint here.

Lin Nan heard the words and walked quickly towards Han Sen.

After approaching, he began to carefully squat beside Han Sen, checking the footprints together.

The light of the flashlight in his hand also shines on the footprints.

The two lights merged, and the footprints in front of me suddenly became much clearer.

“Looking at this footprint, it should have been trampled repeatedly, and the footprints overlap, and the styles are different.” Han Sen pointed to the footprint and said: “This proves that this footprint was not left by a single person. It was left behind after many people trampled on each other.”

Lin Nan also agreed with Han Sen’s statement. He then said: “Brother Sen, your judgment is very accurate. These footprints are indeed not left by a single person. There are four different footprints left.

“And, judging from the depth of the remnants of the footprints, they should have been left in the last few days.

“In this environment of abandoned factories, there should be no reason for multiple people to enter together.

“Therefore, those who left behind these footprints must have some meaningful connection with the victims, and there is a major suspicion.”

“Not bad! Not bad!” Han Sen said with a smile: “These are all major breakthroughs, Xiaolin, you can judge, who may have left these footprints.”

“This footprint is mostly old-fashioned twill, which should be left over from those old-fashioned canvas shoes.” Lin Nan thought for a while and said:

“The indentation is manifested in that the back pressure is heavier than the front pressure, the inside is lighter and the outside is heavier, there are obvious scratches and push marks left, and two of them still have marks.

“Therefore, based on the above conditions, I judge that this should be a footprint left by a group of elderly people, and two of them may be suffering from diseases or serious diseases.”

“Xiao Lin, with your footprint judgment and insight, you are almost catching up with the footprint experts who have been studying this for more than ten years.” Han Sen said with admiration in his eyes, “Awesome! Awesome!”

“What you just said is true.”

“Young people’s footprint indentation is heavy before and after, while old people’s footprint indentation is light before and heavy.”

“Scratches and push marks are negative signs of old age.

“The test marks represent pathological and abnormal features.”

“Brother Sen”, won the prize! Lin Nan said with a smile: “Let’s follow this footprint and search around!”

“There should be other trail clues.

“Okay! Let’s take pictures of these footprints first and mark them!” Han Sen nodded and said in agreement: “Then, you are left and right, we will search for other footprints from this extension.

Having said that, Han Sen professionally took out his camera, started to focus on the footprints, and took pictures.

When Lin Nan saw this, he was also very cooperative while lighting up the footprints with a flashlight and making relevant marks here.

After a moment.

The two immediately expanded their search scope and divided their labor to find other footprints left behind.

after awhile.

The two gained a lot and found a lot of effective footprint clues.

When no new clues are found.

The two got up and walked towards the location of the dead body.

Han Sen took the photo and went to report to Captain Zhang Hai of the Criminal Investigation Team about the progress of the trail.

And Lin Nan walked near the dead body.

I saw that in the middle of the empty cement board road, there was a large iron bucket with black marks on it, and the charred bones of the deceased were in the iron bucket.

at this time.

Forensic doctor Tan Xiaotong wore a mask on his face, various white medical gloves in his hands, and a sash, and searched for clues and evidence on the edge of the iron bucket little by little.

Lin Nan checked it carefully from the edge, and took a deep breath.

This man died terribly.

The whole body was burned to the point where only bones remained, and the flesh and blood were scorched into carbon black. The bones that were supposed to be white were also pitch black, with various indescribable charred substances attached to them.

I don’t know who has a deep hatred with the deceased, and it is so cruel to burn people into charcoal.

Xiaotong, “How is the preliminary examination of the body?” Captain Zhang Hai of the Criminal Investigation Team came over and asked with a serious face.

“The identity of the deceased is unknown for the time being. There are signs of being beaten on the skull, but it is not the cause of death:” Forensic doctor Tan Xiaotong took a few steps back, pulled down his mask, and reported very professionally: “The real cause of death should be inhalation of excessive carbon monoxide and high temperature burning.

“The arm bones, calf bones, and chest all have streaks, and there are slight signs of struggle.”

“According to my judgment, the deceased should have been beaten on the head before he was alive, then tied, and then poured gasoline and burned.”

“When the deceased was burned, he should have been awake for a short period of time and struggled hard, but because he inhaled carbon monoxide, he fell into a coma again.”

“Eventually, high temperature incineration kills!”

“Burned alive!” Zhang Hai, the captain of the criminal investigation team, thought while touching his chin: “What kind of hatred is this!”

“Lin Nan, Han Sen, apart from the footprints, have you found any traces of blood?

“This blood stain remains?” Han Sen shook his head and said: “I didn’t find it. Apart from those footprints, there are no other clues for the time being.”

“Brother Sen is right, I didn’t find it either.” Lin Nan pondered and said, “It’s dark now, and it’s really difficult to find subtle traces.

It may “need to wait until dawn to conduct a second on-site investigation to determine whether there is any trace of blood remaining on the scene.”

“Hey! It makes sense. After 0.8 that day, we need to conduct a second on-site investigation, and we must make sure that there is no residual blood on the scene!” Captain Zhang Hai of the Criminal Investigation Team nodded.

“This is still relatively important.”

“If there are bloodstains left at the scene, then this should be the first scene of the incident.

“If not, then there is likely to be another first scene of the case, that is, a place where the deceased was hit on the head to the star during his lifetime.”

“There may be more useful traces and clues.

“Right! Xiaotong, take the body back to the criminal investigation team for further testing.”

“Try to find residual materials and other clues, and determine the identity of the deceased as soon as possible.”

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