Let You Collect The Waste! Waste! Do You Understand? !

Chapter 17 Daily Income Of More Than 300,000? !

He is player No. 95!

He collects scrap!

Where did he get so much money to spend?

You were deceived by him!

A large number of similar barrages flooded the screen like crazy.

For a moment, Song Yaqing was stunned.


She panicked, quickly opened the live broadcast platform, searched for live broadcast room 95, and saw Jiang Chen's first-person perspective. At this time, Jiang Chen was walking leisurely towards the hall.

Escape from the bill? !

Song Yaqing was furious.

She pushed open the box door and rushed out.

I ran to the lobby and saw Jiang Chen chatting with the front desk.

Song Yaqing grabbed Jiang Chen's arm and asked angrily: "Hey! What do you mean! Are you kidding me? Don't think I don't know. You are also a player in "Professional Challenge", and your profession is to collect scraps. ! I don’t believe you can afford 8888’s supreme package!”

The customers waiting for massage all around looked sideways at Song Yaqing.

"Xiao Song, what are you doing!" the cashier lady yelled angrily.

Song Yaqing explained anxiously: "Sister, this guy is also a contestant of "Professional Challenge". His profession is to collect scraps. But he ordered the 8888 Supreme Package. Where did he get the money to pay the bill! I suspect he was deliberately playing tricks. Me! I want to escape the bill!"

"What are you talking about!" The cashier girl's face turned even more ugly: "This gentleman just settled the fee of 8888!"


The cashier girl even threw the invoice at Song Yaqing's face.

He took the invoice and looked at it.

Song Yaqing felt as if she had been struck by lightning.

Because it is written clearly on it: VIP box No. 24, consumption 8888 yuan, has been settled through online banking...


Song Yaqing looked at the invoice and then at Jiang Chen, confused.

It's not just her.

Even the viewers in her live broadcast room were confused.

——[Ah...is it really paid off? 】

——[Damn, no, I thought he was deliberately playing tricks on Song Yaqing. 】

——[He doesn’t collect scraps, so how can he get so much money! 】

——[Hahahahaha, you are blinded, and you dare to question my brother Chen’s worth? As long as you take a look at my brother Chen’s live broadcast room, you will know that just 8888 is nothing to me, brother Chen! 】

——[I am so happy that my brother Chen, who earns more than 300,000 yuan a day, is treated as a dirty villain by you all! 】

——[Poverty limits your imagination! 】

Jiang Chen shrugged and asked, "Can we continue to provide the remaining services?"

It cost 8888, but Jiang Chen only enjoyed half of the service.

The remaining half will be wasted if not done.

"Yes, of course, sir!" The cashier lady helped change the topic and said with a smile: "Please go back to the box. Our technician will go back to continue serving you. Thank you for your purchase!"


In front of Song Yaqing.

Jiang Chen walked to the box calmly.

After Song Yaqing reacted, her face became extremely embarrassed. She turned on her phone to look at the barrage and found that many people were introducing Jiang Chen's information:

Professional waste collection!

Earn 320,000 a day by picking up leaks!

There is still 320,000 left in Yipinzhai, which will arrive early tomorrow morning!

"No! I earn more than 300,000 yuan a day!"

Song Yaqing was shocked. She quickly returned to the box and continued massaging Jiang Chen. She apologized again and again: "I'm so sorry, handsome. I misunderstood you! Thank you for taking care of my business!"

The words just fell.

A voice came from the intercom on her waist:

"Technician No. 24, Song Yaqing, falsely accused a customer of evading the order in the lobby, which was overheard by many nearby customers and had a serious negative impact on our store! The store manager decided to deduct Song Yaqing's commission of 1,333 yuan this time!"

Hearing this, Song Yaqing's eyes darkened with anger and she almost fainted.

Jiang Chen said with an innocent face: "You can't blame me. I came here to take care of your business at the request of my friends in the live broadcast room."

"Of course I can't blame you, handsome guy." Song Yaqing smiled bitterly, her expression uglier than crying. She said unwillingly, "I can only blame those group of precious dragons for screwing me up! It's my 1333 commission!"

Hear this.

The water friends who had been booing in the live broadcast room on the 24th.

Quietly exited the live broadcast room...

8888’s supreme package includes an overnight stay at Golden Impression, so after enjoying the massage, Jiang Chen simply went to bed at Golden Impression, “Brothers, according to the requirements of the program team, the live broadcast must be turned off during bedtime. Let’s see you tomorrow morning.”

As for what time Song Yaqing will work until, Jiang Chen is not sure.

All I know is that when Jiang Chen woke up and went out at eight o'clock the next morning, he didn't see a single technician.

"Sir, go slowly. Welcome to visit again!"

Under the watchful eye of the front desk, Jiang Chen walked to the parking lot, started the live broadcast, then got on his tricycle and started working.

Ten minutes.

The number of people in the live broadcast room has increased to more than a thousand, and the number is still rising.

"Ding dong!"

A beep is heard.

Jiang Chen's heart moved.

He parked the tricycle on the side of the road and took out his cell phone to take a look.

"Hello, your bank account with the last number 8888 received a transfer of 320,000 yuan..."

"Brothers, the 320,000 yuan for selling watches has arrived, quite quickly."

Jiang Chen put away his phone.

Riding a three-wheeler, I plunged into a community of old workers and passed by a greenhouse where I had just finished my errands.

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