Let You Collect The Waste! Waste! Do You Understand? !

Chapter 27 A Box Full Of Porcelain, Left By Our Ancestors!

There were many people watching.

Asked anything.

The man selling the goods patiently answered everyone's questions. Even if someone said he was a charlatan, the man was not anxious, but defended himself plausibly.


No one dares to easily spend tens of thousands of dollars to buy an object that has passed through other people's hands.

Watched for a while.

After almost understanding the situation, Jiang Chen decided to take it. He walked aside and called Yang Fugui: "Boss Yang, do you have time? Please come over. I found a new thing. Come and help me control it." Palm eyes.”

"Okay, give me the address and I'll be there as soon as possible."

Yang Fugui agreed wholeheartedly.

They open antique shops with too few customers, and often don't see a few customers throughout the day, so they have plenty of time.

——[I just separated from Boss Yang. How long has it been since I called Boss Yang again? What's going on? 】

——[Brother Chen doesn’t want to take a gamble and buy this whole box of porcelain and wait for Boss Yang to come over and help appraise it! 】

——[The soldiers and horses have not yet used the food and grass to go ahead? 】

——[No, how can Brother Chen be so sure that he called Boss Yang over without even opening the box and taking a look? 】

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Chen laughed to himself: "Why do I feel so embarrassed to think that Boss Yang is my custody assistant?"

Jiang Chen plans to give Yang Fugui more benefits if there is an opportunity in the future.

Think of this.

Jiang Chen walked back to the man and asked, "Can you make this cheaper?"

Although I know this thing is worth more than 700,000 yuan.

We can talk about business.

If you can spend less, spend less.

The man thought that Jiang Chen, like the others, was just joining in the fun and asked casually. He replied without thinking: "It's not cheap. Let me tell you, my ancestor was the master of the county magistrate in the late Qing Dynasty. He had real power and was very powerful. . This box was passed down from my master’s ancestors, and the porcelain inside must be valuable.”

Look at the porcelain in this box all coming from official kilns.

It proves that these porcelains are not used by ordinary people, but are designated exclusively for government use.

What this man said couldn't be further from the truth.

Jiang Chen walked around the box and asked again: "You think the porcelain inside is valuable, why don't you keep it for yourself and sell it instead?"

The man choked and smiled sheepishly and said: "Back then, the war was in chaos, and the little devils were burning, killing and looting everywhere. My great-grandfather wanted to take his family to flee. Before leaving, he was afraid that the things left by his ancestors would be robbed, so So I hid this box, but my great-grandfather passed away in an accident overseas. When the war ended, my family looked for this box everywhere, but hey, they couldn’t find it! I don’t know where he hid it!”

"A few days ago, my hometown was going to build a tourist area and relocate my ancestral tombs. The construction team dug out this box. Only then did I realize that Grandpa Taizu had buried the box in the ancestral tomb! Then I fished the box out , Oops, I don’t know how well the porcelain inside is preserved, whether it’s damaged or not, whether it’s worth anything, and whether I have to hand it in after taking it out. It’s too troublesome, so I decided to take it out and sell it.”

Jiang Chen touched the box with his hand and pushed it hard.

The box is not big, and when you push it gently, you can hear the sound of porcelain clinking and rubbing in the box.

Ding ding! Wow!

Glancing at the copper lock on the box again, Jiang Chen's expression became even more playful.

[Item]: A bronze lock imitating the word "shi" for scholar-bureaucrats in the Song Dynasty.

[Details]: The antique bronze locks made in a small workshop are provided for the use of the crew. The keyhole with the word "Scholar" is reserved for ancient scholar-bureaucrats...

[Value]: 260 yuan.

The ancient hierarchy was strict.

Most of the locks used by ordinary people are stone locks and iron locks, and the keyholes are only in a simple "one" shape.

And the keyhole with the word "shi" is used by officials.

Look at the decoration on this lock, it is also the gentleman's lotus pattern that was loved by the Song Dynasty.

Based on the above clues.

This lock must be a film and television prop, imitated by craftsmen based on the copper locks used by the literati class in the Song Dynasty. However, its appearance on a wooden box in the Qing Dynasty is enough to prove that the lock was installed later.

Seeing Jiang Chen's interest, the man became more enthusiastic.

"Little brother, I am not fooling anyone. They are filled with porcelain. There may be some valuable ones."

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Have you ever opened the box?"

A trace of uneasiness flashed across the man's face, and he clarified with a smile: "I haven't opened it yet. I'm afraid that if I open it, I have to turn it in, or I will lose money, so I don't dare to open it, so I just thought about selling it. Is it easier? no."


Jiang Chen thought to himself.

This box has been opened.

I'm afraid that the valuable porcelain inside has been taken away by the man a long time ago, leaving only a few worthless items that cannot be sold, so I pretended to be unopened, packed them up, sold them, and made a profit.

The good guy mocked:

"This seems to be a lie. If you sell the boxes handed down from your ancestors without even opening them, either you are a fool, or you treat others as fools!"

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