Let You Collect The Waste! Waste! Do You Understand? !

Chapter 32 Ancestor, You Have Tricked Me!

His original works can sell for hundreds of thousands.

Are you still risking being caught for cheating?

Chen Wanshan laughed and teased Yang Fugui: "So, your question is meaningless. No one in this world can fake it, so how can this thing be fake? Of course it is a real treasure passed down from the Ming Dynasty."

Yang Fugui smiled awkwardly. He was a little impatient and couldn't think straight.

Then he hurriedly said:

"Teacher Chen, please give me an estimate of the price of this box."

On the way here, Chen Wanshan inquired about some information about rhinoceros lacquerware from his colleagues, and he felt confident, so after looking at the details of the box, he said: "According to the auction prices of rhinoceroskin lacquerware from the Qing Dynasty in previous years, Let's estimate that the value of this box is around 700,000. Of course, this is the price of a private transaction. If it goes to an auction house and has many people bidding, it will definitely be more than this price, and it is possible to exceed 800,000. , only after deducting tax and service fees, the seller’s price is a little over 700,000, which is about the same.”

"Hiss—the low price is only 700,000?"

Yang Fugui was shocked.

He thought the rhinoceros leather lacquered wooden box was worth only a hundred thousand.

As a result, Chen Wanshan directly set a price of around 700,000!

Regarding this result, Jiang Chen seemed very calm because he had known the value of the wooden box for a long time and was not surprised at all at the moment.

But the people around me were shocked.

Everyone was stunned.

Stare at the box without blinking.

"Be good! More than 700,000?"

"Didn't you say it's only over 100,000 yuan! Why is there an extra 600,000 yuan!"

"The 100,000 yuan was estimated by this big brother just now. Didn't you hear what others said? He doesn't know much about this kind of collection, so his estimate is of course inaccurate! But this Master Chen is a real expert!"

"Good guy, 27,000 makes 700,000!"

——[Should I wipe it? This broken box is worth more than 700,000? Why! 】

——[I don’t understand! Antiques are like this. You may look inconspicuous, but if you find something you really like, you are really willing to spend a lot of money to buy it. 】

——[I feel like the uncle selling porcelain is going to faint in the toilet from crying. 】

——[Brother Chen, aren’t you a scrap collector? Why are you collecting all antiques? 】

——[Look at the uncle’s expression, it’s too complicated! 】

All the water friends looked at the salesman in the corner.

at this time.

He also heard the valuation given by Chen Wanshan.

But the man suspected that he had heard wrongly, so he walked over with a smile and asked playfully: "Master Chen, how much did you say this box cost just now?"

Chen Wanshan gestured with his hand: "Seven hundred thousand, base."

"Oh, it's really seven hundred thousand, haha, I heard that right."

The man said with a smile.

But then, the smile on his face gradually solidified, and finally the corners of his mouth turned downward, with a sad look on his face.

Seven hundred thousand!

Nima 700,000! !

The man riding the horse is worth 700,000! !

The porcelain he took out of the box before was sold for just over half a million yuan!

But this broken box is fucking worth seven hundred thousand!

It’s two hundred thousand more expensive than the porcelain he sold! !

Think of this.

The man's legs went weak.

He sat down on the ground with a thud.

His eyes were empty, staring at the wooden box not far away, and his mood was very complicated: "Ancestor, you have screwed me up!" As he said that, the man looked at Jiang Chen again, and his lips touched. After touching it, he said with some shame: "Little brother, how about I give the twenty-seven thousand..."

"Huh? Uncle, you don't want to turn your back and deny it, do you?" Jiang Chen smiled and silently protected the box behind him, "Everyone is watching. I paid for it. I bought the box and the porcelain. You can’t cheat when you buy it and leave it.”

The people around me also came in handy.

They all nodded in support.

"That's right, brother, you can't lie, we are always watching."

"Brother, be normal, keep a normal mind!"

"Everything is sold, so it doesn't matter how much it's worth, right?"

"Stay calm, alas!"

"Seven hundred thousand, if it were me, I would be so heartbroken. This seven hundred thousand is enough for me to buy a Porsche Cayenne!"

"Remember what you said before? You don't have the vision. You deserve the money that others make."

I looked around at the melon-eating crowd.

The man selling the goods also knew that he was irresponsible, and even if he made a fuss or even threatened death, the police and the judge would not be able to go after him. The 700,000 yuan would have to slip from his hands to Jiang Chen.

Think of this.

The man wanted to cry but had no tears, and was speechless and choked.

And Yang Fugui was already calculating how much money he would spend to get this wooden box.

"Jiang Chen, you said before that you would leave the things to me if the price was right. Does this still count?" Yang Fugui rubbed his hands and asked uncertainly.

Jiang Chen was also very happy: "I keep my word, Boss Yang. You can take it at a fixed price of 700,000 yuan. How much you can sell for it is up to you. It's up to you to earn it. How about it?"

Yang Fugui gritted his teeth.

According to Chen Wanshan, the auction house may sell it for more than 800,000 yuan, so it shouldn't be a big problem for him to find a private collector and sell it for 750,000 yuan.

Earning fifty thousand yuan is not a small amount of money.

After weighing it, he nodded and said:

"Okay, deal! Just 700,000!"

"Boss Yang, please be happy! I'll come back to you if I get something good in the future!"

Jiang Chen smiled and shook hands with Yang Fugui.

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