——[Brother Xu, be mentally prepared and don’t cry! 】

——[Sorry, Brother Xu, you guessed wrong, that young guy is the player No. 95 you mentioned! 】

When he learned that Jiang Chen was Contestant No. 95, the fat cook was stunned. He couldn't figure it out: "No, that guy just now was Contestant No. 95? What a joke! I remember that No. 95 collects scraps. How could he be like this? Eating at a high-end restaurant? This meal costs more than five thousand yuan!"

——[Didn’t you hear what others said just now? Player No. 95 bought a box and sold it back for 700,000 yuan! 】

——[Yes, I earned 320,000 a day yesterday, and today I made a million! If you don’t believe it, go to Live Room 95 and have a look! 】

——[Brother Xu, I’m worried. I went to see him just now. What they said is true. The man named Jiang Chen just made 700,000! 】

Look what everyone is saying.

The fat cook's brain was buzzing.

He also said before that player No. 95 had a waste-collecting card and a junk career, but it turned out that No. 95 was making a million a day by collecting waste?

Just in time.

The box door was pushed open.

Jiang Chen walked out with a rosy complexion, looked around, and then stared at the fat cook who was lazing in the corner: "Brother, may I ask, where is your bathroom?"

The fat cook came to his senses and looked at Jiang Chen.

Then, with some confusion, he pointed in the direction: "There, on the left is the men's restroom, and on the right is the women's restroom."

"Thank you, brother. By the way, you cooked all the food on our table?"

Jiang Chen blushed and asked curiously.

The fat cook replied: "Yes, I made them all."

Jiang Chen gave a thumbs up in praise: "My cooking skills are good. If I treat guests to dinner in the future, I will definitely come to your house and let you cook."

This is not flattery.

Jiang Chen really felt that the taste of that meal was excellent.

Think of this.

Jiang Chen, who was drunk, took out a hundred dollar bill from his pocket and put it in front of the fat cook.

"Tip for you, bro."

The fat cook was confused.

Damn it!

Will the waste collector give me a tip of 100 yuan?

The fat cook's expression was a little stiff and ugly.

Jiang Chen was a little drunk after drinking some wine. Seeing the fat chef's expression, he thought he didn't value the one hundred yuan. In addition, he had just made more than 700,000 yuan and had a happy chat with Chen Wanshan and the others. Jiang Chen was also generous. He took out two more hundred-dollar bills from his wallet and slapped them on the fat cook's chest: "Brother, three hundred, is that enough? Smile, it's a lot of money."

Holding three hundred yuan in his hand, the fat cook subconsciously showed a professional smile.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen went to the bathroom with satisfaction.

Watch Jiang Chen leave.

The fat cook silently put three hundred yuan into his pocket, then took out his mobile phone and called the director team: "Hello? Director? I want to quit the competition! Why quit the competition? Tell me why! I'm so tired I only earn 35,000 after a month of hard work, but others can earn a million in a day collecting rags! I want to challenge a trade fair? I can’t even earn a million even if I lose money! RNM! I don’t want to play. It’s over! Retire!”

Defense broken!

He broke the defense!

Jiang Chen was so drunk that he became unconscious. When he regained consciousness, he found himself lying on the hotel bed with a slight pain in his head.

After a simple wash, I ate the breakfast provided by the hotel, then went downstairs without stopping, got on my three-wheeler and started working.

"Brothers, work has begun!"

Turn on the live broadcast, Jiang Chen greets the water friends.

As soon as the live broadcast started, there were a lot of barrages.

——[Brother Chen, do you remember the fat chef yesterday? 】

"I drank too much yesterday, so I can't remember clearly."

——[It’s the fat chef you tipped three hundred yuan, and you have no impression at all? 】

Saw this barrage.

Jiang Chen's brain buzzed.

He quickly stopped the car and took out his wallet. Sure enough, three red bills were missing from it.

——[Hahaha, that chef is also a contestant. When he heard that you were making millions in one day, he was heartbroken on the spot and gave up on the competition. 】

——[Yeah, he scolded the director directly in front of the audience, shouting that he couldn’t continue playing and quit the competition! 】

——[I sympathized with the chef for a second, but he actually met my brother Chen...]

Through the barrage of water friends.

Jiang Chen also roughly knows what happened last night.

But what could he say?

All I can say is sorry...

Throughout the morning, the three wheels were almost falling apart, and I didn't see any leaks. My luck was far worse than yesterday.


Jiang Chen was walking on the road.

There was only a "bang" sound, and the car broke down on the spot.

Get off the car and take a look:

The chain is broken!

Fortunately, there is a car repair shop not far ahead.

The distance was only a few dozen meters. Jiang Chen got off the car and pushed the tricycle over. Seeing his boss working, he interrupted: "Boss, help me repair the car."


A string of numbers floated by: 6 million!

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