Let You Collect The Waste! Waste! Do You Understand? !

Chapter 5 The Money Bag Dug Out During The Renovation Of The Ancestral House

"Okay, see you later, Boss Yang."

Jiang Chen rode a tricycle, turned on the horn, and continued shouting to collect waste on the road.

It seems so easy to get 66,000.

The audience was numb.

——[In just such a short period of time, you made sixty-six thousand? 】

——[Buy it for a few cents, sell it for tens of thousands! 】

——[What is this if it’s not free prostitution? 】

——[Awesome, so awesome! Others might earn a few hundred in a day, but Jiang Chen actually earned more than 60,000 yuan in just a short period of time! 】

——[Still called Jiang Chen? so rude! Call me Brother Chen! 】

——[I also want to collect waste! I want to pick up the leaks too! 】

——[Save it for me, can you be so shameless as to collect scraps? Besides, weren't we all laughing at the anchor for treating the toy as a treasure? With our eyesight, we can't even chew up the baby and put it in our mouth, but we still pick it up and miss it? 】

Watching them chatting, Jiang Chen also said with a smile: "It's okay to learn from me to collect waste. If you work hard and are willing to endure hardships, it's not a problem to earn more than 10,000 yuan a month. But if you want to learn from me to pick up waste, the risk is too high."

If there is no systematic analysis of the value of scrap products.

Jiang Chen would definitely package and sell the Mickey Mouse medals as ordinary toys.

Not to mention ordinary people.

Yipinzhai is near the Antique Street, so Jiang Chen arrived at the Antique Street in just one turn on his tricycle.

At a glance, the wide and straight street is full of stall owners selling antiques.

They are all equipped the same way.

I spread a rag on the ground and put some antiques on it, then I took out a small mat and sat playing with my mobile phone, waiting for someone who was destined to ask for the price.

Today is the weekend.

There are so many people coming and going on the street.

Jiang Chen noticed that there were a lot of people in a corner, and they seemed to be joining in the fun.


The crowd burst into cheers.

"Hey! Good guy, something really good has come out!"

"This one is a Xianfeng Tongbao. It has 'The Great Harmony of the World' engraved on the back. It won't be a problem to sell it for 700!"

"Brother, you are so lucky. This one copper coin is enough to get your capital back, and the rest is pure profit!"

"These five hundred flowers are really worth it!"

Seeing how lively it was, Jiang Chen rode a tricycle and came over to take a look.

Arriving at the back of the crowd, Jiang Chen stood on the train seat and looked inside. He saw a stall in the crowd with piles of copper coins placed in small mounds. These coins were in strings, and the surface was bonded into blocks with bronze patina. , looks very contemporary.

[Item]: Copper money tube.

[Details]: The copper money tube unearthed last week was made with strong acid, salt, alkali and other chemicals to create a bronze patina. It contains 13 ancient copper coins, including Qianlong Tongbao of the Qing Dynasty, Daoguang Tongbao of the Qing Dynasty, and Jiaqing Tongbao of the Ming Dynasty...

[Value]: 185 yuan.

Good guy.

Just made this last week.

Jiang Chen smiled.

Sitting next to the stall was a middle-aged man in his fifties, dressed in rural attire.

At this time, he was staring at a big fat man in front of the stall, with a rather resentful look in his eyes and a look of embarrassment on his face.

The big fat man held nine rusty copper coins in his hand, holding one on his fingertips. He was showing it to everyone around him in surprise and asked, "Is this coin really valuable? Don't fool me!"

The onlookers around him affirmed again: "You can't be wrong. This one is from the Great Harmony of the World during the Jiaqing period. You don't have to worry about selling it for 700 yuan. Plus the other nine copper coins add up to 200 yuan. You can buy it for 500 yuan." Sold for 900, I made at least 400 yuan!"

"Oh, then I'm so lucky!"

The big fat man was so happy that his whole body was trembling with fat.

Seeing someone prescribing something good makes other people feel itchy too.

"Boss, where did you get all these money boxes? Did you rob them from tombs?"

"Yeah, yeah? You don't dare to talk nonsense!" The boss looked panicked and explained in dialect: "I dug this out from under the homestead when I was renovating my ancestral home! If I really robbed this tomb, I dare not let go Is this for sale?”

"I originally wanted to take it apart and take a look, but I don't know anything about this and don't know how much it's worth. I'm afraid of being cheated, so I might as well just sell it like this. You can choose whatever you want for 500 yuan. Each money box has a dozen coins. Copper coins, whether they are valuable or worthless, you are conceited, it has nothing to do with me, just pay for whatever you want to buy, pick whatever you want!"

Money tube.

It's a string of copper coins.

The ancients usually connected several copper coins into strings. Because these strings of copper coins were buried deep in the ground for many years and rusted, the green patina was like glue, bonding the coins into blocks. This is what experts call a money tube.

The copper coins were severely corroded.

The exterior is covered with a thick layer of patina.

By observing the appearance alone, we can only roughly determine the information about the first and last two copper coins. As for the copper coin sandwiched in the middle, we cannot tell. It may be valuable or not.


After listening to the origin of copper coins.

Suddenly, many people were ready to make a move and began to pay money to choose goods.

They squatted beside the stall.

One by one, he looked at the copper coins on both sides of the money tube, trying to find the most valuable money tube.

There were also many people who sneered and stood aside to watch this good show.

The audience was also itchy.

——[Newly dug copper coins? 】

——[One piece can sell for more than 700 yuan! 】

——[Jiang Chen, didn’t you just make more than 60,000 yuan? Take 500 yuan and open a bunch for the brothers to participate! 】

——[If you open a valuable one, you will make a lot of money! 】

——[They are all rusty and have been buried for a long time. 】

See everyone so excited.

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly.

"You also believe this? It's just a fake at first glance."

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