Let You Collect The Waste! Waste! Do You Understand? !

Chapter 54: Huanghuali Has Two Large Double Doors. Both Ends Cost 30,000 Yuan. Do You Call This A Pr

Jiang Chen didn't take it seriously when he saw the extra 3 million in his bank card.

Although there is a bad habit of defaulting on project payments within the system, Jiang Chen believes that with so many people watching the live broadcast room, the Jiangnan Museum will definitely settle the remaining money as soon as possible, and they do not dare to neglect, lest they ruin their own reputation.

Early the next morning.

As usual, Jiang Chen got enough sleep and went out to work.

I rode a tricycle for most of the day.

Unconsciously, I walked from the city to a remote area.

High-rise buildings are rare here.

More often than not, there are residential buildings one after another.

But Jiang Chen didn't care. For the job of collecting scraps, it didn't make much difference whether he went to the city or the suburbs. Anyway, there were people selling scraps wherever he went.

"Whoever has scraps, please sell them quickly!"

Jiang Chen was beating the gong and walking along the path in the village. Suddenly, a girl wearing a white shirt and a black skirt walked out of the old house in front of her. She was wearing high heels and holding a folder in her arms. She had neat short hair and a sweet look. Her beautiful face made Jiang Chen look at Twelve more times -

This is a working girl.

I saw her walking out of the door of the old house, turning around and locking the door with a lock.

Finally, I got on the small electric car and drove away.

【Wow, so on point!】

[Young lady is so pretty, Brother Chen, can you please give me your contact information? 】

[How dare you, brother, to ask Brother Chen to help you contact you. Aren’t you afraid that a girl will fall in love with me, Brother Chen, at first sight? 】

[Brother Chen has a net worth of tens of millions, is tall and handsome, and is an internet celebrity. What about you, what do you have? 】

[Stop talking, brothers, it’s heartbreaking!]

[I think that young lady looks a bit familiar………………]

Jiang Chen didn't watch the live broadcast room.

He continued to move forward on his tricycle. In just a few seconds, he arrived in front of the house.

Because the girl left from here.

So Jiang Chen couldn't help but take a few more glances.

[Item]: Large double doors of Dalbergia rosewood.

[Details]: Double doors made of Dalbergia Dalbergia wood. Dalbergia Dalbergia, also known as Hainan Huanghuali, has been used since the Tang Dynasty...

【Value】: 3.2 million.

See the message pop up.

Jiang Chen's whole body froze in place.

Huanghuali wood?

nice one!

Take another closer look.

[Item]: Advertising paper.

[Details]: Produced by XX Real Estate Agency Company

[Value]: None.

"House sale advertisement?"

Jiang Chen got out of the car and walked over to take a closer look.

It’s written very clearly on page 387.

The owner of this household plans to sell this old house. Interested customers can call the real estate agency above.

Jiang Chen took a look at this old house.

I feel that this house is quite impressive. It is a typical Huizhou architectural style, with blue bricks and green tiles, and a courtyard. The only shortcoming is that it occupies a small area. It is not difficult to find out from the damaged stone bricks that this house has been around for some years. .

Moreover, this place is relatively remote, sparsely populated and has inconvenient transportation.

The selling price is not estimated to be high.

Jiang Chen settled the score.

If you buy this house, remove the huanghuali wooden door, and then sell it for tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, you will definitely make a profit.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen's heart moved.

His eyes turned to the agent's phone number left on the house sale information.

shown above.

The agent's surname is Song, and her phone number is 186...

If nothing else, the phone number must belong to the girl just now. After all, the girl was dressed like a real estate agent.

Think of this.

Jiang Chen took out his cell phone.

Dial the other party's phone number according to the number left above.


The call is connected.

"Hello, Shell Real Estate Agency, I'm Sales Song Miaomiao, what do you need?"

It's a girl's voice.

The voice is more like a royal sister, and a bit soft.

Anyway, it is a very popular voice among men.

You guessed it right, the other party must be the girl who just rode away in front of Jiang Chen.

"Hello, I saw a house here in Xiaoliu Xincun, and your phone number was left on it.

"Yes sir, I am responsible for the house you see. Do you want to buy a house?"

"Yes, I would like to know the price."

"Sir, are you in Xiaoliu New Village?"

"Well, I'm standing in front of the house right now."

"What a coincidence. I just left there. Please wait for me for three minutes. I will be there soon. Let's meet and chat.

"I'm waiting for you."

Put away the phone.

Jiang Chen stood there, chatting casually with the water friends to pass the time.

【Song Miaomiao, this name sounds very familiar to me!】

[If this sounds familiar, I can tell you clearly that she is contestant No. 26, Song Miaomiao, and her occupation is a real estate agent. 】

[Oh! It’s true! I went to her live broadcast room to check it out, and she was on her way to Brother Chen’s place. 】

"She is also a player? What a fate."

Jiang Chen smiled.

[Song Miaomiao's performance is very good, she is beautiful, and her voice is nice. She has just worked in Beike for a week and has sold 5 houses. According to her own calculation, relying only on the performance of these 5 houses, she has sold 5 houses this month. The sales commission is guaranteed to be 40,000 yuan!】

[As a real estate agent, I’m full of pride! I can’t even sell 5 houses in a month. Real estate is not popular anymore. 】

·[Brother, Song Miaomiao is at work, and you are watching Brother Chen’s live broadcast to fish. This is the gap between you and others! 】

I learned that Song Miaomiao's performance was so dazzling.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but admire him.

But he still comforted the water friends and said: "It's incomparable. Song Miaomiao is beautiful and has a nice voice. Plus, she has the support of live broadcasts. It's not unusual to have this performance. You know, this is an era where looks are valued. Long-term Pretty girls are always popular in the service industry."

Conversation room.

Song Miaomiao turned back on her electric bike.

When she stopped in front of the door and saw Jiang Chen and his useless tricycle, Song Miaomiao's mind went blank.


She rubbed her hair in confusion.

Some couldn't believe it and asked: "Sir, was it you who called me just now to inquire about this house?"


Song Miaomiao didn't want to believe that a scrap collector had the idea of ​​buying a rural house.

If you are a city dweller, you won’t collect waste.

If you are from a rural area, you don’t want to buy a house in the countryside.

This is a paradox.

Jiang Chen saw Song Miaomiao's appearance up close and saw that she was indeed beautiful, so he responded: "It's me, my name is Jiang Chen, hello."

After saying that, he shook hands with the other party in a gentlemanly manner.

Before joining the show, Song Miaomiao's job was as a translator. After joining the show, her career was in real estate sales. The men she came into contact with at work were relatively high-status and at least not short of money, so she saw Jiang Chen, a waste collector. When someone wanted to shake hands with her, Song Miaomiao instinctively resisted.

But she deserves to be the best.

No matter how reluctant he was, he still let himself stare at Jiang Chen's handsome face, forcing himself to stretch out his slender nephrite hand and give Jiang Chen a brief shake.

See this scene.

The female fans in Song Miaomiao's live broadcast room broke their defense.

[Woooooo! Sister Miaomiao! You are so fragrant and sweet, how can you shake hands with a waste collector! Don’t you think it’s dirty? 】

[Oh my God, Sister Miaomiao, I must learn more from you! If I meet a customer who collects scraps, I really can’t help but roll my eyes, and it’s impossible to shake hands with them!]

[How about sister Miaomiao being capable? Let’s learn more from Jijun!]

[Miaomiao, I also have a house for sale. Can you come to my house and take a look? 】

[Men, get out of Sister Miaomiao’s live broadcast room! Don’t think we don’t know what your plans are! 】

[Nima! Are you still picky when a customer comes to your door? Let me tell you, this is Brother Chen, the boss! He is willing to hold hands with Song Miaomiao to give her face. Do you really think that you, Chai Miaomiao, are so valuable? 】

Because Song Miaomiao established the character of a strong woman.

So in her live broadcast room, most of them are girls, and there are few men.

It was obvious that Song Miaomiao was a little uncomfortable.

Jiang Chen wisely changed the subject and said: "Are you a player in "Professional Challenge"?"

Song Miaomiao's identity is not a secret, she admitted it generously: "Yes, I am No. 26, you are welcome to come to my live broadcast room to support me.

Song Miaomiao didn't think much about why Jiang Chen knew her identity.

In her opinion.

Maybe Jiang Chen is a fan of mine.

For example, of the 5 houses she sold before, 3 of them were purchased by fans who came to Song Miaomiao specifically to buy houses. (ceeb) How did she know that the Jiang Chen in front of her was actually a player.

Jiang Chen smiled: "I will definitely go to your live broadcast room to support you if I have the chance."

Song Miaomiao was too lazy to waste time.

She still had a few clients waiting to meet, so she went straight to the point: "Mr. Jiang plans to buy this house?"

Jiang Chen nodded: "Check the price first, and buy it if it's suitable."

Song Miaomiao liked this kind of direct conversation and said cheerfully: "The owner's family immigrated overseas many years ago and haven't been back for more than ten years, so I asked relatives in my hometown to list this apartment. The price was also set by relatives. 25 Ten thousand."

Jiang Chen nodded.

250,000 yuan to buy an old house in the countryside is the market price.

It can be bought and sold.

Bargaining is inevitable.

Jiang Chen said: "As far as I understand, this kind of old rural house is a homestead, which is owned by the village collective and is not allowed to be sold by private individuals. If it is demolished locally in the future, I will not be able to get compensation, which is equivalent to having nothing. I am afraid that The risk is too great. Just 200,000, I can pay in full."

Jiang Chen didn't really expect this damn place to be demolished in the future.

I just hope to use this excuse to get a bargain.

Cut off 50,000 yuan in one go.

Song Miaomiao smiled in embarrassment: "Mr. Jiang, just cut off one-fifth of it with one mouthful. This... is unrealistic.'

If it is a house worth one or two million.

It's understandable to cut off 50,000 yuan.

But the total cost of this old house is 250,000, and cutting off another 50,000 would be too much.

Jiang Chen asked: "What is the lowest price the landlord can give you?"

Real estate agencies are highly profitable.

Some unscrupulous intermediaries will eat both sides.

For example, the house owner's relatives could sell this house at a price of 200,000, but Song Miaomiao raised the price to 50,000 without authorization. As long as she had the ability to sell it, the extra 50,000 would belong to the company, and the commission would be between her and the company. Share, you can even deceive the homeowner, saying that the buyer is only willing to pay 180,000, and then eat the homeowner's 20,000.

The two ends ate a total of 70,000.

The benefits are considerable!

Of course, Song Miaomiao would not tell Jiang Chen the true price of the homeowner. She said casually: "The homeowner requires a minimum of 230,000, and it can't be lower."

Jiang Chen knew that this was definitely not the real price.

But he also knows.

The price tug-of-war is a group affair that consumes a lot of energy and time.

Rather than that.

Jiang Chen didn't bother to care anymore.

What's wrong with eating meat for yourself and giving the other person a sip of soup?

"220,000, I can pay the full amount now." Jiang Chen said firmly.

Song Miaomiao was in a difficult position. She sighed and said, "Sir, this price is really too low."

, which is 10,000 lower than the landlord’s psychological price. I can’t make the decision. If you are not in a hurry, I can help you contact the landlord to see what he means.

Jiang Chen knew it was a trick, but he didn't care and waved his hand: "Go ahead."

"Please wait."

Song Miaomiao walked to a tree in the distance, took out her mobile phone, and called the landlord to communicate the matter.

"Hello Mr. Liu, my name is Song Miaomiao. There is a customer who plans to buy the old house you are listing for 190,000 yuan. If possible, he can pay the full price now."

Hearing that his house was finally going to be sold, the homeowner was very excited: "Okay! Sell it! It's only 190,000! No matter how low it is, it won't work!"

Hear this.

Song Miaomiao's lips raised slightly.

Showing a proud smile.

"Okay Mr. Liu, please wait for my news."

hang up the phone.

Song Miaomiao returned to Jiang Chen: "Mr. Jiang, the landlord agreed, just 220,000, but he asked you to pay the full amount today and entrust me to handle the entire process.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen no longer pushed for an inch: "No problem."

"Please come to our store to sign the contract."

Song Miaomiao rode an electric bike and led the way, while Jiang Chen rode a three-wheeler that collected waste and followed behind.

Going round and round.

The two finally arrived at a store downstairs in a certain community.

When Jiang Chen rode a junk tricycle and parked in front of the real estate agency's store, he immediately attracted the attention of several agents in the store.

"Mr. Jiang, please come in."

Song Miaomiao welcomed Jiang Chen into the store, found a corner to sit down, poured tea, and then took out a contract.

I learned that Jiang Chen wanted to buy an old house in the countryside.

Several intermediaries all communicated with each other with complicated eyes.


Song Miaomiao introduced a lot.

Jiang Chen didn't care and didn't listen at all.

Sign the contract first.

Then make money.

The 220,000 yuan was transferred to this company’s account without blinking an eye.

After the contract was signed, Song Miaomiao took Jiang Chen to the village headquarters to notarize the contract, proving that the old house already belonged to Jiang Chen.

In the process of waiting.

Song Miaomiao chatted with Jiang Chen and said:

The owner of this old house was once a big local landowner, but he was later defeated and his property was confiscated. Even more than ten years after the founding of the People's Republic of China, this family has been maliciously suppressed by the neighbors.

So this family found the right opportunity to immigrate and never came back.

Wait until all processes are completed.

This house has also become Jiang Chen's private property at the national legal level.

Standing in front of the village department.

Song Miaomiao took out a key and handed it to Jiang Chen. She smiled and said: "Mr. Jiang, congratulations, the house is yours. This is the key given to me by the landlord. The other keys are still with the landlord. I will I will go to him and hand over all the keys to you. But I still suggest that you get a new door lock, which is safer. If you have any questions, you can

Feel free to contact me at any time and I will try my best to serve you. If there's nothing else, I'll leave first, I have other customers to attend to. "

"Sorry to trouble you, goodbye."

Jiang Chen took the key and sent Song Miaomiao away.


He rode a tricycle and drove to Nadong's old house.

Staring at the huanghuali wooden door worth 430,000 yuan, Jiang Chen was in a good mood. However, considering that the old house was owned by the village collective, Jiang Chen did not dare to rely on it. For the sake of caution, he decided to conduct appraisal and transaction privately to avoid being exposed by nearby villagers. If you discover the secret of this old house, report it directly to the village department.

Although a notarized contract was signed.

But as long as the village department is willing, they have a hundred reasons to confiscate this old house from Jiang Chen and make it collectively owned.

More importantly.

The people in the village are united.

You, a foreigner, cannot compete with people from a whole village.

Think about it.

Jiang Chen said hello:

"Brothers, I won't do the live broadcast today. I have something to deal with privately."

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