Let You Collect The Waste! Waste! Do You Understand? !

Chapter 57 I Only Earned You Fifteen Thousand, But You Earned Me Three Million?

As soon as she returned home from the restaurant, Song Miaomiao lay down on the sofa to rest.

She came to her live broadcast room and prepared to end the live broadcast.

But found out.

The barrage in the live broadcast room all told her one thing:

Jiang Chen is player No. 95!

Seeing the tips from water friends, Song Miaomiao felt uneasy and immediately communicated with the water friends in the live broadcast room.

Final confirmation.

Jiang Chen is also a contestant of "Pro Challenge"!

And his profession is to collect waste!

However, I learned from water friends that although Jiang Chen collects scraps, his eyesight is so sharp that he often receives valuable and good things, such as antiques.

Moreover, Jiang Chen is a master who does not let go of eagles when he sees rabbits.

Unless it's profitable.

Only then will they be willing to spend money to buy things.

Chatted for a few words.

Song Miaomiao suddenly realized: "Then he suddenly wants to buy that old house. Is he a drunkard who doesn't care about drinking?"

In order to find out what is special about the old house.

Song Miaomiao turned off the live broadcast and ran to Jiang Chen's live broadcast room to follow. She happened to see the two wooden doors of Yang Fugui's old science popularization house, which were made of huanghuali wood...

Look at the barrage in the live broadcast room again.

One ton of huanghuali is worth ten million.

And this wooden door weighs more than three hundred kilograms and is estimated to cost more than three million.

this moment.

Song Miaomiao's mind went blank.

"Three...more than three million..."

This house!

She only earned fifteen thousand!

The result was worth more than 300,000 yuan in Jiang Chen's hands?!


Only the word "regret" can no longer describe Song Miaomiao's mood at this moment.

in the screen.

Liang Yong is also popularizing huanghuali wood.

"Huanghuali is mainly produced in Hainan Province in my country. Its wood is second only to rosewood in preciousness. This is because the wood of huanghuali is extremely stable and does not deform, crack or bend regardless of cold or heat. It has a certain degree of toughness. Suitable for all kinds of special-shaped furniture. The color of huanghuali wood is golden and warm, and the color of the heartwood is darker reddish brown or dark brown, with an angular texture. The specific gravity of huanghuali wood is relatively light, and it will be in a semi-sinking state when placed in water, that is, Neither sinks nor floats.”

"The texture of huanghuali wood24 is very clear, like flowing clouds and flowing water, and is very beautiful. The most special thing is that there are many wood boils commonly seen in the wood grain. These woods are also very flat and not cracked, showing textures such as fox heads, old people's heads, and old man's hair. , beautiful and pleasant, which is what people often call "Ghost Face". Most of the high-end furniture made in the Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty was made of huanghuali wood. Due to excessive logging in the previous dynasties, huanghuali wood decreased sharply before the mid-Qing Dynasty. It was on the verge of extinction, so it was later replaced by redwood.

Through Liang Yong's introduction, it is enough to see the preciousness of huanghuali wood.

at the same time.

Ji Xiangnan also came over, checked it and said, "Looking at the texture and taste, this is Hainan huanghuali, not from Vietnam."

Wang An didn't understand, so he asked, "Is there any difference between the two?"

"There is a big difference, and it is easy to distinguish," Ji Xiangnan pointed at the black dots on the wooden door with his index finger and introduced: "The Hainan huanghuali has black dots in the center of the grain, but the Vietnamese huanghuali does not; in addition, The Chinese huanghuali is as warm as jade and smooth to the touch, while the Vietnamese one is rough."

Hear this.

Wang An reached out and touched the wooden door.

"It does feel like jade! Hey! There's also a fragrance!"

Liang Yong's popular science: "The scientific name of huanghuali is sandalwood. The fragrance that Vice Minister Wang smells is shank. It is refreshing, rich and soft. The huanghuali from abroad also has a fragrance, but their fragrance is very light. , and it hits the nose, just like peppercorns and onions, with a light flavor."

Wang An nodded as if he understood: "So these wooden doors are from my country's huanghuali wood. However, I don't know much about the wood. What is its value?"

Liang Yong introduced: "The price of huanghuali has been rising all the way. The current market price has reached 10 million per ton. Of course, this is the price of top-quality huanghuali. Ordinary huanghuali cannot be sold at such a high price. The market price It’s like one ton and three million.”

Wang Andao: "So this is an average quality huanghuali."

Liang Yong smiled: "No, judging from the texture and appearance, this is a top-quality huanghuali."

Wang An: “…………”

He was speechless.

Wang An said: "Then you want to educate me on the price of ordinary huanghuali? It's not a waste of time! Just negotiate the price!"

Liang Yong smiled awkwardly and looked at Jiang Chen: "Isn't this to educate the audience? In terms of price, it depends on Lao Chen, he is more proficient."

As an appraiser for Sotheby's.

Chen Wanshan finally appeared.

He just found some information and said: "It's not that complicated. Unless precious wood has a historical value, the original aniseed is priced by weight. Lao Liang just said that this door is made of top-quality huanghuali, and the market price is about One ton is 10 million, and the specific price will be known once you weigh it. But according to my experience, these two doors weigh about 300 kilograms, and it is estimated that they can be sold for more than 3 million."

Jiang Chen was happy.


This is professionalism.

Professional matters must be left to professionals.

Jiang Chen only knew so clearly after reading the details provided by the system.

And these experts can analyze these valuable things clearly and logically based on the knowledge in their heads.

Yang Fugui stretched his neck and laughed: "Look, the backbone of Sotheby's, the leaders of the Jiangnan Museum, and the professors of the Jiangnan History Department, all have less eyesight than me! I knew it was yellow rosewood a long time ago!"

Chen Wanshan narrowed his eyes and looked at him: "Lao Yang, you stood three meters away and said this is huanghuali wood without even looking at it. Do you think I believe you? You must have studied this pair of wooden doors a long time ago. You can't tell for sure. It's because Jiang Chen told you the correct answer that you are so sure."

Being exposed ruthlessly, Yang Fugui shrank his neck, "I saw it when I watched the live broadcast in the afternoon, but I'm just not sure whether it's true or not.

Several people stood outside the gate and studied for a while.

Really hammered!

It’s the domestic huanghuali!

And it’s a large item in excellent condition!

This made Ji Xiangnan couldn't help but sigh: "This family actually used such good wood as the door! It must have been a famous local family a hundred years ago!"

Everyone nodded in approval.

Average family.

I really can’t afford huanghuali wood.

Jiang Chen said: "This family used to be a big local landowner, but was later defeated."

After hearing this, everyone believed it.

Jiang Chen doesn't care about the source.

He just wants to get rid of these things.

"Teachers, if you want, please give me a price. I don't want to keep these two boards." Jiang Chen said.

Wood and antiques are different.

Although huanghuali is valuable, those who like antiques are not very interested in it.

So a few people stared at Huanghuali and praised it, but no one was willing to pay.

After thinking for a moment, Li Mo spoke. He admired the wooden door and said: "I know a boss who likes precious wood. He must be interested in these two pieces of yellow rosewood. I will help you contact him tomorrow to see if he has any intention to take them away. .”

Jiang Chen thanked: "Thank you Professor Li."

Chen Wanshan rubbed his chin and asked: "Xiao Jiang, how much did you pay for this house?"

Jiang Chen replied: "Two hundred and twenty thousand."

Everyone sighed: "Earning more than three million yuan from 220,000 yuan is a good deal!"

Hearing this, Song Miaomiao almost cried.

"If I had known this door was so valuable, I would have bought it myself! It's more than three million! It's enough for me to buy a house locally!"

Wang An asked: "Is this the good thing you said?"

Several people looked at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was very excited before and invited them to come over tonight, saying that he would not let them down.

But now it's just a huanghuali wooden door.

Call it a surprise......

Not bad.

But it's still a bit disappointing.

But Yang Fugui has been with Jiang Chen for the longest time. He knows very well that it is only three million huanghuali, and it will definitely not make Jiang Chen anxious and angry. He asks everyone to come at night. There must be some good things that have not yet appeared, so Yang Fugui asked bluntly: "Jiang Chen, is there anything else in the house?"

Jiang Chen grinned: "Boss Yang still understands me!"


He took out the key and opened the door.

Yang Fugui laughed loudly: "I knew it a long time ago! It can't be so simple!"

Chen Wanshan and others opened their eyes wide and were full of expectations.

【I wiped it!? There is actually something fucking there?!】

[More than three million yuan of yellow rosewood, isn’t it still the protagonist? Oh my god! How big of a trap did Brother Chen pick up? 】

[If the landlord finds out about this, he will definitely file a lawsuit with Brother Chen and take the things back. 】

[I will file a lawsuit with Brother Chen even if I step on a horse!]

[I don’t know what Song Miaomiao would think if she knew it, hahahaha!]

What does Song Miaomiao think?

She just wants to cry now!

Originally, the leakage of three million yuan was missed and taken away by Jiang Chen, which already made Song Miaomiao uncomfortable. But now I suddenly heard that the huanghuali wood is not the protagonist yet, and something more valuable is still behind. Song Miaomiao Miao Miao felt like crying without tears, and her heart was as sharp as a knife!

"How could this happen? I've obviously looked inside and out, and everything left in the house is full of junk and worthless things!"


The huanghuali wooden door was pushed open by Jiang Chen.

People flocked in.

It was the full moon on the 15th day of the month. Through the moonlight, the group could see the small courtyard overgrown with weeds. When they saw that there were gardens and rockeries here, everyone’s first thought was the same as Jiang Chen’s: a house. The Lord is quite sentimental.

Wang An looked around and saw that there were several rooms inside, and asked: "Is the stuff in the room?"

Jiang Chen smiled but said nothing, and said in a good mood: "I won't tell you where the treasure is, teachers can find it by themselves. This time, it depends on the teachers' eyesight."

Hear this.

Everyone understands.


Jiang Chen wanted them to find the treasure in the old house by themselves.

Is this a professional match?

Even though they were drunk, they didn't care. Instead, they regarded this as a rare game in life and took it seriously.

Chen Wanshan pinched his wrist and laughed: "Treasure hunt in the old house? Interesting!"

Wang An shook his head and smiled: "If anyone walks past the treasure without noticing it, that would be embarrassing!"

It's like a game.

Several people present were quite knowledgeable about antiques.

It depends on who has sharp eyesight and can discover the treasure in the old house first.

Several people were eager to try.

Before anyone else could react, Ji Xiangnan rushed straight to the living room, opened the door and walked in.

I saw the curator taking action.

Everyone followed closely behind.

They all rushed into the living room and searched around inside.

Jiang Chen followed them leisurely, smiling to see how long it would take for these old-timers to find something. Looking at the live broadcast room again, the number of people had exceeded 250,000, which was still 250,000 at 11 o'clock in the evening. The gold content was extremely high.

About five minutes or so.

They searched all the rooms here.

The bed is worthless.

The cabinet is worthless.

Small things on the ground are equally worthless.

Just when several people were wondering, Liang Yong suddenly discovered something wrong: "Hey! The table has been moved.

Have you moved?"

He stared down at the floor.

Because the house had been unoccupied for a long time and was covered with dust everywhere, Jiang Chen had left obvious traces on the ground when he moved tables and chairs, and Liang Yong was the first to notice it.

Several people came over.

Found this to be true.

this moment.

Everyone has some guesses.

They all raised their heads.

There is no suspended ceiling above the old house, only a thatched tile roof and beams......

Liang Yong was the most active. He immediately walked to the table and looked at it: "Hey! As I expected, there are footprints on it! Jiang Chen must have stepped on the table!"

He was overjoyed to get the clue.

Quickly push the table to the center of the room.

Seeing that the height was not high enough, Liang Yong quickly moved 950 chairs and placed them on the table, and then said: "Old Chen! Help me! I'll go up and take a look!"


Chen Wanshan grabbed the legs of the chair with both hands.

Although Liang Yong was over fifty, he was still quite strong. He quickly climbed to the highest point and was level with the beam.

Seeing that he was motionless.

Someone asked: "How are you doing, Mr. Liang? Have you found anything?"

"Yes! What a great discovery! These beams are also made of huanghuali wood!"

Hear this.

Chen Wanshan was so frightened that his little hands shook.

Liang Yong staggered and almost fell down.

Yang Fugui was ashamed after hearing this. He quickly shined a light on the wooden beams that spanned the east and west, and said in shock: "No way! Teacher Liang! Such a big beam is made of huanghuali?!"

Ji Xiangnan was also lost in thought: "What a big deal! Such a big beam, it weighs a ton at least, right?"

Wang An was shocked: "Is it worth more than ten million?"

Several people raised their heads sluggishly, looking at the beams above their heads, shocked in their hearts.

Huanghuali is the rarest wood besides red sandalwood.

Even a small string of ordinary huanghuali bracelets can be sold for a high price, and in this inconspicuous and even somewhat dilapidated old house, using huanghuali wood as the door is just as easy.

That’s all, I didn’t expect that even the beams are made of huanghuali wood!

What a feat this must be!

Liang Yong was afraid of heights and did not dare to stay longer. He took a few photos with his mobile phone and then returned to the ground to show the pictures he took to several people.

"Look, this material is from Huanghuali!"

Everyone rushed to look at the screen of his mobile phone, and saw that the wood in the photo was the same as the wood on the door of the old house, but it was covered with a thick layer of dust.

Yang Fugui jumped excitedly: "Yes! It is indeed! There can be no mistake! My God! This homeowner's ancestors were so rich that even the beams were made of huanghuali!"

Chen Wanshan, out of professional habit, immediately gave his estimate: "I think such a large huanghuali wood can be sold for more than ten million yuan. I'm sure there will be many people."

Interested in such a large yellow rosewood. "

As soon as the price comes out.

The water friends also got excited.

[The beams are all made of huanghuali wood? Is the homeowner Nima Heshen?]

[Luxury! Too luxurious! It turns out that landlords and wealthy people are also so luxurious! 】

[The skinny camel is bigger than the horse. I guess this family has been beaten down before, but they must have used some means to hide the huanghuali wood before it was passed down to this day! What a pity.

Unfortunately, as time has passed, future generations no longer know that such inconspicuous wood around them is so valuable!】

[How can you pick up the junk when you buy an old house in the countryside? Brother Chen, I beg you, can you safely collect the scraps? 】

[Seeing Brother Chen making money is more uncomfortable than me losing money!]

The water friends are all excited.

He said it was uncomfortable, but it was just a joke.

But Song Miaomiao in the live broadcast room really put on the mask of pain, and she was one of the uncomfortable ones!

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