Let You Collect The Waste! Waste! Do You Understand? !

Chapter 70 The Name Is Pronounced Wrong, Do You Know The Real Thing?

The boss was absolutely right, and said with confidence: "You young people don't understand, what happened hundreds or thousands of years ago, historians don't know anything about it! This is absolutely authentic, look at it, it's so perfect! It’s so perfect that I suspect that the one Bald Jiang brought is probably a fake! It’s really right in front of you!”


This man can do it.

How deceptive!

Hearing the uncle bragging, pedestrians passing by couldn't help but stop and listen for a while.

"How much does this cost?" Jiang Chen asked.

The uncle stretched out a finger and said, "10,000!"

Jiang Chen had a black line on his forehead. He thought he was being taken advantage of. He quickly waved his hand and refused: "It's unlucky to have this thing in your home. Let's get another one."

"Okay!" The uncle put away the copybook in his hand, picked up another one, pulled it out, unfolded it and said, "This one is "Journey into the Wine"! It's a work by Li Bai! It's an authentic work! You must have studied Li when you were in school~ Will the white guy enter the bar?"

Jiang Chen glanced at the words above.

Ask casually:

"How much does this cost?"

The uncle still had the same number and said confidently: "It's also 10,000!"

As soon as these words came out.

A young couple behind him burst into laughter.

Immediately afterwards.

The two also laughed heartily.

"Baby, did you hear, hahaha, this thing can sell for ten thousand!"

"I heard it, my God, this man is so funny!"

The two people's voices were loud or soft, but Jiang Chen and the stall owner could vaguely hear them.

Look at the two young people laughing and laughing.

The uncle is unhappy.

"I asked you two, why are you laughing? Is it so funny?"

The young couple were young and energetic, not timid at all. The girl said bluntly: "Uncle, my boyfriend and I are laughing at you. You are really good at blowing, and you even drink wine! You can't even pronounce the word "qiang" I know, I’m still drinking wine there.”

Hearing this, the uncle was stunned——

This "jiang" was originally pronounced as "qiang"?

He really doesn’t know!

But the uncle was so proud that he blushed and said, "Is this important? If it's an authentic work, it's the end of it!"

[Brothers, do you really want to read qiang here? Don’t you want to read jiang? 】

[Same question, I went to elementary school, don’t try to fool me!]

[Liberal arts students tell you that the couple is right, it will be a polyphonic word, and it is indeed pronounced qiang here, which is a verb, meaning petition or request. 】

[Hahaha, many people have exposed their academic qualifications here. They don’t even know how to read Jiang Jinjiu. 】

Jiang Chen just wanted to buy the things quickly and leave. He didn't want to waste time, so he comforted the uncle and said: "Uncle, don't worry, show me the copybook. If it suits me, I will buy it."

I heard that Jiang Chen took a fancy to him, so the uncle calmed down a little.

But the young couple behind them still covered their mouths and snickered.

The uncle tried not to get angry.

He was afraid that quarreling with the young couple would scare Jiang Chen away as a potential customer, which would be more of a loss than a gain.

Jiang Chen took the copybook and unfolded it.

This is the horizontal axis.

After unfolding left and right, the main body is about 75 cm wide and 45 cm high.

The paper has some yellowing.

There are a bunch of vigorous and powerful cursive characters on it.

What is written is exactly what is about to be drunk...

The signature is Zhang Bogao.

There is also a red seal with two bright red square characters "Cang Shuo" written on it.

At the same time, people who stopped behind Jiang Chen also stood behind Jiang Chen to taste it, including the couple.

Glanced twice.

The couple were whispering again.

Jiang Chen said: "Uncle, I like this piece, please sell it to me cheaper."

The uncle raised his brows and beamed with joy: "If you sincerely want it, just give me nine thousand."

Heard the price.

The young couple shook their heads speechlessly.

The boy said: "Uncle, you really dare to ask for it. Take a look at what you wrote on it. It's all typos! If you are literate, you should know that when people drink wine, it is written: 'Unless you see the mirror in the high hall, the sad hair is white. "The morning is like blue silk, and evening becomes snow." It does not mean, "Don't you see the bright mirror on the bedside, the sad white hair, the morning is like blue clouds, and evening becomes snow."

After what he said.

Everyone's attention was also focused on those two sentences.

【Hey! It’s really awesome! I didn’t even notice it, it’s really a typo!】

[Why is it written as a bedside mirror? I almost thought it was a bedside mirror, hahaha. 】

[I don’t know who produced this calligraphy. I have such poor cultural skills! Even I can see that there is something wrong with it. 】

[Not only this sentence, there are several sentences that follow that are wrong. 】

The girl next to her quickly glanced at her eyes and immediately said: "Besides this sentence, the sentence 'I am born with talents, and I will come back after all my gold is gone' is also wrong. The original version is clearly 'I am born with talents that will be useful, and all my gold will be spent.' Come to think of it, what are you writing on it? I can’t even understand if it’s fake.”

The boy continued: "People who make fakes are uneducated at first glance.

The two of you talk to each other.

The stall owner's self-esteem was almost shattered.

He thought to himself: Is this really happening?

But it was impossible for the uncle to admit his mistake, especially when everyone was watching. He first asked with a smile: "What do these two kids do and know so much? Are they high school teachers?"

Mention resume.

The young couple immediately raised their chins.

Full of pride.

"No, we are both graduate students in the Department of History and Archeology of Jiangnan University."

Hearing this, the uncle smiled and said: "Jiangnan University, wow, it's a double-first-class university. It's a graduate student. It's amazing. No wonder you know so much!" But then he opened his eyes.

He was fierce and furious, glaring at the young couple and yelling: "But my selling things has nothing to do with you two! Why do you talk so much here? Dogs are busy meddling with mice! It's amazing how well you read, isn't it?"

The young couple were obviously still studying, and they exuded the childishness of students.

At first glance, it seems that he has never been beaten by society.

As long as you have some experience in the martial arts world, you will know that you will see through everything without speaking out. You will not care about matters that have nothing to do with you. You will never embarrass others by being the first to show off your knowledge, and you will never show off your knowledge to ridicule others.

So after being deceived by the uncle's smile, he yelled like this.

The girl was obviously frightened.

The boy was so annoyed that he hugged his girlfriend and took a step back.

Jiang Chen glanced at the two of them lightly.

I saw that the young couple looked at the uncle with anger and unwillingness, but they were more aggrieved.


They were both dissatisfied.

After thinking about it, these two people came out to confront the uncle just to show off, so Jiang Chen didn't bother to care about their injured hearts and went back to writing the calligraphy on it.

After a while, Jiang Chen asked: "Uncle, nine thousand yuan is too outrageous. You can make an honest offer. If it's suitable, I'll take it. If it's not suitable, forget it."

The uncle put away his anger, turned to a smile and said: "Nine thousand yuan is enough sincerity. Since you said so, then you can give me eight thousand yuan."

Hear this number.

What did the young couple want to say?

But he endured it, not wanting to get into trouble again.

The owners of other stalls also looked at Jiang Chen, thinking that this old man is really good at deceiving others. He usually sells other people's calligraphy and paintings for only three or four hundred, but this time he offered such a high price and he was still unwilling to give in. Look, wait and see. Well, this young man will leave immediately.

But what surprised everyone was that Jiang Chen actually gave a price: "At most three thousand."

This time.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

I wipe it?!

This guy is such a victim!

Three thousand dollars to buy a piece of paper?!

Ouch, what a fool!

When he bought something from me, I should have set the price higher!


Blood loss!

The uncle was too deeply involved in the drama and said with excitement: "Young man, you are cutting it too hard. Three thousand yuan, I can't even recoup the cost!"

Jiang Chen was too lazy to talk about anything else and said calmly: "If you don't sell it, you won't even make three thousand."

The uncle continued to shake his head: "No, no, no! The minimum is seven thousand! It can't go any lower!"

Jiang Chen smiled and refused to fight: "I'll go check out other stalls."

Seeing that Jiang Chen really dared to make an offer.

The young couple was a little surprised.

"This person is so cruel. He spends three thousand dollars to buy a piece of garbage worth more than ten yuan." The boy said with emotion.

The girl breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, he didn't pay, otherwise there wouldn't be anywhere to cry."

Seeing that Jiang Chen was really going to leave, the stall owner became anxious: "Young man, don't leave. Come back, let's just treat him like friends!"

Jiang Chen stopped when he heard this.

He turned back and said, "Two thousand and five thousand."

The uncle was startled at first, and then became anxious: "Young man, we agreed to three thousand, why did you bargain again?"

Jiang Chen smiled awkwardly and said, "I just thought that I only have two thousand and five thousand in cash. If you have more, it will be gone. If you feel that you are losing money, I don't have to buy it."

The old man had no choice but to grit his teeth and pretended to be reluctant to give up and sighed: "It's fate that we met each other. Okay, two thousand and five, just two thousand and five! I'll wrap it up for you!"

"Okay, I'll give you the money."

Jiang Chen said, taking out his mobile phone to scan the code and transfer money to the uncle.

"Weixin Collection, two thousand five hundred yuan!" Hearing the announcement on the mobile phone, the uncle was stunned for a moment and looked back at Jiang Chen: "Didn't you say we only have cash?"

Jiang Chen shrugged and said, "I said 'only two thousand and five thousand in cash'."

"Are you playing word games with me?"

The old man was so angry that he wanted to laugh.

This time I earned five hundred less.

But in general, he got this copybook from a friend's house in the countryside, and the cost was almost negligible. The two thousand and five thousand was a solid profit, and he didn't lose anything.


The uncle wrapped up the calligraphy and painting.

Together with the cloth bag, he handed it to Jiang Chen: "Here you go, take it."

Jiang Chen took the bag, smiled and said thank you, then turned and left.


Stall owners all around extended their olive branches.

Who wouldn't be moved when meeting Kaizi?

"Little brother, don't leave in a hurry, I have some good stuff here, come and take a look!"

"Come and take a look at mine. I'll give you 30% off whatever you like!"

"Young man, why don't you take two of the glazed orbs home and play with them?"

No one expected it.

Jiang Chen actually spent thousands of dollars on a junk thing that seemed worthless.


The girl smacked her tongue, "This guy is really rich."

And her boyfriend sneered: "At first glance, he looks like a stick who doesn't understand anything. No matter how rich he is, it's not enough to defeat him. As the saying goes, there are too many fools in the world, and there are almost not enough liars."

Speaking of which.

The two secretly covered their mouths and laughed.

In their eyes, the copybook was worthless.

Jiang Chen returned to the tricycle with the copybook and carefully placed it under the seat. Just as Jiang Chen was about to leave, a man walked towards him. The man stared at Jiang Chen for a while, until he smiled and asked : "Are you Jiang Chen?"

Jiang Chen looked up in surprise when he heard that the other party recognized him even through the mask.

I saw that the other party was a little fat and not tall, but he was dressed very elegantly and wore glasses. He was the deputy director of Jiangnan Museum, Wang


"You are Minister Wang!" Jiang Chen quickly took off his mask, smiled and shook hands with Wang An.

When he saw Jiang Chen's true face, Wang An also burst out laughing: "I didn't expect it was really you. To be honest, it wasn't you I recognized, it was the tricycle under your butt, hahaha.

I took a ride on your three-wheeler two days ago, and I was really impressed. "

Hearing this, Jiang Chen also laughed in agreement.

After a few words of greeting, Jiang Chen asked curiously: "Minister Wang, why are you here?"

Wang An turned around, pointed to the community not far away and said, "I live in Ji."

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "That's a coincidence." After saying that, Jiang Chen suddenly remembered something, "By the way, Minister Wang, I just have something I want you to take a look at. If you have time, we can

Let’s find a place to chat?”

This is something that is within his interest. Wang An responded happily: "No problem, I happen to be free. You just happen to come to my house and sit down. My house will cook immediately and we will watch while we eat. But I have a

Please don't call me Minister Wang. I'm too out of touch and unfamiliar with you. Please call me Teacher. "


"Then I'm sorry, Teacher Wang." Jiang Chen smiled.

The two are chatting.

The couple behind him ran over and greeted Wang An: "Teacher Wang, why did you come downstairs?"

Wang An smiled and said: "Seeing that you two haven't come back for so long, I came down to take a look."

I saw two young people walking towards me carrying vegetables, and they called Wang An teacher.

Jiang Chen immediately realized that they were probably in a teacher-student relationship.

But the young couple who came over hadn’t figured out what was going on here yet, so they shook the plastic bags in their hands and said, “We both bought it a long time ago, but we were delayed a little on the way.


His eyes glanced at Jiang Chen.

"Tell me, why does it take so long to go downstairs to buy groceries?" Wang An smiled lovingly, then looked at Jiang Chen and introduced, "Jiang Chen, these two are students I have taught before.

Now he has just graduated and is working in our Jiangnan Museum. He happened to come and see me today. "

Hear the words.

The couple frowned slightly.

Teacher Wang knows this person.


Or teachers and students?

And the name Jiang Chen always feels a bit familiar.

Jiang Chen also looked at the young couple up and down, and said hello calmly: "Hello."

Wang An then introduced to the young couple: "This man's name is Jiang Chen. He is my friend. You are usually immersed in studying and busy with your studies, so you probably don't know about him."


The young couple was stunned.

They didn't expect that their teacher not only knew Jiang Chen, but also had a "friend" relationship!

A man in his fifties.

One is in his early twenties.

Can we be friends?

Although the two were surprised.

But it didn't show on his face.

Instead, he nodded awkwardly and said hello: "Hello.

Wang An greeted: "Let's go home and talk."

He led the way, while the young couple followed behind carrying vegetables. Only Jiang Chen turned around and rode on his tricycle.

This is a guy who feeds himself.

The program team had to rely on it to carry Jiang Chen to get the 100 million grand prize.

Just such a ride.

It is inevitable that the young couple will be stunned.

What the hell, why is this man riding a tricycle that collects scraps?

But in front of Jiang Chen, the two of them were embarrassed to speak. They could only guess that their teacher was also a university teacher and deputy director of the Jiangnan Museum, so they wouldn't have such a good relationship.

Poor friend, right?

Because I am going to Wang An’s house.

It was not convenient to live broadcast in such a private situation, so Jiang Chen took the initiative to turn off the camera.

Follow Wang An to the downstairs of his house.

After placing the tricycle at the door of the unit, Jiang Chen followed the three of them upstairs.

Go back inside.

Wang An’s family entertained him warmly.

After giving the dishes to his wife, Wang An took Jiang Chen and the young couple and sat directly on the sofa, and asked: "Jiang Chen, what are you talking about? Take it out and have a look. It happens that my two students are also here."

Now, let them also improve their horizons. "

Hearing this, the young couple had a bad premonition in their hearts.


Could it be a copybook bought at a calligraphy and painting stall for 2,500?

Think of this.

The two faced each other, holding back their laughter.

They have already imagined the teacher's expression after seeing this copybook. .

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