Let You Collect The Waste! Waste! Do You Understand? !

Chapter 79 Pseudo-Nima! Are You Here To Scan The Goods?

[Huh? Brother Chen bought a bronze statue?]

【Did he really buy it?】

[No, I wonder if Brother Chen is teasing them again, why is it serious? 】

【Fake it for real!】

When he came to the front desk, Jiang Chen paid the money.

This purchase went extremely smoothly.

Because collectors tend to prefer porcelain, calligraphy and paintings, bronze statues are not very popular in the antique market. The key is that this bronze statue occupies a large area and has nowhere to place it at home, so naturally no one cares about it.

Until Jiang Chen paid the money in full.

Only then did someone discover Jiang Chen's traces, "Huh? Is Jiang Chen paying? Has he authenticated the bronze statue?"

"It really is!"

"This kid, I didn't even notice when he sneaked over to give me money."

Everyone looked at Jiang Chen first, and then a few people came to the bronze statue to study it.

But I watched it a few times.

Nothing was really found.

But they had all heard the rumors about Jiang Chen, and there was no way he would take action if there was no benefit. Now, while everyone was distracted, he directly paid for the bronze statue, giving people the illusion that the bronze statue definitely has a secret.

The young woman also raised her head and looked at Jiang Chen curiously.

Her big passionate eyes were full of doubts.

What others buy are genuine items worth collecting.

Why is it that all the products he buys are fakes that no one cares about?

Chen Wanshan also adjusted his glasses and stared at Jiang Chen's figure with a puzzled expression.

This guy.

What you did today was very unusual.

He looked at the bronze statue not far away and always had a bad feeling.

"Hey, Jiang Chen, do you have a place to put this thing at home?" someone asked.

Jiang Chen curled his lips and said, "Have you forgotten what I do? Of course I would buy such a big piece of copper back and sell it as scrap.

Everyone laughed.

The young woman was also stunned for a moment, and then she was amused by Jiang Chen's humor, and her eyes turned into crescent moons.

Take down three fakes.

Jiang Chen's mission is completed.

It is not advisable to stay here for a long time. 123 He took out a business card from his pocket, which was left for him by the moving company last night, and it came in handy now.

Make a call.

"Little Ant Moving Company?"

"Yes, what do you need?"

"I'm in Xijiangyue Community. You took an order here yesterday, right?"

"Let me check...Yes sir, we had a moving order in Xijiangyue yesterday. Are you the employer?"

"No, but I have to ask you to come to this address. I also have some things to move."

"Okay sir, how big of a car do you need?"

After communicating with the customer service about the car's specifications and cost, Jiang Chen hung up the phone and waited for the moving company to come to his door.

Jiang Chen was not idle during this period.

There are still two bags of waste waiting to be collected in the corner.


Money is not a pity.

It's a pity that the waste that I worked so hard to pack up last night is a pity to just throw it away like this.

This is a betrayal of one's hard work.

So Jiang Chen walked to the two bags of waste and prepared to move the things away.

The staff stopped him and said, "Mr. Jiang, please wait a moment. We need to open it and see what's inside."

"It's a pile of waste inside," Jiang Chen explained.

The staff continued to insist: "Please open it and let us take a look."

Jiang Chen had no choice but to open the bag.

Two staff members searched carefully.


They're all waste products like plastic foam.

After confirming that there was nothing else, he stood up and said, "No problem, Mr. Jiang."

Jiang Chen nodded and went out with a bag of waste.

People around him witnessed the whole process and were dumbfounded when they saw that Jiang Chen was still collecting scraps at this time.

"Young man is so hard-working. He never forgets his job wherever he goes."

"Okay, I think he has a future!"

Even the young woman was dumbfounded...

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Jiang Chen calmly carried the waste away (ceee).

Out the door.

Go into the courtyard.

The bailiff is standing guard.

The owners of this villa, an elderly couple, were sitting in the pavilion with sad faces, staring at their big villa reluctantly.

Jiang Chen hurriedly ignored them and took the waste out of the community.

Just when I stepped out of the gate of the community.

A man passed Jiang Chen in a hurry and walked into the community.

He swallowed.

He looked anxious.

He kept rushing forward and quickly arrived at the sealed villa. When he walked into the yard, he glanced around and saw the hopeless old couple in the pavilion.

at this time.

The couple also saw the man appear.

Suddenly the two of them were shocked.

There was more hope on his face.

Seems to be expecting something.

The man took a deep breath, nodded to the couple ten meters away without leaving any trace, and then walked quickly towards the villa.

"Who are you?"

"Isn't your court conducting an auction? Let me see if there is anything I want."

"Yes, but if you want to go in, you have to pay a deposit of 20,000 yuan first."

"no problem."

The man looked anxious.

Pay quickly.

Sign the agreement.

After getting permission, he rushed inside the villa.

When I came in, there were people everywhere. There were more than a dozen court staff, and they were still rummaging around. In addition, there were more than 40 people wandering around, walking around on the first floor and strolling around on the third floor. , also looking for something that I like.

Whether it’s antiques or home appliances.

They all want to get a bargain here.

The man breathed a sigh of relief, wiped his sweat, and blended into the crowd.

He pretended, listening to everyone's analysis of these collections, some were happy and some were disappointed.

That one cost more than three million.

This one costs over one million.

Such a price makes men feel mixed.

He scratched his head and continued to wander around the living room. There were only a dozen display cabinets in total, and there were not many collections. Soon he saw that several display cabinets were empty [nothing at all].

This shows that the collection inside has been bought.

The man was anxious.

Turned the living room around.

In the end, he stood there blankly, his eyes blank and said: "Holy shit! Where is the thing?"

He didn't understand.

The unbeliever searched around again.

A porcelain bowl.

A portrait.

A bronze statue.

They were all unique collections and could be easily distinguished. However, after he turned around twice, he only saw a bronze statue and failed to find the other two items.

The man panicked.

He took out his cell phone and called a number.

"Godmother, there is nothing you said!"

The voice on the phone was obviously the hostess of the villa in the yard.

The one who pushed Jiang Chen hard last night.

She hid from the eyes and ears of the bailiff and lowered her voice: "How is it possible? There is a porcelain bowl in the living room! It's blue and white! Can you see that one?"

"I really didn't find it, godmother. I walked around twice and didn't see it. Could it have been bought by someone?"

"Impossible, who would buy it if it's fake? In addition to the blue and white porcelain bowl, there is also the most conspicuous bronze statue. It's very big and half a person tall. It's easy for you to find this, right?"

"I saw this, standing in the corner of the living room..."

"Huh! That's great! There is also a portrait hanging on the west wall. Go over and see if it's there.

"Well, let me take a look."

The phone didn't hang up.

The man walked towards the Western Wall holding his cell phone.

There is a picture frame here, but the picture inside is missing.


The man raised his cell phone: "Godmother, I only saw a frame, not a painting."

"How could this happen? Could it be that someone really bought it?"

The old aunt was worried.

Her husband next to her vaguely heard it, and he also grabbed the phone impatiently and said: "Look at it carefully! Don't miss it!"

The man was helpless: "I looked carefully, but I really didn't see it. I guess it was bought by someone."

"Nonsense!" the old man said angrily: "I have manipulated those three things. A knowledgeable person would not dare to buy them after studying them. How could I buy them?"

The man was stunned for a moment and said timidly: "What if there is a layman who doesn't understand anything?"

Hear the words.

The old couple was stunned.


A wise man will make a mistake every time he thinks!

They really didn’t take this situation into consideration………

But the old lady comforted her: "Don't worry, it's impossible for a layman to buy a fake thing to play with at home. Just look for it again and ask people around you, maybe you can find it." 1

"I know, godmother, hang up. I'll go ask the staff here."

hang up the phone.

The man took a deep breath.

His nervous forehead was sweating.

After calming down, the man's eyes looked around, and finally landed on the beautiful young woman. He walked over and said hello politely: "Hello, madam.

When she heard someone calling her, the young woman turned around and asked, "Hello, what's the matter?"

The man smiled cautiously, "I want to ask you about a painting. There is a Qing Dynasty general holding a bow in the painting. There is also a praise in Manchu and Chinese in the painting. I wonder if you have seen it here.

The young woman held her chin, thought for a moment, and then her eyes fell on the empty frame.

"That painting was hanging on the wall before, and it was bought by someone not long ago."

"What! What?!"

The man shouted uncontrollably.

Naturally, it attracted the attention of many people around.

The young woman was even more startled by his reaction. She took two steps back and asked suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

The man was in a daze for a moment, but quickly regained consciousness.

He quickly showed a very forced smile and said: "I really like that painting and want to buy it, haha..."

The young woman said oh and planned to stay away.

But the man doesn’t give up.

He looked back at the frame and asked, "Madam, who bought the sub-painting?"

The young woman replied: "The man who is very popular recently bought it from the leak-picking master. His name is Jiang Chen."

"Jiang Chen? I've never heard of this guy..." The man asked again, "How much did he spend to buy it?"

The young woman said: "One hundred thousand yuan."

Hearing this, the man's heart was bleeding.

Bought it for 100,000?

He suppressed his grief and asked again: "Where is he now?"

The young woman looked at the door of the living room and said, "He is out."

The man gritted his teeth.

Depend on!

Did you finish shopping and leave?

The young woman looked at the man's aggrieved expression and was a little confused. A fake painting was just bought by someone. As for you, it's like you are crying in mourning?

She thought this man was strange.

Walk away silently.

The man stood there dejected for a long time, took a breath, looked around, and found Chen Wanshan again: "Brother, I would like to ask, is there a blue and white porcelain bowl here?"

Chen Wanshan was chatting with Liang Yong.

After being interrupted by the man, he nodded enthusiastically and said: "There is one, originally placed in that position."

As he said that, he pointed at the display cabinet to the man.

The man looked back.

I wipe it?!

Why is it empty again?!

"Sold?" the man asked, somewhat unwilling to accept the reality.

Liang Yong replied: "It was sold not long ago."

The man is numb!

Flax was stunned!

He tried his best to hold up his body and asked: "How much did it cost and who bought it?"

Although he didn't understand why he asked this, Chen Wanshan still replied very honestly: "Sold for 10,000, that bowl is a worthless fake..."

The words are not finished yet.

The man blurted out in anger: "Pseudo-Nima!".

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