Let You Collect The Waste! Waste! Do You Understand? !

Chapter 81 Earn 470,000 With A Backhand? You Boy Is Stupid And Has Too Much Money!

[This man is really interesting. Judging from his human-like appearance, he must be the type of person who advocates science. Why would he want to use superstitious methods to treat his own mother? 】

[My mother must have been seriously ill and had to seek medical attention in a hurry. 】

[Yes, when it comes to life and death, everyone will believe whoever cares about what is scientific and unscientific. Anyone who dares to say that he has a way to cure the disease will be believed. 】

[Looking at this old man’s appearance, it’s quite distressing. 】

【What a filial son!】

The man's reckless behavior attracted many people's attention.

After all, in everyone’s opinion, the bronze statue is just a modern handicraft, so how can it not be sold?

As long as you have money.

You can definitely make it by going to a handicraft workshop.

Why bother with this one in Jiang Chen’s hands?

Jiang Chen also realized something was wrong at this time. Why did this person insist on buying this bronze statue from him?

No matter how.

The bronze statue must never be sold.

Jiang Chen broke free from the man's hand and said in a strong tone: "Don't be nagging, I said I won't sell it, I won't sell it."

"Hey you!"

Seeing that Jiang Chen was angry, the man actually lost his temper.

The fat man who wanted to pick up Jiang Chen's bag earlier said: "Brother, brother, what's so good about this thing in his hand? If you really want it, I can contact my friend to help you customize one. If you are in a hurry, you can add money, and within 24 hours I can make one exactly the same for you.”

The man glanced at the fat man and said, "Does it have anything to do with you?"

"Oh shit? What's your attitude! "500""

The fat man was not angry.

I'd like to help you.

Don’t you know what is good and what is good?

Damn it!

If the room isn't full of Tibetan friends and people from the court, otherwise the fat man will go up and punch you!

On the other side, Jiang Chen was still directing four helpers to carry the bronze statue to the trolley, and then pulled it out of the villa.

The man still doesn't give up.

Follow closely behind the bronze statue.

With the last glimmer of hope, he pretended to be pitiful and complained earnestly, hoping that Jiang Chen would take pity on him.

But Jiang Chen was indifferent.

"Stop pestering me, I told you, I won't sell it." Jiang Chen's tone became even colder, without any human touch at all.


I also asked the staff for two other treasures.

The man's voice choked with sobs: "I'll give you 500,000 yuan, do you think it's okay? I really need this bronze statue, why don't you think I can call you brother?"

Everyone clicked their tongues after hearing this.

Good guy.

Pay 500,000?


The market price of brass is only 15 yuan per catty. The weight of this hollow bronze statue is about 75 kilograms, which is 150 kilograms, which is about the same as the weight of an adult male. The scrap price is only 2,300 yuan, plus craftsmanship fees and other factors. 20,000 yuan, the production cost is less than 30,000 yuan.

You want to pay 500,000?

Is it true that people are stupid and have too much money?

[Brother Chen, Shengda is so awesome!]

[Did Brother Chen already know that someone wanted to pay 500,000 yuan to buy this bronze statue? 】

[It’s scary to think about it, brothers! Could it be that Brother Chen traveled back from the future? 】

【Isn't this a script?】

【Brother Chen is not moved?】

Hearing the price of 500,000 yuan, Jiang Chen was indeed a little moved, but he also became more convinced of his guess. He stopped, glanced at the bronze statue on the trolley, and then stared at the man in front of him, grinning and asked : "Are you willing to pay 500,000 for such a bronze statue? Are you serious, you're not lying to me?"

Seeing that Jiang Chen showed signs of relenting, the man was overjoyed and affirmed: "I'm not lying to you, I can really offer 500,000!"

Hear the words.

Everyone around them frowned.

Depend on!

Can you pick this up?

Bought for 30,000!

Sold for 500,000?

In just twenty minutes, he made a net profit of 470,000. Jiang Chen is so lucky!

The young woman looked at the two people and felt surprised: How could it be possible? Did Jiang Chen already know that someone was in urgent need of this bronze statue, so he was willing to buy it?

To know.

Collections such as bronze statues.

It is an unpopular plaything in the antique circle.

Normally not many people would like it, let alone such a great fake.

But thinking about it again, this doesn't make sense.

It's impossible for Jiang Chen to foresee the future...

When everyone was envious of Jiang Chen for making a fortune, Jiang Chen smiled and said in a good mood: "Sorry, I won't sell it for 5 million."

He saw it in the man's eyes.

This guy also knows the secret of the bronze statue.

Just because he knew the true value of the bronze statue, he made excuses to try to get the bronze statue from Jiang Chen.

But how could a man think of it.

Jiang Chen actually saw the difference in the bronze statue.

After rejecting the man again, Jiang Chen turned around to get his things.

The man stood there blankly.

He felt like he was being played...

"Little brother, you really don't want to sell it?"

Jiang Chen waved his hand without looking back: "Not for sale."

The staff member on the side also handed two things to Jiang Chen and said, "Sir, your two things are here. I suggest you check yourself.

Jiang Chen opened a wooden box.

The box was wrapped in plastic foam and decorated with yellow satin, and in the center was the blue and white porcelain bowl Jiang Chen bought.

Take a look.

no problem.

Cover the box.

Open the bag again and take out part of the scroll.

"Okay, I've seen it."

After saying that, he stuffed the scroll back into the bag and tied the mouth.

Then he held the wooden box in his right hand.

There is a scroll under his arm.

Follow the bronze statue sitting on the cart and walk out.

In the blink of an eye, the man who looked like a dog-skin plaster also saw what Jiang Chen was holding, a large blue and white bowl and a scroll.

Although I didn't look carefully.

But when the man came here as a guest before, he had a chance encounter with these two things.

No need to look closely at the moment.

It can be concluded that what Jiang Chen took away was the treasure he was entrusted to buy.

For a while.

The man's head was buzzing.

Damn it!

let me see!

Let me see it quickly!

What do you have in your hand?!

You kid bought all the three things I asked for?!

He was confused at the moment. He didn't know what to do for a moment. He just felt stiff all over and even his thoughts seemed to be frozen...

In this way, the man watched Jiang Chen leave the villa.

I do not know how long it has been.

He gasped sharply.

The brain is working rapidly.

He quickly rushed out after Jiang Chen, shouting: "Brother, wait a minute, wait for me, let's talk again! If you don't sell that bronze statue, my mother also likes the porcelain bowl in your hand. Are you selling it to me? There is also the portrait of the hero of Ziguang Pavilion. My mother is also happy to have it, so you can give it to me!"

Originally Jiang Chen didn't want to talk to him.

But upon hearing these words, Jiang Chen's footsteps stopped suddenly.

He turned around slowly.

He glanced at the scroll under his arm, then stared at the man with a playful expression: "Then if your mother likes me, you can buy me as a gift to your mother."


Everyone was laughing.

The man didn't know how to answer for a while and said: "Brother, don't be joking, I'm serious...

Jiang Chen pouted: "I'm serious too, tell me, there are three paintings in this villa, and they have all been bought. How do you know that this one in my hand is the portrait of the hero of Ziguang Pavilion?"

The man was stunned for a moment, realizing that he had made a mistake.

After all, he had just arrived.

You probably have never seen the portraits of the heroes in Ziguang Pavilion.

How could he possibly recognize that the one in Jiang Chen's hand was the statue of the hero?

The man swallowed his saliva and argued forcefully: "I asked, you bought the statue of the hero, so I know."

"Oh, that makes sense."

Jiang Chen smiled.

He became more convinced.

The man in front of me probably knows everything, or in other words, he came here just for these three fakes...

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen stopped talking nonsense.

Say it directly:

"Brother, I can only blame you for being a little late. Now that these three things have been bought by me, you can't even think of buying them back if you don't have tens of millions. Give up. It's not dignified to bother you so shamelessly."

After saying these words, Jiang Chen continued walking outside.

The man's face tightened.

After hearing Jiang Chen's words, he suddenly understood.


Don’t even think about buying it back if you don’t have tens of millions?

This kid!

Did he see it?

When he thought about it again, the man suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

"Made, why didn't I think of this earlier? He didn't buy any of the dozen or so things in the audience, but he picked out three recognized fakes to buy back. To be stupid, just buying one fake was enough. But he bought three of them in one go. I’ve bought them all, so I can’t say he’s stupid and has too much money... Is this kid cut off?”

Thinking of this, the man's hands and feet became cold.

Thinking of this possibility, he quickly took out his mobile phone and called Qian Qian's mother while chasing outside.

"Godmother! It's broken! The porcelain bowl, the portraits of heroes, and the bronze statues! They were all bought by one person!"

"Are you mistaken? Three things were bought by one person?"

"It's absolutely true, I saw it with my own eyes! That guy must know your arrangement. He didn't buy anything else but only three fakes! He just went out and is in the yard!"

Hear this.

The old couple became anxious.

Put down your phone and look around.

Sure enough, I saw four movers who were working at their house yesterday, pulling a small cart carrying a bronze statue through the yard, followed by Jiang Chen, the one who helped them clean up the trash last night.

The couple froze.

The old man opened his mouth in shock, when he made sure that the five people in front of him had all worked at his house last night.

He thought of a possibility:

"Made, did they overhear our arrangements when they came yesterday?"

The old lady also jumped and said:

"Needless to say? It must be! Otherwise, how could they know the secrets of those three fakes! Why are they still standing there in a daze? Go up and stop them!"

Throw down the phone.

The two of them rushed towards Jiang Chen.

Blocking in front of the cart, the two men shouted sharply: "Hey! What are you doing! This is my thing!"

The four movers were stunned and said blankly: "Isn't this place auctioned?"

Jiang Chen also stood up, took out three signed contracts from his arms, and said: "It was yours before, but I just spent money to buy these three things from the court. Do you want me to buy them?" Can I show you the transaction contract?"

The man came over panting, pointed at Jiang Chen and said, "Godfather and godmother! That's him! Everything is on him!"


Godfather and godmother?

Jiang Chen looked at the man suspiciously.

He glanced at the guilty old couple again.

I understood it all immediately.

"Aw~ Do you know each other?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

The old aunt glared at the man reproachfully and said, "Don't scream, I don't know you."

The man also changed his words: "Yes, I don't know you either. I just said that your things were bought by this boy."

【Fuck! Such poor acting skills!】

[I clearly heard that person calling them godfather and godmother, why don’t I dare to admit it now? 】

【Okay, okay, they are in the same group, right?】

[Why, it’s not a shameful thing to recognize your godfather and godmother. If there’s anything you shouldn’t recognize, I have a godmother! 】

[Godson? Want to buy Brother Chen’s bronze statue? Tsk...it’s complicated, I can’t figure it out. 】

【The scene is even more chaotic!】

See there is a conflict here.

A nearby bailiff came to inquire.

"What's wrong? Is this noisy?"

The villainous old lady complained first and said: "Officer, this man wants to steal my things!"

The bailiff glanced at Jiang Chen, but before he could speak, Jiang Chen obediently took out the transaction contract and displayed it: "Officer, please take a look.

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