Let You Collect The Waste! Waste! Do You Understand? !

Chapter 83 Besides Gilding, There Is Gold Clothing! Enshrined In The Palace!

The judge had no choice but to look at Chen Liang and said:

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Liang, please take a closer look at what's wrong with this bronze statue."

The two of them were also very curious.

Then we followed him and studied together.

"Dear Tibetan friends, come and take a look. When everyone adds firewood, the flames will rise." Chen Wanshan invited.

Hear the words.

Everyone also came over.

Jiang Chen also groped around the bronze statue seriously: "I think this is a modern handicraft."

Everyone rolled their eyes.

I believe you as a ghost!


They say you are a master at picking up leaks, but I don’t believe you don’t know the uniqueness of the bronze statue. Even if you do, you have to pretend not to know!

Liang Yong laughed and said, "Don't worry, let's take a look again."

The judge asked:

"Both of you, the former holder said it was true, but you said it was fake. Can you tell me why you think this bronze Buddha is fake?"

It didn’t even take two Sotheby’s experts to show up.

The young woman took the initiative to explain:

"An expert can tell at a glance that there is something wrong with the splicing of this statue.

The casting technology of the Ming Dynasty tended to be perfected. To make such a large bronze statue, the splicing casting method must be used: divide a bronze statue into multiple parts, pour them separately, and then put the different parts together and weld them.

I found that there are no burrs in the splicing of this bronze statue: ancient craftsmanship was backward, and some natural burrs were often left during casting, and some traces of polishing would still remain after being processed by the craftsmen. However, the polishing marks on the rough edges of this statue are more deliberate, and it was obviously forged later.

The details I mentioned are not easy to detect except for those who are experienced in identifying bronze statues. "

The judge nodded in understanding.

Someone said: "So this bronze statue looks very good in our eyes, but the polishing marks on the rough edges make us firmly believe that this bronze statue is a fake and it is unlikely to be the original."

The judge asked:

"So your conclusion is still a fake?"

Everyone nodded in approval.

"The counterfeiting technique is very good, but it's a pity that the polishing marks gave away the bronze statue." Chen Wanshan once again made the final decision and announced the truth.

The judge is in trouble.

Could it be that the old couple were deliberately causing trouble and telling lies to be true?

What a headache!

Seeing that no one had noticed any clues, the godson of the old couple frowned and stopped pretending. He showed his cards and said: "What you see is a layer of gold on the outside of the bronze statue.

These words attracted everyone's attention.

The young woman frowned and said, "Everyone here knows that this Buddha statue is made of gilded copper, so you don't need to tell me?"

The man was embarrassed for a moment and continued: "I didn't explain clearly. It is actually gilded with two layers of gold..."


This sentence attracted everyone's attention.

Chen Wanshan's mind sank: "Tell me more specifically."

Jiang Chen also raised his eyebrows, waiting for the man to introduce him. Otherwise, it would be difficult for Jiang Chen to discover the secret by himself.

The man continued:

"At the beginning of production, the bronze statue was decorated with gilding technology by the maker, but later, someone gilded it again in addition to this layer of craftsmanship, and used the outer gold skin to completely cover the inner bronze statue. layer, so when you look at the new layer of gold skin on the outside, you think there is something wrong."

After what he said.

Everyone was suddenly enlightened and enlightened.

They only thought about making the fake real, but never thought that someone would make the real fake!

Naturally, I ignored this possibility!

Someone was stunned.

Someone was overjoyed.

Some people are jealous.

next moment.

Everyone looked at Jiang Chen, only to see him lowering his head and thinking, acting very calmly, as if he had already packed up a pile of papers.

He realized that everyone was staring at him.

Jiang Chen reacted, clapped his hands excitedly, and exclaimed: "Holy crap! So it can still be like this? I've learned, I've learned~"! "

This is the truth!

Jiang Chen had previously suspected that the bronze statue used this method of disguise.


Not sure!

If you guess wrong and rashly tear off the outer layer of gold clothing, only to find out that it is not the case, the value of the bronze statue will be cut in half.

But now.

The godson of the old couple has come forward to confirm it, so there is no room for doubt.

But in the eyes of people nearby.

How the hell did Jiang Chen just know this?

Obviously I have known this for a long time, but now I am just acting!

Liang Yong was filled with admiration: Jiang Chen knows so much, so awesome, so awesome, how could he tell that the outer layer of gold skin was made later?

The young woman's eyes were full of various emotions: she underestimated him.

[I said, Brother Chen... your acting skills are a bit poor. 】

[It is recommended to enroll in an acting class for further study. 】

[You were obviously not that excited just now!]

[That’s right, when the truth was revealed, you were so calm as if you were the instigator. I even suspected that you knew this was a trick and you dared to take down the bronze statue. 】

[Hehehe, Brother Chen must have known for a long time that there is a new layer of gold skin outside. 】

【Brother Chen is so awesome after all!】

After everyone saw Jiang Chen's surprised look.

He turned around and looked at the man who proposed this method: "Brother, how did you know?"

The man hesitated to speak, a little embarrassed to confess.

Jiang Chen did not give any face, and directly exposed: "He is the godson of the chairman and his wife, so it is not surprising to know.

Everyone was shocked.

I go!

Is this girl an undercover agent?

No wonder!

The judge seemed a little excited and urged: "Can you peel off this layer of gold skin and check whether it is genuine or not?"

Chen Wanshan said: "Is it gilded? It's unlikely. Chemical gilding will destroy the original appearance of the bronze statue."

The man further explained: "What I said was wrong. It's not gilded, it should be gilded."

Chen Wanshan nodded: "This makes sense. It is difficult to apply gold skin. After all, it is a delicate craftsmanship. The advantage is that it will not damage the bronze statue itself."

simply put.

Gold plating is chemical.

The ancients mixed gold and mercury together, painted a layer on the bronze statue, and then baked it with fire. The mercury evaporated, and the gold stayed on the surface of the bronze statue and solidified into a golden coat.

Modern gold plating is simpler. You just soak things in gold plating liquid and energize them. In this way, the gold ions in the gold plating liquid will be deposited on the surface of the object to form a gold plating layer.

But these two methods.

It will destroy the antiques themselves and wash away the traces of history.

Placing gold is a physical method.

Someone asked:

"Teacher Chen, gilding means putting gold on things?"

Chen Wanshan nodded: "Yes, it is also called gold inlay technology, but the operation is different. But I am not an expert in this field. If you ask me to say it, I can't explain it. In short, it is the craftsman who makes the gold very thin. Just put the gold on the surface of the bronze statue little by little and hold it firmly, so you can understand it."

Everyone seems to understand but not understand.

Although they like antiques, they have also come into contact with gold-plated treasures.

But those treasures are all gold-plated, and no gold pasting process has been used at all. Of course, no one understands them.

After Chen Wanshan made his judgment, he stood up and said: "It is difficult to apply gold, but it is easy to remove gold. Give me some time, I will find a set of tools and I can start the work.

Liang Yong said: "Help me find one too, let's work together and hurry up."


Chen Wanshan left.

But not long after, he came back with two sets of exquisite tools.

They, these identification experts, basically have tools that they can never leave their hands to facilitate their daily identification.

Among them are common tools such as tweezers and brushes.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Chen Wanshan and Liang Yong used tools and kept trying, and finally found a breakthrough, and carefully cut a hole in the gold skin...

Clamp with tweezers.

Pull it apart carefully.

The gold peels off.

Revealing another layer of identical golden skin inside!

"This quality is gold, right?"

"It must be gold, not copper.

"Good guy, it's really covered with a layer of gold skin outside the gold skin!"

"Oh, why didn't I see it?"

Someone is remorseful.

Some people marveled.

Dozens of people passed by.

No one thought of this.

In comparison, Jiang Chen's strength seems even more unpredictable.

Therefore, everyone's scalps were numb for a while, and they couldn't help but look at Jiang Chen more.

The same is true for the young woman. Before she came here, she heard her father talk about Jiang Chen, but she felt that it was all a script, or it was luck. How could so many good things happen to Jiang Chen alone?

But now I look at it...

She got it.

Jiang Chen is really capable!

After tearing open the gold skin, Chen Wanshan spoke: "'~It is indeed not gold-plated, but gold-plated, and the craftsmanship is very good. It is not easy for the master to do this work."

After a pause, he looked at the bronze statue from top to bottom:

"Especially this bronze statue is too big and has many details. I want to cover every inch with gold skin, but it is a big project and it will definitely not be completed within three or four months."

Liang Yong is still concentrating on his work, “Since we have used the gilding process, it is even simpler, just treat it like a banana peel.

The two men moved very quickly.

It didn't take long.

Pieces of gold as thin as cicada wings were torn off, revealing the bronze statue hidden inside.

But the water friends were stunned.

[It’s still the same if it’s not torn, but it’s still the same if it’s torn. 】

【Why do you feel there is no change?】

[Nonsense! When people post gold, they post it as it is. Otherwise, who can be deceived? 】

【That makes sense………………】

A collector opened his eyes wide and said, "Is this the original? It looks like the fakes outside."

"Of course, the outer layer of gold skin is made to imitate the inner layer." Chen Wanshan took out a magnifying glass and studied it carefully. He said: "The gold has a balanced color and luster. It must have been gilded by ancient craftsmen adding mercury and gold. It is very beautiful. The fake gold skin on the outside uses a gilding process, and the effect is the same as mercury gilding.”

The young woman looked at it a few times and said:

“It’s basically certain that this is the bronze statue of the Crouching King with Wide Eyes that Poly handled ten years ago.

Because of its large size, it is extremely rare in history, and its workmanship is exquisite. At a glance, you can tell that it cannot be made by ordinary people. You can also know from the inscription left in front of the base of the bronze statue that this bronze statue is For example, it was made during the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty and was probably enshrined in the royal family.

The judge's heart tightened.

Didn't listen to the young woman.

Instead, he looked at Chen Wanshan and Liang Yong and asked for their opinions.

The two looked at each other for a moment.

Know it well.

He raised his head and said nothing, just nodded in affirmation to the judge.

See this.

The judge's heart skipped a beat.

"How much did this bronze statue cost at auction before?"

Chen Wanshan replied: "More than 20 million."


The judge cursed in his mind.

The bronze statue worth more than 20 million yuan was sold to Jiang Chen for 30,000 yuan!

Everyone present felt like they were stuck in an ice cave.

He looked at the innocent Jiang Chen beside him with complicated eyes.


This guy picked up more than 20 million yuan in front of everyone!

I hate!

The young woman's eyes were shining, staring closely into Jiang Chen's eyes.

"How did you tell that there was a layer of gold on the outside? Can you teach me?"

Jiang Chen looked embarrassed and declined politely: "Actually, I didn't see it either..."

This is the truth!

Jiang Chen only knew that this thing was valuable, that it was real, and that he knew where the truth was.

But where is the lie...

It didn’t mention the system details!

It just told Jiang Chen how real this thing was.

The young woman bit her lower lip unwillingly.


Then install.

Among so many people.

Only if you are willing to spend 30,000 yuan to buy this bronze statue.

You still said you didn't see it?

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