Let You Collect The Waste! Waste! Do You Understand? !

Chapter 85 One Picture Becomes Three? The Former Master Of Picking Up Leaks!

The people present rushed over again.

The judge admired the painting and asked, "Where is this fake painting?"

Liang Yong’s answer was straightforward: “There are some problems with ink, paper, and glyphs. In addition to glyphs, problems with ink and paper can be basically seen by any collector with a little experience in painting and calligraphy. "

As a layman.

The judge really had no clue.

This matter has to be left to professionals.

He looked at the man who was speaking and asked, "Did you just say that this painting is also authentic?"

The man responded with certainty: "Yes, my godfather and godmother just told me last night that this painting is indeed real. They did some tricks and put a fake layer on the front and back of the painting, which is probably the same as It’s almost like adding a layer of gold clothing to the bronze statue, but I don’t know the specific details.”

The man figured it out.

You definitely won't be able to get your stuff back.

Rather than giving cheap money to Jiang Chen, it is better to give cheap money to the court.

The judge listened with a vague understanding, and once again asked the two appraisal experts present: "Both of you, please think about it."

"You're welcome."

There was no need for the judge to tell him, Chen Wanshan started researching it himself.

The man has given clues.

Both the front and back of the painting have a layer of fake...

Liang Yong analyzed:

"Use two fake ones and sandwich the real one in the middle?"

Chen Wanshan felt the texture of the painting and further analyzed: "If this is the case, then the thickness of the painting has increased and can be felt by touching it. But when I touch it, it is as thin as an ordinary silk painting, not like it has been thickened."

Everyone took action one after another.

Everyone wants to find out the secrets in the painting.

The young woman also stretched out her white hands with pink manicures and touched the painting. Then she thought of a possibility and said, "I remembered a method of forgery, which my dad personally experienced and told me. It is said that:

The counterfeiter gets the original work, then peels off the original work layer by layer, and then spreads each layer of paper peeled off from the original work onto the high-imitation fake, thus achieving the effect of the fake being the real work. Generally, one authentic work can be forged into three highly imitated fakes, and even professional appraisal experts can be fooled by such fakes.

My dad was deceived in the first place. "

Liang Yong couldn't help but nod after hearing this:

"Yes, I have seen this kind of fraud once. At first, I looked at the calligraphy and painting and judged its authenticity. But two years later, another authentic painting appeared in the world, and I realized that it was a scam."

This kind of counterfeiting is extremely profitable.

But it will cause irreparable damage to cultural relics.

Chen Wanshan understood clearly:

"Madam, what you are saying is that this painting was done in the opposite way. Someone peeled off the surface layer of the fake painting and then laid it on top of the original painting. This way, it can be seen at a glance without increasing the thickness. Something was wrong.

The young woman nodded: "That's what I mean."


Everyone suddenly realized.

That said, it's all right.

This technique is similar to adding a layer of gold clothing to the bronze statue.

"Miscalculation, no normal person would have thought that someone would deliberately make the real thing fake!" The sunglasses uncle said regretfully. If Jiang Chen hadn't intervened, this painting would have fallen into his hands.

Someone said: "Then you have to uncover a layer to know if it is like this, right? If...it's not what you guessed, wouldn't the thing be ruined?"

Liang Yong looked at the drawing paper from the side and said: "I'm sure I won't be wrong. If you want to make it look real, you have to increase the thickness of the drawing paper. This is the only way. I think it's worth a try."

The judge was a little worried.

He suggested:

"Don't do it rashly, I'll ask the old couple, they will definitely know.

After saying that, he turned around and went to find the old couple.

Those present were in no hurry.

Just discuss it on the spot and chat to pass the time.

Chen Wanshan looked at the young woman. Not only was she young and beautiful, she also knew a lot. This was not common in the antiques circle.

To put it bluntly.

Those who like antiques are all elderly uncles, and even aunts are rare.

Therefore, the existence of the young woman is as cherished as the giant panda, a national treasure in the antique circle.

Chen Wanshan asked:

"Ma'am, what do you call me?"

The young woman said: "Tang Yuna."

Jiang Chen didn't know the young woman's name until this moment.

"Ms. Tang," Chen Wanshan continued: "I didn't expect that as a woman, you know so much about antique appraisal at such a young age. Please don't misunderstand me. I don't mean to discriminate against women. I just feel that in the antique circle... ………”

Tang Yunna smiled and interrupted: "Teacher Chen, there is no need to explain, I know what you mean."

"That's right," Chen Wanshan pushed up his glasses, "I just heard you mention your dad. May I ask who he is? Is he also a master in the antique circle?"

he thinks.

Making three fakes out of an authentic work is something that ordinary people would not dare to take.

First, authentic works are inherently valuable.

There is no need to make three more fake ones.

The second is to sell the original work as a fake to deceive the buyer. Once discovered, he will definitely be put in a hard labor camp.


This situation is very rare.

Anyway, there have only been five cases in modern history.

The person who can come into contact with and experience this kind of scam first-hand must be a big boss in the antique collecting circle. Combined with Tang Yunna's various performances, it further proves that her father's identity is not simple.

Tang Yuna said calmly: "My father is Tang Xiangqian."

Hear the words.

Chen Wanshan's glasses widened.

Liang Yong, who was studying Qianlong's handwriting, turned back suddenly and stared at her with surprise on his face.

Some of the Tibetan friends around me were in a state of confusion.

Some were shocked.

"Tang Xiangqian?"

"Have not heard……"

"Isn't that the great folk leak-picking god?"

"Yes, before Jiang Chen became popular, Tang Xiang Xiang was recognized in the antique circle as a great folk collector. However, Tang Xiang Xiang seemed to have retired in recent years and rarely showed up.

"Is there such a person?"

Those present were all people from the collecting circle.

Understand the people and things in the circle more clearly.

But the audience in the live broadcast room are all young people born in the 90s and 00s. They have never heard of the name Tang Xiangqian, let alone his glorious deeds.

【Tang Xiangqian? Never heard of it, who is it?】

·[They say that Tang Xiangqiang is also a master of leak-picking among the people. He must be like Brother Chen, who often picks leaks, right?]

[I checked the encyclopedia just now. It said that Tang Xiangqian was born in 1958, with a primary school education. He was a worker in the capital in the early years. He had a strong interest in antiques since he was a child. Later, he worked hard in the market and couldn't eat. With little loss, he developed a sharp eye and often bought good things, and he gradually made a living from this.

Moreover, the guy used the things he picked up to open a museum, which is also the first private museum in China. The total value of all the collections in the museum exceeds 1.5 billion.

Since then, Tang Xiangqian has transformed into an appraisal expert.

At the same time, he was also employed as a professor of history and archeology at Peking University. He often taught students and provided many talents to the archaeological field.

Because his leak-picking career is so legendary, the collecting community calls him the "folk leak-picking array." 】

[Oops! This guy picked up 1.5 billion worth of leaks?! And he became a professor at Peking University?!]

[Bullshit, bullshit! You are indeed a great god!】

[With my brother Chen’s abilities, I will be more than qualified to teach at Peking University in the future, right?]

Tang Yuna's identity surprised everyone.

The background is too big!

No wonder she knows so much.

I have been exposed to it since I was a child, and I have to understand it even if I don’t understand it.

Liang Yong held it in for a while, then opened his mouth and said, "I once had dinner with Teacher Tang. I knew he had a son, but I didn't know he had a daughter.'

Tang Yunna sighed, her expression was a little unnatural, and she said awkwardly: "My father was divorced twice, married three wives, and gave birth to five children. I am the youngest and fifth child [maybe when you and I were in charge of meals." I'm still in school."


Liang Yong nodded, thinking it was possible.

It had been almost ten years since he last had dinner with Tang Xiangqian. At that time, Liang Yong was still in his early thirties and had just started working.

Tang Yuna looked only twenty-seven years old.

Ten years ago...

He must be 17 years old and in high school.

Everyone was looking at Tang Yuna, but she was always secretly watching Jiang Chen, because among so many people present, only Jiang Chen aroused her interest.

Dad is the "previous" folk leak-picking master.

In her heart, Jiang Chen is the "living" folk leak-picking master.

Conversation room.

The judge came back excitedly.

He affirmed:

"I have asked, and it is indeed what you said. You two, do you have any way to restore the original product?"

Liang Yong responded: "Since you can turn the real into the fake, you can certainly turn the fake into the real. If you can't do it, why would the old couple take such a big risk?"

The judge nodded: "That's right, then I'll leave it to you two.

Under the gaze of everyone.

Chen and Liang took a deep breath.

Study the painting.

"Old Chen, look at this. I shaved off a layer of warping in this area. Do you think the warped layer is a fake one?"

Two thin layers of gauze fit perfectly with the painting.

If you can't find it correctly.

If the painting is destroyed, the loss will be huge.

Chen Wanshan took a look at it and said: "The painting is made of silk fabric and is a seamless piece of silk, so the raised part must be the layer of gauze that was added later, so you can work on it."

Say it.

The two of them used the raised part as a breakthrough.

Carefully, lift off this veil.


The palm-sized gauze separated from the drawing paper first.

Everyone's eyes lit up.

Sure enough!

This is the layer of veil added later!

This layer of gauze is generally yellow, the same color as the background of the painting, which is obviously done deliberately.


The entire veil was lifted by the two of them.

Everyone took a closer look.

I go!

This veil is thin and translucent!

The size is exactly the same as the picture book!

Even the colors and patterns on it are exactly the same as those in the painting, as if they were copied and pasted.

Everyone was stunned.

"Same technique as the bronze statue!"

"Put the same pattern on a layer of fake gauze, and then lay it on the surface of the real thing. Everyone can only see the outer layer of gauze, but not the painting hidden in the gauze!"

"I'm just telling you! This paper doesn't feel right, it feels like new!"

"Everything we touch is this layer of veil that was added later, but don't we think the painting is new?"

"And this ink mark is from printing!"

A layman's look.

It's absolutely impossible to tell which one is authentic and which one is fake.

But Chen Wanshan and Liang Yong didn't stop there. They opened the front and started to uncover the back.

With this experience.

The back layer of yarn is easier to handle.

Not long after.

The veil at the back was also removed.

Because there is no pattern on the back, this layer of gauze is very clean and is only dyed with the same color as the back of the painting.

Liang Yong said with a smile:

"The forger is very careful. If he only made the front of the portrait and not the back, then as soon as an expert gets started, he will find that the front is new and the back is old, and he will inevitably become suspicious."

Chen Wanshan also smiled and said:

"I'm afraid they had all the calculations, but they didn't expect that Jiang Chen would show up here and see their little trick at a glance.

One sentence.

Once again, the focus shifted to Jiang Chen.

And Jiang Chen also habitually pretended to be surprised: "So this painting is really about guilt?"

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