The defeated have no power!

In the past, Blue Star faced the Xuanhuang invasion, half of the star was occupied, and its resources were plundered.

Now it's the other way around!

Blue Star broke into the Xuanhuang Realm and occupied more land, forming a siege around them.

Of course, resources were collected along the way, but this was not enough.

Paying back years of humiliation is not as simple as fighting back.

The Xuanhuang Spirit shook, and the [Star Spirit] bloomed with blue light. The two star spirits were still fighting.

"Resource compensation, that's to be expected, but we need to delay."

The Water Spirit Tribe commander took a deep breath: "We can't hand over resources so quickly."

"We also need time to stabilize the situation within the clan and take stock of the remaining resources."

"Although we are defeated, it is impossible for us to hand over resources easily."

The other senior leaders of the Eldar clan spoke up.

"Then, agree to the peace talks and let Xuanhuang and [Star Spirit] connect." The old man from the Water Spirit Tribe said in a deep voice.

The next moment, a five-element light curtain emerged, projecting an image of an old man.

"You should have my information." Mr. Yun said calmly: "No more nonsense. Five hundred tons of five-element materials above level 10, 100 tons for level 11 materials, and ten tons for level 12 materials."

"Qi training materials, one thousand tons each."

"You have such a big appetite, where can we get so many materials for you?" the Fire Spirit Clan senior executive said angrily.

If there were so many Dao-based materials, they would have already used them to build mechas and starships. How could they keep them as compensation?

"You can't make the decision either. As far as I know, the person who makes the decision in Blue Star now is a human named Fang Yi."

The water spirit tribe said coldly: "Let him talk, otherwise there is no need to continue talking."

After saying that, the light curtain dissipated directly and disconnected.

"Just stop talking about it?" The grumpy Fire Spirit Tribe was confused.

What about giving up your pride and facing reality?

So tough?

"He can't make the decision. Now the emperor Fang Yi makes the decision. After talking to him, what if Fang Yi regrets it?"

The Water Spirit Tribe gritted his teeth and said, "You have to make it clear that the most powerful one is the Imperial Legion, not Blue Star!"

During this period of war, they had figured out the basic situation of Blue Star.


Fang Yi looked at the live broadcast light screen and was also stunned.

This negotiation will, of course, be in the form of a live broadcast.

"You're fucking embarrassing me." Mr. Yun cursed angrily, and then said: "Emperor, Xuanhuang's resources may not be much, but don't let go easily and give them room to bargain."

"Are you here to buy groceries?" Fang Yi curled his lips: "Xingling, contact Xuanhuang Realm."

The light curtain connected again, Fang Yi looked at the group of Five Elements Spirit Clan on the other side, and said coldly: "You want to talk to this Emperor?"

"Are you the Emperor Fang Yi? I hope your Blue Star District won't be delusional. We can't afford so many resources.

We in the Xuanhuang Realm are not afraid of you either. You have the Star Earth Cannon, and we also have the World-Destroying Formation. "

The senior executive of the Water Spirit Tribe gritted his teeth and said, with a hint of threat in his words.

"Yes, our Xuanhuang Realm is temporarily defeated, but it doesn't mean we don't have the ability to die together!"

"We didn't kill you all, Blue Star."

"At the beginning, we only asked you for some resources."

The other senior executives spoke one after another.

Fang Yi looked at them expressionlessly, and after they finished speaking, he said coldly: "Are you done?"

Many of the Spirit Races were silent, gritting their teeth, with hatred deep in their eyes.

"Materials of level 10 and above are one thousand tons, level 11 is 200 tons, level 12 is 20 tons, and level 13 is ten tons."

Fang Yi looked cold and stern: "Ten thousand tons of Qi training materials, limited to one month."

"Impossible, even if you kill us all, we won't be able to produce so much material..."

"Shut up!" Fang Yi interrupted coldly: "I'm not discussing with you, this is a notice! If I can't see you in a month, I'll use you to pay for it. I will take the legion and go to Xuanhuang Realm to get it myself! "

After saying that, Fang Yi disconnected directly.


Talk nonsense!

One month is enough for [Small Six Paths] to extract enough energy, and coupled with the Wutai Spirit Son Heavenly Star, it is enough to create the first generation [Qiankun Circle].

"Fang Yi! Fang Yi!"

"My mother Ganni, what the hell is this negotiation?"

"Are you talking about peace, or are you forcing us to fight?"

The Eldar were shouting angrily.

The top executive of the Shui Ling Tribe had an ugly expression on his face: "Don't panic yet. This must have been done deliberately to make us panic. Agree to his conditions. Then if I give in, he should also lower the conditions."

"Contact him, contact him again!" The rest of the Spirit Race said anxiously.

The Water Spirit Tribe quickly asked Xuanhuang Spirit to contact [Star Spirit], but the result was: "Blue Star has modified our starship, Fang Yi will not see us."

"I'm going to fuck your mother..."

"Do you really want to perish together if you step on the horse?"

"Just give me an explanation. Is this what you mean by giving in and lowering the conditions?"

"It's better to talk to the person named Yun directly..."

The rest of the Eldar pretended to be crazy, breathing heavily.

You modified the starship, what do you want to do?

Take away everyone in the Blue Star District, leaving an empty Blue Star, and let them die together?

They looked at the senior management of the Water Spirit Tribe with ferocious eyes, wanting to eat him alive!

You speak so confidently, are you looking for Fang Yi to negotiate?

What do you think? !


Fang Yi hung up the contact and said coldly: "Don't pay attention to them. Give them a month. Even if they die together, they will die in a month. And they can't choose to die together!"

As long as you are alive, you will still have illusions.

They are not at the end of their rope yet, and they can still look forward to the main force.

Just like the previous Blue Star.

Blue Star can endure humiliation for so many years, Xuanhuang Realm can also endure it!

"Ancestor, I went to study with [Ancestral Dragon]." Fang Judao.

"Okay, let [Star Spirit] contact you." Fang Yi nodded slightly.

Now [Ancestral Dragon] still has to seal off the Xuanhuang Realm, and it is impossible to come back to teach her. She can only contact her through [Star Spirit].

Fang Rou reached the next level and started to contact [Zu Long].

"What do you want from me?" [Zu Long] looked at her indifferently.

"[Ancestral Dragon], I would like to ask how to deal with the issue of the Seven Kingdoms. If I lived in one of the Seven Kingdoms, the national power would be almost the same, and I would be just an ordinary person..."

Fang Rou narrated her situation: "Although unification is simple, every once in a while, a bunch of ancients will appear and refuse to obey discipline."

[Zu Long] looked at her in shock, what kind of world is this, so outrageous?

A bunch of ancient people appear every once in a while and combine with the living people.

It's very troublesome to manage. You can't keep killing people. This will kill people.

Moreover, being able to be recognized by the ancient powerful people may make many people feel that they are the destined ones.

"Then follow the emperor's idea and build a peaceful area."

[Ancestral Dragon] thought: "You do what you want, and you are independent from the Seven Kingdoms. The emperor is here to protect you from worries."

"Is there a better way?" Fang Rou asked.

"Yes, let the emperor send me over, and a group of people will come out. I will kill a group of them. No one in the world will dare to resist. If all the people in the world are slaughtered, the world will be peaceful." [Zu Long] said calmly, as if destroying an entire world, yes A trivial thing.

"Forget it then, I'll think about how to establish a peaceful area." Fang Rou's face twitched, this [Ancestral Dragon] is a bit murderous.

However, I feel relieved when I think that not long ago, this person turned on the land washing mode and destroyed countless mysterious creatures.

"You can find a city and build a peaceful capital, but you are not suitable to be this master."

[Zu Long] said indifferently: "You are not someone who can lift a butcher's knife."

"Raise the butcher knife?" Fang Rou frowned.

"If you want to carve out a land and become the king, no other country will tolerate you in the country you are in, or even in the future."

[Zu Long] said calmly: "You already have the Emperor taking care of you. You don't need to accumulate knowledge. You only need to kill the invading enemies."

Fang Rou thought for a moment: "[Zulong], can you tell me your story?"

"My story?" [Zu Long] was stunned for a moment, and said indifferently: "I fought with the remaining warriors of the sixth generation to conquer the six countries, writing with the same text, chariots with the same track, unified weights and measures..."

He talked about the wars in the Seven Kingdoms, and how he went from being a proton to the king of Qin, and finally became the co-owner of the world and created the title of emperor!

He is the origin of the emperor!

There was no concealed surprise on Fang Rou's face. Through Fang Yi, she also learned something about [Ancestral Dragon].

But listening to the detailed description personally was different from Fang Yi's simple summary.

That godless power seemed to rush out of the light curtain.

"Let me go over, just scan it again!" [Zu Long] was very domineering and confident.

She asked curiously: "Why don't you call the First Emperor, but [Ancestral Dragon]?"

"Ancestor, the beginning, dragon, the king of men, the First Emperor is also the ancestral dragon." [Ancestral Dragon] smiled faintly: "As an ancestral dragon, you should guard the land and open up borders, conquer the world, and when you die, you should turn into a dragon soul. Protect my human race.”

"My descendant Fang Rou, thank you to the First Emperor." Fang Rou bowed respectfully and said firmly with a small face: "I want to create a peaceful area. I - I can lift the butcher knife!"

For the earth, for the human race!

I am willing to be that butcher knife!

Even if you are facing an immortal, you should still use it!

After hanging up the contact, Fang Rou found Fang Yi: "Ancestor, I'm going back first. Please help me after you finish your work here."

"Okay, get ready first. When I am free, I will help you." Fang Yi said warmly.

He couldn't get away for the time being, and Fang Rou still needed to prepare, instead of just taking action directly.

Fang Yi went into seclusion to practice and did not reply to any information from the Xuanhuang Realm.

Mr. Yun and the others also followed Fang Yi's order, but asked Blue Star to give feedback and give Xuanhuang Realm a month, and it was impossible to lower the conditions.

Come if you want to die together, they are already on the starship.

After completely blocking the news, [Zen Master] began to return and started live broadcast.

Fang Yi attacked the entire Blue Star!

However, he is not promoting faith, but asking [Zen Master] to bring all Blue Star people together.

Only by twisting it into a rope can it be used in one place.

As for faith?

That stuff can't be eaten.

Time passed, half a month passed, and the entire wasteland area became a little more vibrant.

A green-colored [Creation] mecha shuttles through the wasteland area, scattering seeds, planting plants, and restoring the ecology.

Blessed by powerful vitality, the wasteland area regains life at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As for the wasteland people, they were all thrown into the [Little Leiyin Temple] for transformation.

Although the Xuanhuang Realm was driven away, many people in the wasteland still imagined that the Xuanhuang Realm could be fought back.

Fang Yi understood that after the Qing Dynasty fell, there were still people who thought the emperor could come back.

Understanding is understanding, [Zen Master] will definitely baptize them.

The Imperial Pass is also expanding, and a huge arsenal has been rebuilt, covering an area of ​​10,000 kilometers. The Blue Star District is fully committed to its construction.

[Moon Shadow] is back. Due to the operation of the Xuanhuang Spirit, it actively infuses energy, allowing them to collect some fruits in advance.

In the arsenal, a huge golden ring has been built halfway, and various materials come out of the soul refining furnace and merge into the ring.

The spirit particles are arranged in a unique way, and the terrifying energy is hidden. Once it explodes, it will be devastating!

[Qiankun Circle]!

A powerful magic weapon of level 14!

Everything is progressing smoothly, and they have also begun to prepare for the [Book of Life and Death], [Small Six Paths], [Emperor Star] and the upgrade [Zulong] plan.

After seeing the power of [Zulong], Blue Star certainly wants to further upgrade [Zulong].

Upgrade to level 13 first!

Fang Yi also gave Asura and Daoji Realm demon clan mechas to make [Small Six Paths] completely perfect, and then with [Zulong], it is possible to compete with level 14.

On this day, Fang Yi was driving a mecha, the blue light shone, and the voice of [Star Spirit] sounded: "Blue Star Main Force, request to talk."


Fang Yi frowned: "Connected."

Didn't the Blue Star Main Force do its best to intercept Xuanhuang Realm? How could they have time to talk to him?

On the light curtain, Yang Yunshan and Shi Jun looked haggard and pale.

"Are you here to inquire about the situation of Xuanhuang Realm?" Fang Yi asked.

"This is just one of the reasons. Tell me about the situation of Xuanhuang Realm first." Yang Yunshan said.

"We have recovered our homeland, entered Xuanhuang Realm, started the spiritual son Tianxing to wash the land, and destroyed the central area.

Now the five major spirit races in Xuanhuang Realm are all hiding in their ancestral land. Because Xuanhuang Realm actively sends energy, it will fall to level 2 in two months at the latest."

Fang Yi said confidently: "The overall situation has been decided. Once we digest the energy, we can encircle Xuanhuang and Canglan."

If the spiritual energy of Xuanhuang is replenished, this time will be extended.

But he asked for a lot of resources, and asked Xuanhuang Realm to pay with their lives. They definitely don't have the resources to replenish the spirit of Xuanhuang.

They will inevitably decline!

"Good!" Yang Yunshan and Shi Jun cheered excitedly, their faces excited: "After so many years, we finally move towards victory!"

"After Xuanhuang, we have experience, [Small Six Dao] has been improved, and it will be much faster to drain Canglan Realm."

Fang Yi said again.

"We have entangled Xuanhuang Realm and Canglan Realm here, and they can't come back to help.

There is another important reason for contacting you this time, the sun is at a disadvantage."

Yang Yunshan said in a deep voice.

"Old Yun reported before that the sun's fluctuations are abnormal, and it has not been defeated for the time being." Fang Yi frowned: "Can you judge the specific situation?"

"The specific situation is also difficult to judge, but we use the technology you gave us. Although we can't control this collector, we have checked some information."

Yang Yunshan said solemnly: "There are living beings in the sun!"


Fang Yi looked at him in horror: "Are you sure?"

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