Chapter 103 Xuanhuang Realm——Destruction!

The Xuanhuang World Spirit Clan, at the beginning, was much more numerous than Blue Star, and had already exceeded the tens of billions mark.

But after the [Ancestral Dragon] cleansed the land, Blue Star invaded, replenished the Xuanhuang Realm, and after compensation, it dropped by more than half.

In the past, you could use spirit beasts to recharge your balance, but this time there are no spirit beasts, so you can only use the spirit clan to compensate.

Although the Eldar clan below were full of complaints and rebellions broke out one after another, they were not high-level opponents.

The only Daoji left is holding them down!

After preparing all the compensation, they contacted Mr. Yun again: "We will compensate, but you must also take away the star collector."

"Of course." Mr. Yun nodded slightly: "There are not many stars that can give birth to civilization. If you perish, we, Blue Star, will be alone."

"Hey, there are only three civilizations like us in such a large star field. We shouldn't continue fighting." Mr. Jiang sighed.

"Then you take away the collector first." The senior executive of the Water Spirit Tribe said solemnly.

"Impossible. If we take it away, what if you just ride on the stars and run away?"

Mr. Yun said coldly: "We can suspend the work of the collector and leave after getting the resources."

"Yes, if you don't believe us, you will bump into us." Mr. Jiang said coldly.

"Okay, if you don't take away the collector, we will definitely crash into it, definitely!" the top management of the Water Spirit Tribe said through gritted teeth.

Soon, they took the packed Eldar and sent them into the Blue Star army.

Blue Star accepted the resources and quickly invested in the arsenal.

[Xiao Liu Dao] stopped extracting energy, [Yue Ying] entered Xuanhuang's core and took away a ring.

The whole clan in Xuanhuang Realm celebrated and all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hasn't it been discovered?"

Fang Yi looked at Yueying who came back.

"With the cover of [Star Spirit], Xuanhuang Realm cannot detect it for a short time. They are ruthless enough. In order to maintain energy, they actually sacrificed spirits."

[Yueying] said softly: "I also want to thank them for activating the world-destroying formation, sacrificing the spirit clan, and allowing [Xiao Liu Dao] to fill up the energy bank in a short time."

"That's good." Fang Yi smiled slightly and contacted Shi Shaoyue, Mr. Yun and others to start the meeting: "Next, have you guys thought about the next step?"

"Next step, join forces in Canglan?" Mr. Yun and others said excitedly.

"This is a big step. I originally thought of continuing to upgrade the [Qiankun Circle] and pushing Blue Star through it.

But we should not move. Canglan is relatively close to the sun and Blue Star cannot pass by. "

Fang Yi thought deeply: "I want to take this opportunity to build a stronger [Little Six Paths] to facilitate the extraction of Canglan Realm in the future. The current [Little Six Paths] can be placed nearby to extract stars."

Shi Shaoyue answered: "Canglan Realm is similar to Xuanhuang. It has just entered the third level, but if it does not go crazy like Xuanhuang, the current [Small Six Paths] cannot be drained quickly."

"It's time for us and Xuanhuang to come to an end. Prioritize improving [Xiao Liu Dao] and Lingzi Tianxing, and directly drain the Xuanhuang world."

Yun Lao thought for a while and said: "In the next battle against Canglan Realm, we need a Taoist master, and [Ancestral Dragon] is the most suitable."

If there is a battle between legions and occupation is the goal, the priority will definitely be to upgrade the mecha.

But for those who are aiming for extinction, [Ancestral Dragon] has a greater advantage.

"Xuanhuang has no power to resist anymore. Let them be happy for a few days and concentrate on upgrading [Xiao Liu Dao]."

Fang Yi muttered: "Shaoyue, you and them should work harder. After completely eating Xuanhuang, we can upgrade to [Ancestral Dragon]."

"Okay." Shi Shaoyue responded.

All Blue Star engineers are busy again.

[Creating Life] Mechas have been created, and their powerful vitality maintains their health.

As long as you can't do it to death, do it to death!

There will be more time to rest in the future.

The two worlds ushered in a brief period of peace, and [Ancestral Dragon] also returned.

The mythical spirit refining furnace reached level 16 in one go.

All the engineers were busy together, and some were rubbing parts by hand, just to finish the work quickly.

Two months later, Level 16 [Xiao Liu Dao] was born!

Unfortunately, there are not enough resources to upgrade the mecha.

With the blessing of mechas, it is not impossible for [Xiao Liu Dao] to reach level seventeen.

[Zu Long] immediately took [Xiao Liu Dao] and sneaked into the Xuanhuang Realm, replacing the previous [Xiao Liu Dao].

Of course, they haven't really taken it away. They still need to master the Xuanhuang core. If they really retreat, it will be very troublesome.

After all, Xuanhuang Realm is still a second-level star no matter what.

There was not much energy left, so he reluctantly upgraded [Ancestral Dragon] to level thirteen.

However, completely draining the [Xuanhuang Realm] is enough to upgrade the [Ancestral Dragon].

"Old Yun, are there any options for the stars nearby?" Fang Yi asked.

"The nearby stars don't have much energy, and they have all been mined." Mr. Yun muttered: "I suggest that we collect it in a destructive manner first, and extract whatever we can. After formulating a migration plan, we will put the [Xiao Liu Dao] into The stars farther away will be harvested directly when we pass by.”

"Gas station on the way?" Fang Yi pondered: "This method is good, but if there is no need for space jump, the flying speed of [Little Liudao] will not be as fast as Blue Star. Don't let us go there by then, [Little Liudao] has not gained energy yet. ”

"I've thought about it, setting up a one-time space orbit."

Mr. Yun said slowly: "After the [Little Six Paths] jump, we can completely destroy the Xuanhuang Realm and the Canglan Realm and erase all traces."

"This is a good idea. Let's launch the [Little Six Paths] first to drain the last energy from the surrounding stars." Fang Yi made a decision.

This star field will soon perish, and it would be a waste to keep the stars.

It's just that the nearby stars are not high-grade, not even first-class stars. In addition, the Blue Star was first mined and there was not much energy left.

"Notify Xuanhuang Realm of this matter, let them witness the release of [Xiao Liu Dao], and let them completely relax their vigilance." Fang Yi said calmly.

"Okay, I'll take care of it." Mr. Yun couldn't help but smile.

Not long after, Mr. Yun contacted the Xuanhuang Realm. Under their watchful eyes, [Xiao Liu Dao] flew out of the Blue Star, entered the starry sky, and headed straight for the nearest star.

Facing the goodwill released by Blue Star, the few remaining spirit races in the Xuanhuang Realm completely relaxed.

"Blue Star has kept its promise. When I kill them in the future, I will give them a good time." The senior leader of the Fire Spirit Tribe said coldly.

Of course they won't give up, the Xuanhuang Realm has suffered too much loss!

"Hmph, I will eat at least 10,000 humans and 10,000 monsters by then!" a senior member of the Wood Spirit Tribe said coldly.

The senior executive of the Water Spirit Tribe said calmly: "Now that we have a chance to breathe, we will find a way to contact the main force."

"I can't contact the main force for the moment. I'm exhausted during this period. Let's rest first." The senior leader of the Earth Spirit Tribe let out a long sigh.

All the spirits in the Xuanhuang Realm relaxed and enjoyed the rare tranquility.

Night once again enveloped the Xuanhuang Realm.

After all the Spiritual Races fell into a deep sleep, in the Xuanhuang Core, the Level 16 [Xiao Liu Dao] began to work again.

However, this time [Xiao Liu Dao] did not rush to extract the energy of the stars, but spread the threads into every spirit clan, and then began to extract energy.

The previous [Xiao Liu Dao] was only at level 12, and even with [Ancestral Dragon] it was only at level 13. It was very difficult to drain all the creatures from the Xuanhuang Realm at once.

But now, [Xiao Liu Dao] is level 16!

All the spirits relaxed and were easily connected by the [Little Six Paths] silk threads.

The next moment, [Small Six Paths] shook, and countless spirit races instantly turned into fly ashes and dissipated in the wind.

"Alarm, a large amount of Xuanhuang energy has been lost. Alarm, a large amount of Xuanhuang energy has been lost."


The piercing alarm sounded throughout the Xuanhuang Realm.

The senior officials of the Xuanhuang Realm woke up immediately, feeling that the energy in their bodies was rapidly draining again.

"What's going on? My true energy..."

"The spirit of black and yellow, the spirit of black and yellow..."

Panic screams sounded from every corner.

The voice of the Xuanhuang Spirit sounded: "Blue Star has not evacuated the star collector. It is expected that in twenty days, the Xuanhuang Realm will fall to level one, and after a month, the energy will be exhausted."

"Blue Star, why, they have already agreed to peace..." The senior leaders of the Fire Spirit Tribe roared and ran their skills desperately, but they could not stop the flow of energy.

"Start the world-destroying formation, activate the world-destroying formation..."

One by one, the top leaders of the Spirit Clan hurriedly shouted: "We will severely damage Blue Star even if we die!"

The voice of the Xuanhuang spirit sounded: "The remaining spiritual races in the Xuanhuang world are not enough to activate the world-destroying formation."

If you want to activate the formation, you also need energy.

But the current Xuanhuang Realm no longer has this ability!

"Impossible, where is our army? We still have an army of 300 million..." The top leaders of the Eldar clan roared hysterically.

The 300 million spirit clans left behind are all high-level spirit clans and can fully activate the grand formation.

"Now you are the only ones left in the Xuanhuang Realm. You have missed your last chance." Xuanhuang Spirit said coldly.

"We're the only ones left? What does that mean?"

The top leaders of the five spiritual clans rushed out quickly.

One after another, the spiritual monks were flying towards them, but before they could get close to them, they turned into ashes.

It's like it has been dusty for a long time, but once it appears, it is completely weathered.

They watched helplessly as the Eldar turned into ashes and felt the rapid loss of energy within their bodies.

"From today on, there will be no more Xuanhuang Five Spirit Clan."

A cold and eerie voice sounded in their ears.

The last few Daojis of the five major spiritual clans had six circles appearing in front of them at the same time, with silk threads spreading out to connect them.

"Xiao Liudao, didn't Blue Star launch you to other stars? Why are you still with us, Xuanhuang!" The Water Spirit Tribe roared and asked, "You Blue Star, don't you keep your word?"

"[Little Liu Dao] is not the same." [Little Liu Dao] said indifferently: "The previous Little Liu Dao was taken, and now it is the new Six Paths!"

Daoji of the Golden Spirit Clan looked at him coldly: "You Blue Stars are unfaithful and go back on your word. One day, you Blue Stars will also perish!"

"Xuanhuang's today is your Blue Star's future!" the Earth Spirit clan cursed.

"I hate myself so much. I hate myself for being greedy for life and fearing death. I hate myself for believing the words of the idiot from the Water Spirit Tribe. I hate myself for being stupid..."

The top management of the Wood Spirit Tribe looked at [Xiao Liu Dao] with resentment: "I curse you Blue Star. All living beings will bear a punishment worse than life. I curse you to cut off civilization, and I curse your stars to become extinct!"

"Your curse is just the cry of the defeated.

This star field is dying, and only one civilization can get out, and that is our Blue Star! "

[Xiao Liu Dao] trembled, and Fang Yi's body appeared, looking at them indifferently: "The moment you stepped into the Blue Star, today's outcome was destined!"

"By the way, we never left Blue Star, but you can't hurt Blue Star, and our Leyline Cannon can also escape."

"I never thought that my opponents, the five major spiritual tribes in the Xuanhuang Realm, would be so stupid. It's really laughable!"


Before they could speak, a terrifying suction force came, turning into pure power and integrating into the [Little Six Paths].

"Spirit of Xuanhuang." Fang Yi looked calm: "Are you willing to come out and talk?"

The void was silent, no response.

"Forget it." Fang Yi did not force it.

The Spirit of Xuanhuang is the calculation array of Xuanhuang Realm, representing the consciousness of Xuanhuang Realm, and only serves the Xuanhuang Spirit Clan. He destroyed Xuanhuang, so naturally he would not pay attention to him.

The projection dissipated, and the projection of [Small Six Paths] also dissipated.

A quarter of an hour later, a Tuling appeared, curled up in the corner of the corridor.

The voice of the Spirit of Xuanhuang sounded: "Surviving Tuling Clan, unfortunately, Xuanhuang is the only one left."

"I, what should I do? I'm so scared." The Tuling Clan screamed in fear.

"I don't know, I can't help you, I'm about to dissipate." The Spirit of Xuanhuang said calmly.

"Is there no way out? Is Xuanhuang really hopeless?" The Earth Spirit said in a trembling voice: "Xuanhuang Realm, tribesmen..."


A golden ball of light flew out and hovered in front of the Earth Spirit: "This is Xuanhuang's database. Maybe if we go to Blue Star, we will have a chance to survive. My mission is over."

The golden ball of light flew into the body of the Earth Spirit.

"Spirit of Xuanhuang, Spirit of Xuanhuang."

The Earth Spirit called out anxiously, but no matter how he called out, there was no response.

The Earth Spirit looked ahead in confusion and finally flew towards the direction of the space gate.

A ray of moonlight arrived, and the Earth Spirit quickly returned to the coverage of [Star Spirit]: "How is it, there are no fish that have escaped the net?"

"No, the Spirit of Xuanhuang also gave me the database, so we don't have to look for it." The Earth Spirit grinned.

That's right, this Earth Spirit is a Blue Star person-Professor Yang Qing!

Just in case, Fang Yi brought this professor with him, and it turned out that his decision was right.

With the information of Xuanhuang Realm, it will be of great help to the five elements research of Blue Star engineers.

"Let's go, dismantle the space gate, we will go back, [Xiao Liudao] will return by himself."

[Yueying] took Yang Qing back to Blue Star.

The Blue Star Army also passed through the space gate and left Xuanhuang Realm.

Xuanhuang Realm entered the stage of great destruction, the sky was collapsing, the earth was disappearing, and all life characteristics were dissipating.

Twenty days later, Xuanhuang Realm shrank to a diameter of only 100,000 kilometers and fell to the first-level star.

The sky, the earth weathered and disappeared.

The entire Blue Star was broadcasting the changes of Xuanhuang Realm live, watching everything melt away without leaving any trace.

The whole Blue Star was celebrating, the human race, the demon race, celebrating this great victory.

Fang Yi and Yun Lao and the others gathered at the Emperor Tower, looking at the disappearing Xuanhuang Realm. Jiang Lao said in a low voice: "I hope that this scene will not fall on Blue Star in the future."

"No, our Emperor Star is about to rise, and Blue Star will become the most dazzling one in the universe!" Fang Yi looked up at the starry sky. Now Blue Star has taken the first step, which is also the most difficult step.

"Leave a little bit of Xuanhuang Realm to place the random space orbit to replace us." Yun Lao said.

Fang Yi nodded.

If the sun does not explode, this is the route to confuse other civilizations.

If the sun explodes and erases all traces, it will be better, and Blue Star will not worry about being caught up.

Only by making full preparations can we survive in this starry sky!

And put it on the Xuanhuang Realm, let that high-level civilization chase the Xuanhuang Realm.

Squeeze out the last value!

"Everyone rest for a few days, and then upgrade [Zulong] and Daqin." Fang Yi said.

During this period, everyone worked hard, especially the engineers.

The Blue Star people who have been depressed for a long time also need to relax and relieve their inner feelings.

"Rest for three days at most. The main force...oh no, our expeditionary force is still waiting for us."

Old Yun said: "Destroy the Xuanhuang Realm as soon as possible. The situation on the sun is too unstable."

"Well, wait for Xiao Liudao to return and the space track to be laid, and then send it out." Fang Yi nodded slightly and made arrangements.

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