In the training room.

Fang Yi and Su Yunxue walked in: "Yang Zhi, Fang Rou, take him to another training room."

Yang Zhi stood up and took the young man away, and Fang Rou also floated out.

The girl's injuries have recovered to some extent, but she is still a little weak and her face is a little pale.

"We have opened the box, you can tell us everything." Su Yunxue's voice became softer and she sat down next to her.

The blue light shines, and the [Star Spirit] records everything that happens in the training room at all times.

The girl raised her head, and there was a dark golden lotus mark between her eyebrows: "Do you know, experimental subject?"

"Experimental subject?" Su Yunxue was startled: "I never heard that they have cut off contact with us long ago."

"We are all experimental subjects. We didn't know it at first. Camp 503 is also the camp where the experimental subjects survive."

The girl hugged her legs: "We grew up in the camp and were controlled by others. We prayed for enough to eat every day."

"It wasn't until half a year ago that a man from the wasteland, who you call a traitor, came to Camp 503.

He became the manager of the camp and observed us. None of us can resist him, and we will lose all our strength in front of him..."

There was deep fear in the girl's eyes: "Many people in the camp were killed by him, saying they were failed experiments."

"He said that we were qualified experimental subjects, and asked us to write down that sentence, saying that one day, when we meet people from Blue Star, we should read it out and say that we can bring more people back to Blue Star without being killed."

"What about him?" Su Yunxue asked in a solemn voice.

"Being eaten." The girl lowered her head: "The manager of the Xuanhuang Realm found him, but he did not run away. I did not dare to tell the manager what happened. The entire camp was taken to the valley. He wanted to survive. Having said this..."

The Xuanhuang Realm cultivators did not kill them, but left them behind, preparing to send them back to Blue Star to find people and things.

Before the Xuanhuang Realm cultivators could make arrangements, Fang Yi took people to the valley and brought them back.

"There are some people who also remember that sentence, but if they say it, you will kill them." The girl lowered her head deeply and did not dare to look at Fang Yi.

Fang Yi turned his head and looked a little embarrassed: "I don't know the secret. The situation was urgent at the time. It was definitely a rape, so of course I killed them all."

Su Yunxue nodded: "Did he say anything else?"

"No." The girl shook her head: "When the manager killed him, he said he had stolen laboratory data and sold it to the wasteland people."

"Is there also trading in the wasteland?" Fang Yi asked.

"Yes, those camp managers can trade resources, and they also need to hunt earth beasts to survive."

The girl said: "It wasn't until I came to the safe zone that I got some more information in my mind."

"What information?" Su Yunxue asked.

"I'll take you to get something. I can inherit the flower of hope." The girl pointed to the center of her brow: "That's it. I don't know if he has it."

"What kind of method is this? Only when we reach the safe zone can we have information?" Fang Yi frowned.

"Unlock the secret, maybe there will be an answer." Su Yunxue said thoughtfully, "I need to take them away."

"Okay, but can you tell me about this so-called flower of hope?" Fang Yi asked curiously.

"I don't know." The girl shook her head.

"Okay, remember to give me military merit, and also give me some [Star Spirit] permissions." Fang Yidao.

"I will apply for you and leave now." Su Yunxue said.

It involved secrets, so she had to rush back as soon as possible.

Fang Yi didn't stop her and asked her to leave with the girl and boy.

Su Yunxue directly activated the red dragon and disappeared into the distance.

Of course, before leaving, she handed a jade pendant to Fang Yi to practice the ninth level of Qi and space escape!

It is not a disposable magic weapon. As long as it is not damaged and injected with true energy, it can be used!

He also left a copy of the Xuanhuang Realm mecha gun and gun information.

"Teacher." Yang Zhi called cautiously.

Fang Yi glared at him: "I went to the training room myself and shouted to kill the earth beast. Look at how scared you were this time. You put on the mecha immediately. Are you still afraid of that guy?"

"Yes." Yang Zhi quickly got into the training room.

"The ancestor is so cruel." Fang Rou floated over.

"I've been very kind. Now that we're done, do you want to go back or stay here?" Fang Yi asked.

"I'll go back." Fang Judao.

Fang Yi took her to the back of the factory and saw her off.

Return to the laboratory, contact [Star Spirit] and check the Xuanhuang Realm mecha gun and gun information.

Only the information on the Earth Spirit Tribe and the Wood Spirit Tribe is available from the first level to the ninth level of Qi training.

The mechas of the Earth Spirit Tribe possess the talents of the Earth Spirit Tribe and can control the earth's veins and rely on the power of the earth's veins.

Even in the air, you can use spiritual energy particles to connect to the earth's veins. Of course, you can't be too far from the ground.

The wood spirit mecha is similar to it.

What surprised Fang Yi was that there was a self-destruct mode to prevent self-destruction of data.

This means that next time he can ask [Xiang Yu] to prevent self-destruction and directly harvest the opponent's mecha!

"[Star Spirit], import the mecha gun data into the [Xiang Yu] database."

Fang Yi said impatiently.

With this information, we can capture him alive next time!

However, the opponent must not update the self-destruction mode formation.

If Xuanhuangjie knew that these information were leaked, it would immediately update the mecha to eliminate these hidden dangers.

"Mechas that rely on the power of earth veins, earth vein amplification arrays, and earth sensing..."

Fang Yi looked at the information: "It's very similar to the [Mountain Patrol] mecha, but the formation patterns are a little different, and it seems to be more superficial."

"However, this uses the earth veins to enhance bullets, and the amplification of the bullets by the spirit particles is not available in the [Patrol] mecha."

In terms of mechas, the earth spirit mechas are much worse than the [Patrol].

But [Patrol] does not have guns and cannons, and this information is of great help to him.

"When the bullets are fired, the spiritual particles change, and the theory and technology of the void earth veins really open my eyes!"

Fang Yi looked at the information and felt a sudden enlightenment.

There is endless spiritual energy between heaven and earth. The earth spirit mechas can operate the earth spirit particles in the air according to the earth veins to obtain amplification.

However, it requires strong strength and must be a seventh-level Qi training mecha.

Mechas below the seventh level can use earth spirit particles to build bridges and establish connections with the earth to obtain amplification.

The wood spirit mecha has the same theory.

He looked at the shells again, the earth vein shells, a type of shells that can run in the earth veins, mainly attacking underground life forms.

Of course, it can also attack life forms on the ground, but it is easy to be detected when encountering gold and earth attributes.

Earthquake bombs, ground evil bombs, ground nets...

Looking at the various shells, Fang Yi's knowledge is increasing, and his brain is also a little swollen.

It's mainly the theory of void earth veins, which is a bit complicated and needs to be slowly studied.

After a short break, he continued to look through the materials, and a new theory came into his eyes: "Spirit particle information theory technology, storing the required information in spirit particles, attached to life forms for transfer, involving the Dao foundation realm, life forms and spirit particles blending..."

"Spirit particle information, attached to life forms for transfer, I understand, he used this method to get them to the safe zone and get information."

Fang Yi suddenly realized.

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