Let you contract with your ancestors and you summon the mythical blue star?

Chapter 42: Draw a prison on the ground to lock up the devil's cave!

Inside the demon cave.

Many passages crisscrossed and finally converged into a huge space.

One by one, the ground lizards traveled through the passages and quickly rushed to the huge space.

In the huge space, three dark stone pillars supported the space.

On the stone pillars, there were torn space cracks, and the demonic energy was pouring out from the space cracks.

The ground lizards came out of the space cracks, went down along the stone pillars, and filled the space in the blink of an eye.

Qionghua, dressed in white, had a cold expression, and the Overlord Spear was emitting dark golden light. Bullets flew out frantically, blocking the entrance of the passage.

One man guards the pass, and ten thousand men cannot open it!

With his own strength, he blocked the ground lizards coming back for help.

More than 30 figures behind him, with golden light on their bodies, holding various magic weapons, slaughtering ground lizards.

The strong fluctuations of their breath, all of them are foundation-building masters!

"Hurry up, there are too many ground lizards, and they have begun to attack the passage."

Qionghua's tone was a little anxious.

Although they were all good at cultivation and were not afraid of being buried inside, she would not be able to stop them if the passage expanded.

"Hold on for a moment, it will be done soon!"

In the group of ground lizards, three middle-aged men burst into powerful energy, and hundreds of sword lights lit up at the same time.


A shrill scream sounded, and hundreds of sword lights crisscrossed, piercing through the ground lizards in front, and flew backwards with the bodies of the ground lizards.

The rest of the people attacked at the same time, dividing a part of their energy and turning it into a shield to cover the three people: "Just go straight ahead."

Most of their energy was also used to stop the ground lizards, preventing them from crossing them and attacking Qionghua.

The sword light opened the way, and the front was cleared, but more ground lizards rushed in, fearlessly guarding the stone pillars.

The shields on the three people were strengthened, and they had no scruples and rushed directly to the stone pillars.


Under the full-force collision, the ground lizards that came into contact exploded directly and turned into blood mist.


Roars resounded, and three powerful ground lizards rushed over, with demonic energy surging.

Base-building lizards!

The three were well prepared. When they raised their hands, the brilliant green light illuminated the space, and the green light turned into a strong wind. The three ground lizards were blown back three meters by the strong wind.

Although the distance of three meters is very short, it is enough to stop them for a while.

The three took the opportunity to go up, passed the ground lizards, and came to the stone pillar. Each of them had a golden compass in his hand: "Power of the sun, rise!"

The dazzling golden light lit up, the cry resounded, and the blazing flames illuminated the darkness and dispelled the demonic energy.


Three chirps, three flame birds rushed to the space crack.


Suddenly, roars came from the space crack.

Seeing three stone pillars, the demonic energy burst out at the same time, the void twisted, and the three birds turned around and flew towards the three people.

"What's going on?"

The three people were horrified and dodged in a hurry, but it was still too late.

The firebird crashed into them, engulfing them in flames, and the shield also turned into flame nutrients.

Painful screams resounded, and the bodies of the three people were melting rapidly.


A deafening roar resounded, and in the cracks of space, the demonic energy surged, and under the traction of the demonic energy of the three stone pillars, it gradually turned into a demonic earth lizard.

"Run away, this is a mid-stage foundation building earth lizard!"

"Damn it, the seal failed, leave immediately!"

"The formation here is weird, retreat quickly."

The rest of the people looked horrified.


In the passage, the demonic energy surged, and it turned into lines, clinging to the cave wall, blocking the way out.

Looking up, there were also lines transformed by demonic energy, blocking the entire magic cave space.

"I can't leave. I can't escape underground."

Qiong Hua's face changed. Just as he was about to take action, Zhao Yuan's voice rang in his heart: "Ancestor, what's the situation inside?"

"The seal failed. There is a formation inside this demon cave. Hurry up and wake up Fang Rou. Please come over, ancestor."

Qiong Hua responded hurriedly.

"Master, hold on for a moment. Please come over immediately."


A cultivator soared into the sky. As soon as he touched the demonic energy pattern, he exploded and exploded into a blood mist.

"This place is covered by the formation. I can't escape!"

"There is also a formation spreading on the ground. This is a trap!"

"Let's try together to see if we can break a gap."

The remaining people, the energy in their bodies surged and gathered again, trying to break a gap together.


The earth-shaking roar resounded, and the energy ground lizard in the middle stage of foundation building, carrying the monstrous demonic energy, rushed over to kill.

"Stop it!"

The faces of many cultivators changed drastically, and swords, blades, and various attacks were slashed out.


A claw fell, the demonic energy surged, the terrifying force impacted, the shield was broken, and the first few practitioners vomited blood and flew backwards.

Before they could react, the sword light, knife light, and all the attacks that had been slashed before appeared near the three stone pillars.

The next moment, all these attacks turned around and killed everyone.


The flying figure was directly pierced through the body by the sword light and knife light, and flew towards Qionghua.

Qionghua hurriedly dodged and watched the bodies hit the cave wall.

"How is this possible?"

"Why, all our attacks are coming back?"

The rest of the people retreated quickly, and the energy on their bodies was pushed to the extreme, turning into a shield to protect themselves.

"Space!" Qionghua looked ugly, this is a space formation!

Only the power of space can transfer their attacks back.


The roar of the ground lizards resounded throughout the underground space, and all the ground lizards cheered and roared.

The terrifying scream shocked Qionghua's seven orifices to bleed, and the shields of the others were also shaking, extremely unstable.

The demonic energy gathered, and the ground lizards probed again, and the demonic energy was like a torrent of destruction.

"It's over, I shouldn't have listened to you and come to seal the demon cave!"

"Damn, your law enforcement bureau is really unreliable."

A group of people cursed, their faces full of despair.

They didn't dare to attack, and they had been fighting for so long, and they were exhausted. The shields on their bodies were violently turbulent and could break at any time!

Qionghua's head was dizzy, but he still raised the Overlord Spear to block the ground lizards in the passage.


Suddenly, a ray of golden light rose from the ground, and Qionghua was horrified to find that he couldn't move.

The golden light fell on the ground lizard, and the claws that suppressed it suddenly froze and paused in the air.

"What's going on? I can't move."

"I can't move either."

"All those ground lizards have stopped!"

The crowd who were retreating and trying to dodge were shocked to find that both them and the ground lizards had stopped!

Even the energy in their bodies became extremely slow, until they could not move at all.

The legs seemed to be stuck to the ground and could not move.

A huge fear enveloped everyone, including the ground lizards!

The ground was creeping, the passage was expanding rapidly, and a golden mecha more than two meters high came out of the passage.

Qionghua's pupils shrank, and she looked at the person in surprise.

Only the ancestors were wearing mechas!

The passage was too large, and wherever it passed, the golden light was like a knife, breaking the scales of the ground lizards, and the ground lizards lost their lives one by one.

Fang Yi walked through the passage without stopping, and walked towards the three stone pillars.

The imprisoned people were full of fear, but they did not dare to make any sound, for fear of angering him.

A low roar sounded, and the energy ground lizard above his head did not dare to roar, but could not break free.

Fang Yi ignored it, an energy body, without any value.

Walking towards the three stone pillars, golden light filled the air, and the ground lizards automatically separated, leaving a path, and could only watch him approach the stone pillars.

Draw a line on the ground as a prison!

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