The fire burned into the stone tablet, and Fang Yi felt ecstatic in his heart.

People on Earth, welcome the new era!

This is much faster than searching one by one.

The only drawback is that this stone tablet is a disposable item.

There is no way, he doesn't have good materials. If this stone tablet is studied by the current high-level people on the earth, it is very likely to be found to be fake.

Just to fool around with these foundation building.

As they merged with the fire, they all saw the giants fighting with the earth beasts and understood the message left by the old man.

In the ancient times, the Hou Tu Emperor created the underworld and created reincarnation.

The evil gods used humans as food, and the Yan and Huang Emperors led the human race and shamans to fight against the immortal gods!

The Wu Clan, a group of immortals and gods who intermarried with the human race!

One message after another impacted their minds and could not calm down for a long time.


Furukawa and Song Qianming woke up first, exhaled, and their eyes were slightly moist.

It turns out that there are no immortals and gods, and there are no evil gods in the world, because the ancestors of the human race fought against the evil gods!

It turns out that reincarnation in the underworld was created by the Hou Tu Emperor.

But, who is Emperor Wa?

Why didn't you introduce Emperor Wa?

Fang Yi watched from a distance. The reason he didn't introduce Emperor Wa was because he didn't dare to reveal too much at once, fearing that they wouldn't be able to accept it.

Just these pieces of news are enough to overturn the inheritance.

Fortunately, there are gaps in the history of the earth!

Each one of them woke up and looked at the stone tablet. They were shocked, moved, and - greedy!

Although it is impossible to contract heroic spirits, it represents the history of the human race and is of great significance!

"This stone tablet belongs to my Li family." The Li family's foundation spoke again.

"Of course the fart belongs to me."

The debate started again. Song Qianming and Furukawa looked at each other: "Everyone, this is related to the history of the human race. I suggest it be handed over to the imperial court."

"We will naturally dedicate it to the imperial court." Several foundation builders looked at each other, and the coldness in their eyes became more and more intense.

If you offer it, you will definitely be able to get a lot of resources in exchange, but when will it be offered and who will offer it?

"Seniors, it is impossible to contract heroic spirits. This is discovered by the juniors. Please give me a chance to serve the relics of my ancestors."

Li Qingyang spoke, but he was still very polite.

"Go away." Li Family Establishment's eyes were cold: "I originally wanted to give you an ancient artifact, but it's no longer necessary now."


Li Qingyang looked at him angrily, and just as he was about to argue, a ray of cold light flew out and slashed at him.


A ray of golden light flew out, intercepting the cold light, and Song Qianming took action: "Everyone, why is a child so cruel? I advise him."

Liu Jiazhuji frowned: "Song Qianming, we have given you face several times, don't rely on your old age to show off!"

Song Qianming and Furukawa's faces turned ugly. If they really took action, they were really no match for them.

"Qingyang, give in, stop talking." The heroic swordsman whispered.

"Give? Why give in?!" Li Qingyang's eyes flashed with cold light: "My ancestors were able to fight against immortals and gods with their weak human body, how can I be afraid of you few foundation builders?!"

"Boy, you really don't know whether to live or die..."


As soon as Li Family Establishment opened his mouth, a dazzling golden light erupted from the stone tablet.

The lines of earth veins manifested again, and endless gold and earth spirits gathered together.

The earth veins are intertwined, criss-crossing the earth, and restricting a radius of seven kilometers.

A huge aura rose up, the stone tablet shattered, and dazzling golden light shot straight into the sky.

A burly figure and a metal body rose from the stone tablet, with countless earth veins intertwined into the body.

"Witch, witch..."

"It's the confinement power just now!"

"This is the same as the imprisonment force in the Demon Cave in the north of the city..."

"This is the power of the last shaman... He is the ruler of the earth..."

The foundation builders present were horrified and looked at the rising [Mountain Patrol] mecha in horror.

However, the appearance of this [Mountain Patrol] mecha has changed a bit, and it is very different from the one mastered by Fang Yi.

This one looks slender and not as burly.

With the previous foundation building of the Demon Cave, looking at the [Mountain Patrol] mecha now, I was almost scared to death. The terrifying existence that destroyed the Demon Cave with just one thought was actually a witch? !

"Great ancestor and descendant Li Qingyang, please kill the enemy!"

Li Qingyang knelt down with a pop and kowtowed deeply.

As the inheritor of the witchcraft, he has no problem calling him his ancestor.

Fang Yi in the distance twitched his mouth slightly, this man is very wise.

If your ancestors weren't poor, Gaolu would arrange a mecha for you!


As his words fell, dazzling golden light lit up, and heads rose into the sky.

Blood flowed like water, and the foundation fell!

Scarlet blood dyed the ground red, and blood energy floated in the air.

Song Qianming and Furukawa looked at this scene in horror, unable to resist. Dozens of foundation builders were all dead!

Dozens of earth vein patterns reflect the void, and the ancient aura fills the air, like an ancient immortal god coming back to life!

The heroic swordsman was also frightened by this scene, his lips were trembling and he was speechless.

This is just the last shaman, the remaining power.

How powerful would it have been in its heyday?

[Mountain Patrol] The mecha raised its hand slightly and said in an old voice: "You still have some strength. If you think there are any other enemies nearby, deal with them all."

"Thank you, ancestors. Qingyang has no enemies." Li Qingyang said respectfully: "It's just the ancient things they have that my disciples need."

"Just take it yourself." [Xunshan] stopped and the body fell down.

Within a radius of seven kilometers, everyone froze in place, unable to move, watching him dig up the corpse and pack up all the antiques.

[Patrol Mountain] turned into a golden stream of light and sank into Li Qingyang's body. [Patrol Mountain]'s voice sounded: "The last bit of power is hidden in your body. If you are defeated, you can activate it."

Hearing this, some people who had thoughts all gave up their ideas.

What a joke, dozens of foundation builders were killed in a second. What's the difference between robbing his treasure and seeking death?

"Thank you, ancestor." Li Qingyang's eyes reddened. The ancestor's arrangement was too thoughtful!

Even before the power disappeared, he arranged a talisman for himself.

"Let's go." Li Qingyang packed up his things and left with the heroic spirit.

It was not until he walked away that the earth veins that spanned the void completely disappeared, the confinement dissipated, and everyone collapsed on the ground, gasping for breath.

"It's so scary. At this moment, I felt that death was right in front of me."

"Life and death are between his thoughts. There is no way to resist."

"Resist? Even the foundation building can't resist, let alone us. The ancient witch has the blood of immortals."

"What exactly is a witch? The ruler of the earth? The power just now is the power of the earth vein?!"

Li Qingyang went away, and everyone told their feelings just now with lingering fear.

Song Qianming and Gu He left in silence. If they hadn't stopped him, they would have died just now, right?

"Ancestor, should we chase him?" Fang Rou blinked and said, "He has a lot of fire."

"Yes, ancestor." Qin Shaofeng and the others also nodded in agreement.

"No, he is now a frightened bird. He just wants to find a place to contract a new hero." Fang Yi said.

The fire has been obtained, why go to Li Qingyang again?

He has sealed a stream of energy in Li Qingyang's body, which can protect him once. In addition, with the "Mountain Patrol Method", he used him himself and did not treat him unfairly.

Several people nodded and stood up to leave.

After returning home, Fang Yi was not in a hurry to leave. He wanted to see what the contract of this heroic spirit was.

Fang Rou asked Qin Shaofeng to get the resources in exchange for the Guardian Order.

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