From then on, offense and defense changed shape!

The two looked at him in horror, wondering where Fang Yi's confidence came from.

Could it be that his [Mountain Patrol] Legion can really compete with the Xuanhuang Realm?

Shi Shaoyue and Shi Mingyue's blood boiled with excitement and their eyes were filled with brilliance.

They have been looking forward to this moment for a long time, hoping that someone can break into the wasteland area and regain the wasteland!

Finally, I heard these words from Fang Yi.

Even if he may be telling lies, they are still willing to go crazy once!

"Can your [Mountain Patrol] Corps do it?" Mr. Jiang said in a low voice: "If you have this ability, wouldn't it be better to return to the safe zone and develop for a few more years to have enough confidence?"

Fang Yi said coldly: "After living in comfort for a long time, the bloody spirit has been wiped out. Most people may have forgotten that the wasteland is also a part of Blue Star!"

"How dare we forget?" Mr. Jiang sighed bitterly.

Su Yunxue was silent.

She had to admit that many people in the Blue Star District were already content with the status quo.

"Before coming here, have you already thought about how to divide my [Mountain Patrol]?" Fang Yi sneered.

Mr. Jiang opened his mouth and sighed bitterly.

Some people think so. Although he tried his best to stop them, those people will still find ways to separate [Mountain Patrol].

This is a fully automatic mecha. If you have one like this with you, you are the top bodyguard!

It is also a top strategic weapon in all major legions.

Once he returns to the Blue Star Zone, Fang Yi doesn't need to fight, and he can do research with peace of mind, so naturally he won't need so many mechas.

"You guys are so disgusting!" Shi Mingyue said coldly.

"I don't have this idea." Su Yunxue frowned.

Old Jiang trembled slightly: "Excuse me, old man, I will try my best to help you."

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang." Fang Yi cupped his hands and said, "As for the help, I won't bother you. Your life is not easy either."

"The fully automatic mecha requires a Lingzi signal tower. The old man can still do it." Mr. Jiang sighed softly: "Let's go. This is the only one who can help you, old man."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Jiang. I'll give it to you."

Fang Yi changed his attitude, greeted him politely, and lowered his voice: "I want to take control of Xiao Yuan in the safe zone."

How could you not want the Lingzi Signal Tower?

Mica Sky Crystal is available, but materials are still lacking. Even if it is not possible to directly build [Xianyang First Generation], an ordinary signal tower will do.

Mr. Jiang looked at him deeply: "You will be the only one left in the safe zone by then. I agree."

After seeing Mr. Jiang off, Fang Yi looked at Su Yunxue with a smile: "Are you still going to the wasteland?"

"I won't go. The Xuanhuang Realm mecha has started to be updated. I hope the plan will be temporarily suspended." Su Yunxue said.

"Then are you ready to return to the Blue Star District?" Fang Yi asked.

"Am I not worthy of staying?" Su Yunxue looked directly at him: "Give me a [Mountain Patrol], and I will fight with you until the end!"

"Not going back?" Fang Yi was surprised: "You still have a bright future."

"I don't want to burn paper for you, so I'd better stay down there together and wait for future generations to respect you." Su Yunxue smiled softly and pretended to be relaxed.

"Okay, just follow Mingyue and go to the mines to grab resources. Whether you can beat Xuanhuang Realm depends on how many resources you can grab."

Fang Yi said.

"I informed them that those who are willing to stay will stay, and those who are not willing to take the shop owner here and leave."

Su Yunxue stood up and left.

Shi Mingyue mobilized the [mountain patrol] and prepared to go to the battlefield.

Fang Yi went to Earth and got the materials prepared by Song Qianming.

Qiong Hua also came back and brought water monsters, [Yu Ji] got them all!

【Zhang Jiao】It’s all together!

The Guardian Order was also sold, and the Five Elements Spiritual Refining Furnace was upgraded to level eight!

He asked Fang Rou to continue doing business with Song Qianming in exchange for the Netherworld Stone and the Earthly Evil Spirit.

The energy extractor has almost been stored, and it has harvested a lot of earth evil energy.

Fang Yi was alone in the training room, refining [Zhang Jiao], and handed [Yu Ji] to Shi Shaoyue.

Mr. Jiang acted quickly and arranged for a construction team to build the Lingzi signal tower under the guidance of Shi Shaoyue.

Of course, it’s [Xianyang First Generation] given by Fang Yi. Although the materials are not enough, we can still create a low-end version.

Lao Yang and the others left. What made Fang Yi happy was that Yang Zhi and Hope stayed behind and they were unwilling to leave.

In the entire safe zone, only Fang Yi's shop is still open.

Among the soldiers brought by Su Yunxue, only one named Ye Feng remained.

Fang Rou came to practice and brought him more than three hundred fires, and there will be more to follow.

It’s all thanks to Li Qingyang!

There are many criminals imprisoned in Yuncheng Prison, and these criminals belong to them.

"Ancestor, where are the others?" Fang Rou asked doubtfully, "Why are you the only ones left?"

"The Xuanhuang Realm is coming to attack here. They have retreated to the Blue Star District." Fang Yi said calmly.

"Then why doesn't the ancestor leave?"

"Because I want to counterattack. Only by defeating the Xuanhuang Realm can we have a way out!" Fang Yi said calmly.

"Ancestor, did you die in this battle?"

Fang Rou's face turned pale and she looked at him worriedly.

Fang Yi: "..."

When you said this, my ancestor suddenly felt very unsure.

However, I have no reason to fail.

This battle must be won!

"Ancestor, I will accompany you." Fang Rou said firmly with a small face.

"Aren't you afraid of death?" Fang Yi asked in surprise.

"This is just the influence of the immortal gods. Even if you die, you will just wake up from the dream and get rid of all this."

Fang Rou hadn't realized the seriousness of the matter yet, and said, "Besides, if that moment comes, I can run away."

"Okay, then stay with me." Fang Yi smiled and touched her head.

The Earth is indeed his retreat!

Let Fang Rou practice, and he continued to refine the accessories.

The soul refining furnace continued to work, and one after another, eight-level mechas were produced from it and all hidden underground.

Fang Yi also took the time to equip these mechas with array spirits.

Shi Mingyue, Su Yunxue, and Ye Feng were divided into three teams to plunder the resources of the mine.

Every time they could bring back huge gains, and the number of mechas increased dramatically.

Even if the Xuanhuang Realm was well prepared, it could not stop the eighth-level [Mountain Patrol], and directly mobilized the power of the earth veins to extract ore resources.

Time passed, and twenty days passed.

Old Jiang sent a message: "You are exposed!"

"Slower than I expected." Fang Yi had expected it long ago: "Has the spy been caught?"

At the moment when he sent out the patrol team, he had already made preparations. He thought it would be exposed soon, but he didn't expect it to be exposed today. The spy was not working hard enough.

"He has been caught. Rather than being a spy, he is more like a borer." Jiang Lao's voice was full of fatigue: "How can a senior engineer betray Blue Star?!"

"It's been too long. We must give the Blue Star people hope. Otherwise, they will become a member of the Xuanhuang Realm without the Xuanhuang Realm attacking!" Fang Yi's eyes were cold and fierce: "Can you find out the movements of the Xuanhuang Realm?"

"You still have three days to prepare. Sun Yu and the major legions will try their best to help you delay part of the time. The star exploration team of the Xuanhuang Realm has returned."

Jiang Lao said heavily: "Remember, if you can't win, retreat. If you don't want to stay in the Blue Star area, I will arrange you in a new safe area."

"Thank you for your kindness." Fang Yi hung up the call and looked at Fang Rou who was practicing on the side: "The Xuanhuang Realm is coming. I don't have time to go to Earth. You ask Qionghua and others to come back and find Song Qianming to get the spirit stone and Li Qingyang to get the firewood."

"Okay." Fang Rou left in a hurry.

Xiang Wang and Yang Zhi also walked out of the room: "Teacher."

"Activate the alarm of the safe zone and let Shi Mingyue and others come back immediately." Fang Yi said.

"Yes." The two hurried to contact.

When they arrived at the factory, Shi Shaoyue was disheveled, with messy hair and bloodshot eyes. She hadn't slept for a long time.

"Are you here?" Shi Shaoyue looked up and asked.

"There are still three days left. The Lingzi signal tower is fully operational. All mechas are sent out for reconnaissance. Pay attention to the movements of the wasteland. [Yu Ji] will be left to me."

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