"Fire? He actually used fire to build a mecha?"

"You can't give him the fire. Fire is our symbol and is used for inheritance!"

"I suspect that this is a trap set by the Xuanhuang Realm. Fang Yi is a spy of the Xuanhuang Realm, and he deliberately used this to harvest our fire."

"Go to hell, Xuanhuang Realm is so generous, just to get a few of your fire?"

"What kind of a jerk am I, don't I know? What's the point of keeping the fire with me?"

"I'm a waste, what's the point of fire? One fire can be exchanged for a mecha, and it's enough to kill the beasts of the Xuanhuang Realm."

The live broadcast room was polarized.

Some thought that the fire should not be handed over, and even labeled Fang Yi as a spy.

But more people were sober.

Every normal human has fire, what's the point of them having fire?

It can be used for inheritance, but the problem is that most people are ordinary, and their fire has no important inheritance.

"How can these guys say we are spies?" Shi Shaoyue looked ugly.

They paid so much, took the initiative to start a war with Xuanhuang Realm, and blew the horn of counterattack, but they were called spies?

Fang Rou was also angry: "It's really hateful, how could our ancestors betray humans?"

How could I not know what my ancestors were like?

Do you know how hard I worked for this day?

"Ignore them, they are spies." Xiwang and Yang Zhi said angrily: "If you have the ability, come and fight against Xuanhuang Realm? If you don't have the ability, why are you barking here? I don't want you."

"Ignore them, there are many spies in the Blue Star District." Fang Yi said lightly.

"Ancestors, look."

Suddenly, Fang Rou pointed to a damaged mecha below.

The corpse in the mecha turned out to be a human!

"What, it turned out to be our human race?"

"Damn, the beasts of Xuanhuang Realm, let us kill each other?"

"Stop it quickly, no matter what, we can't kill our own people."

The people in the live broadcast room also looked in the direction of Fang Rou's finger and saw the corpses.

Shi Shaoyue was very calm: "Xuanhuang Realm has also trained human troops. These people have long been loyal to Xuanhuang Realm. It is not a pity to die."

"No need to hold back. We were prepared at the moment of the war." Fang Yi said coldly.

Not to mention some barren people who defected to Xuanhuang Realm, even if it was his own father, he would be an enemy if he stood on the side of Xuanhuang Realm.

He looked at the live broadcast screen with a cold look: "Now it is a war of races. I will let [Star Spirit] record your words and deeds. If you want to come here, you must pass the review. If you speak for Xuanhuang Realm, don't even think about entering my safe zone in this life!"

"What a joke, who do you think you are? The master of Blue Star?"

"It's ridiculous. When did the safe zone belong to you? Do you want to split Blue Star?"

"This guy just wants to split us and wants to divide the land for himself."

A lot of messages popped up on the live broadcast screen in an instant.

"Xiaoyuan, contact [Star Spirit] and remember them." Fang Yi said coldly.

He doesn't indulge these guys.

Divide the land for himself?

His idea is not to simply encircle the land and become the king, but to build his own territory with the safe zone as the center, or even a country!

When more talents are attracted, he can let go and create three major armies of the navy, army and air force!

"Okay, Lieutenant Fang Yi." Xiao Yuan responded.

The damaged mechas were constantly put into the soul refining furnace.

Unfortunately, the level of the soul refining furnace is not enough, otherwise, he would have wanted to build a level nine [Patrol].

It was too late to refine on the spot. Shi Shaoyue was too tired and had no energy to continue.

One mecha after another was built, and the thirteen people who came were all given firewood.

Thirteen level seven [Patrol] were added!

The artillery fire continued, and the number of earth beasts did not decrease. The newly joined [Patrol] all turned to logistics, mobilized the earth veins, and selected the mechas.

The war stabilized, and the earth beasts kept attacking the light curtain, and the earth spirit mechas hid in it.

Fang Yi guessed correctly. Xuanhuang Realm was indeed fighting a protracted war and had no intention of destroying him in one fell swoop.

While he had time, he closed his eyes and looked at the myth tree, looking for the buildings that needed to be built later.

The myth tree Daoji realm contains too many things, and he needs to find them himself.

Fortunately, if he wants, the relevant things will appear.

Myth mecha production line, myth soul refining furnace!

Daoji level, myth soul refining furnace: can extract energy from any item, refine it, and transform it into relevant spiritual essence!

Fang Yi was shocked. This soul refining furnace can refine the energy of any item, that is to say, the earth beast can also refine it!

Various spiritual essences are extremely precious treasures that can upgrade various materials.

Mechas at the Daoji realm basically need spiritual essences to be built. When he refined it, he spent a lot of effort.

While Fang Yi was checking, a group of old people in Jiang Lao Research Institute looked gloomy.

"What does he want to do? Does he really want to split Blue Star and establish himself as the king?"

"Blue Star is not united now, and he is still trying to split it?"

"Does he think that he can be on par with Blue Star District just because he blocked the first attack of Xuanhuang Realm?"

"Isn't he worried that we won't help them?"

Several old men spoke angrily.

Old Jiang said calmly: "What help did we give?"

When these words came out, everyone present was stunned, as if they really didn't help.

"Isn't he afraid that we cut off the [Star Spirit]?" Old Yun frowned and said.

"It can't be stopped." Jiang Lao shook his head: "[Star Spirit] is the supreme formation of our Blue Star, and it is not under our jurisdiction. [Star Spirit] will pay attention to anyone who has made contributions to Blue Star. If he really blocks the Xuanhuang Realm, [Star Spirit] will open up permissions for him."

The faces of several people are ugly.

[Star Spirit] was created by the human race of Blue Star, and it faces the entire human race of Blue Star.

They also have no right to interfere with the operation of [Star Spirit], and can only lay out the formation and spread [Star Spirit] over.

Unless, they can go to the safe zone, dismantle the formation, and let [Star Spirit] evacuate.

However, the current safe zone is so powerful that even if a Taoist base is sent over, [Star Spirit] cannot be dismantled.

"We won't help him build the [Star Spirit] formation..."

"Look, the safe zone!"

The white-bearded old man stood up suddenly and said excitedly: "Support, we must support, if he wants to split the earth and become the king, he has the strength to do so!"

Everyone looked at the live broadcast screen, a dragon was circling, and a figure more than two meters high fell from the sky and hit the safe zone heavily.

The golden mecha was filled with terrifying energy, and the aftermath alone made the thirty-six stars formation shake endlessly.

A Fang Tian Hua Ji pierced through the golden mecha and nailed him to the ground.

Dao Ji!

The Overlord of the Ages, killed Dao Ji!

"Those three level nine mechas cut Dao Ji!" The white-bearded old man's beard was shaking, and his lips were trembling.

"Level Nine Reverse Slash Dao Ji, what kind of mecha is this?"

"We can't build this kind of mecha!"

Old Jiang stared at the screen with his eyes fixed on the Dao Ji nailed to death by the Fang Tian Hua Ji.

A Taoist was killed by a level nine mecha!

A fairy tale!

It became true!

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